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Rengar Build Guide by FunnyMan123

Rengar guide season 6.14 Jungle

Rengar guide season 6.14 Jungle

Updated on July 14, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FunnyMan123 Build Guide By FunnyMan123 3,562 Views 0 Comments
3,562 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FunnyMan123 Rengar Build Guide By FunnyMan123 Updated on July 14, 2016
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Hello! I am FunnyMan or Gryzaliee on OCE servers. I am a Bronze 1 Rengar main. 2 games I've done I get 36 and 38 kills in the one game with these builds and strategies. In this guide I will give you something to take away into your games and help your team with in Ranked or just Normals. Firstly I will explain why I play Rengar and what he does. Rengar is a close-range assassin that usually can kill an enemy in a split second, primarily he is AD, but some people play him AP or Tank. Rengar's Passive is 'Unseen Predator' while in a brush Rengar's auto attack range is increased and he will leap onto the target he auto attacks. Rengar also has a passive where he gains one stack of Ferocity every ability he uses, at 5 stacks he will be allowed to use an empowered ability and then the Ferocity will drop to 0 again. Rengar also passively gets Bonetooth stacks for each kill or assist on an enemy champion, at stacks 3, 6, 12 and 20 he receives a passive effect. Rengar's Q is Savagery, it is an auto attack reset that scales off of 150% of your Attack Damage. Rengar's Empowered Q has stronger base damage than a normal Q, it will also increase your attack speed and bonus AD. Take Q first and max it first. Rengar's W is Battle Roar, it does AoE Magic Damage and gives Rengar bonus resistances hitting a champion or large monster with this ability will increase it's bonus resistances. Rengar's Empowered W does more base damage and heals scaling with missing health, note: Rengar's resistances do not stack E.G. W, Empowered W, W does not stack resistances. Rengar's E is Bola Strike, it is a long ranged cast that does scales off of bonus AD (Not your full AD just the stuff you get from Items, Runes, ETC.) and slows and enemy for 2.5 seconds. Empowered E roots instead of slowing and increases it's base damage. Max E second as maxin W does not increase healing. Down to the really good part. Rengar's ult is Thrill of the Hunt, Rengar stealths gaining movement speed if chasing an enemy champion and true sight of nearby enemy champions, you can also leap like you do with your passive, lastly after leaping or the effect wears off you will gain 5 stacks of Ferocity over 5 seconds. So that's the introduction to the champion and me.
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Now for the Summoner spells. With Jungle you would obviously take smite and then you can go Flash, Ghost, Exhaust, TP, Ignite or Cleanse. With Top lane you would go Flash usually and then you can go Ignite against Swain, Mundo or Vlad. TP against tanky farm enemies and then you would go exhaust against someone like Yasuo, Riven or Zed. You can take something else if needed.
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The one-shot combo: R, Ghostblade, Empowered Q, Leap, Q, W, E, Hydra, Empowered Q.

In lane, jump from the brush and open with a full burst then run back, this will minimize damage done to you. While CS'ing last hit from the brush and don't be afraid to use Q to CS as it will give you some good burst to poke the enemy back.

You can use R to pretend to be disengaging then jump them straight up with 5 Ferocity.

Try and walk around between auto attacks while doing camps to prevent damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FunnyMan123
FunnyMan123 Rengar Guide
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Rengar guide season 6.14 Jungle

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