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LoL Best Ornn Support Build Guides 2024

Build guides for Ornn Support on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Ornn Support builds. Create your own champion guide!

Season 9 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

Ornn Support - Experimental Build

Build by whitesundreams updated June 27, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

Support & Top Ornn ;)

Build by Thecookiesmudkip updated June 14, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

buckle the **** up its ORNN TIME

Build by dooniel updated June 8, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

Maxed Credit Card

Build by NinJoshPanda updated April 5, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

Ornn Support

Build by ZachDoodlez7 updated December 9, 2018
Season 8 Guides
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

[8.3] Bizzleberry's Ornn Support (Diamond/Master)

Guide by Terroronyou updated June 17, 2018
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

[7.24B] ORNN SUPPORT BUILD - Shock Frontline

Guide by Hotrod08 updated December 18, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

[Preseason/S8] Ornn Support - Forging ahead from Bot-Lane

Guide by Aezuriel updated December 8, 2017
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Season 8 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

[8.12] 100 CC Support

Build by TMS Sugar updated June 16, 2018
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

[8.3] Ornn Support:The Fire Below The Mountain|Toots My Horn

Build by ThePotatoUnited updated February 9, 2018
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

Support Ornn: The Mobile Bunker (S8)

Build by Aneurologic updated February 2, 2018
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

Ornn with a Hornn (Support)

Build by Brefoot_Autismo updated February 6, 2018
Season 7 Guides
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

[S7] Ornn the blacksmith - Support - updated for 7.19

Guide by orrvaa updated September 30, 2017
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Season 7 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

Over 5000HP Ornn Support God S7 (7.19)

Build by GameKillerzCrew updated October 2, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide
LoL Champion Ornn Build Guide

[7.17 GUILD] Master of Coin Ornn the Freljordian demi-god !

Build by zeranxx updated August 26, 2017
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