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Fiddlesticks Ability (LoL): Reap

Reap Fiddlesticks

Fiddlesticks Ability: Reap
Range: 850
Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Fiddlesticks unleashes dark magic, dealing 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+50% of ability power) magic damage and slowing by 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% for 1.25 seconds. Enemies in the center are also silenced for the same duration.

Fiddlesticks's Abilities

Fiddlesticks Ability: Reap Fiddlesticks Ability: Reap Fiddlesticks Ability: Reap Fiddlesticks Ability: Reap
Reap is used by Fiddlesticks

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Xcauliber (1) | November 21, 2011 7:21pm
E1 it can be used for last hit due to its larger range
Duck (2) | November 3, 2010 10:21pm
Cawcawcaw! This an awesome ability, I like to level this up first early game. Good at killing creep waves and harassing. Hurts like hell when you have a lot of ability power.
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