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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Spirit Visage

Spirit Visage
Total Price: 2700 | Recipe Price: 650 | Sell Price: 1890

LoL Item: Spirit Visage
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 400 Health
  • 100% Base Health Regeneration
  • 50 Magic Resistance

UNIQUE Passive: Increases all healing and shielding received as well as health regeneration by 25%.
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 400 Health
  • 100% Base Health Regeneration
  • 50 Magic Resistance

UNIQUE Passive: Increases all healing and shielding received as well as health regeneration by 25%.

Spirit Visage builds into these items:

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ShapeShifter | May 11, 2019 5:40am
Can someone please explain these equations to me:

Spirit Visage's passive is a unique multiplicative increase, so if you had 10% life steal before, you will now have 13%, and not 40% life steal (10% × 1.3 = 13% life steal).

Spirit Visage's grants a total of 160% base health regeneration because its passive increases the effectiveness of a champion's base health regeneration (+30%) and its own 100% (+30%).
ShapeShifter | May 11, 2019 5:47am
I'm most concerned about Udyrs' Turtle healing, runes including conqueror, bloodline, taste of blood, ravenous hunter and items such as Ravenous Hydra, Titanic Hydra, Cinderhulk and Bloodthirster.
Hamstertamer (74) | May 11, 2019 6:36am
Spirit Visage multiplies all healing by 1.3. So lifesteal values are effectively multiplied by 1.3 (10% -> 13%), base HP regen multiplied by 1.3 on top of being doubled by the other passive (2*1.3=2.6). Multiplied by 2.6 means increased by 160%.

It's the exact same thing for other sources of healing, so all the healing runes/items you mentioned like Turtle stance, conqueror, ravenous hydra etc also have their healing multiplied by 1.3.

It's really simple :)
Ekki (86) | November 12, 2015 1:06am
It might as well say it amplifies anything that increases your current hp. Because that's exactly what it does.
HiFromBuddha (82) | November 12, 2015 12:56am
Tamed wrote:

Does this mean starcall would heal more when soraka wears this or just meh?

Yep, it would increase Starcall's self-healing as well.
Tamed | November 12, 2015 12:23am
Does this mean starcall would heal more when soraka wears this or just meh?
IcyAuron (23) | April 21, 2015 10:05am
Uuskilu wrote:

Does the passive work with Mundo's passive?

Yes, along with his ult and the amount of healing from landing Qs.
drakon136 (56) | February 26, 2014 9:06am
Uuskilu (2) | February 26, 2014 9:01am
Does the passive work with Mundo's passive?
Menset | December 20, 2013 3:06am
Silly Question but does this work with Healing Pots?
Disturbator (1) | October 18, 2013 1:24pm
Yes,it will be. It scales with Alistar's E too.
Alessio | September 29, 2013 4:01pm
Technical question: Alistar heals himself with his E, which says that nearby allied units will be healed for half the amount. If this half the base amount of half the amount including the Spirit Visage passive bonus?
Fousek (4) | July 31, 2013 7:46am
New Core item for Zac after patch 3.10 removing Runic Bulwark
Meiyjhe (539) | June 3, 2013 10:30am
Will this wotk with garen pasive?

Spirit visage:
"UNIQUE Passive: Increases your healing, regeneration and drain effects on yourself by 20%"

Perseverance / Garen Passive:
"If Garen has not taken damage from any source except minions in the last 9 seconds or affected by an enemy champion's abilities, he will start regenerating 0.4% of his maximum health per second."

So yes, it does work together.
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