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Garen Build Guide by GarenteedDamage

Top [S12] My Running Man Garen Build

Top [S12] My Running Man Garen Build

Updated on November 17, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GarenteedDamage Build Guide By GarenteedDamage 22 5 146,795 Views 3 Comments
22 5 146,795 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GarenteedDamage Garen Build Guide By GarenteedDamage Updated on November 17, 2022
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Adamikcz2 (6) | July 8, 2021 11:29pm
Voted +1
Great guide
SithSite | June 27, 2021 7:50am
I feel like triforce on garen is a waste. The passive only stacks when you autoattack, which means that your first e won't benefit from it, if you try to play around that by autoattacking a few times before using e, its very likely that your target will get away, cause the silence doesn't last that long. Also spellblade passive on garen procs once every 4 seconds. Triforce doesn't really give you the sticking ability that stridebreaker does and its passives aren't good on garen. Also don't take attack speed in runes, your e doesnt scale with it.
btw if you're serious about playing league than gold II is pretty bad. Majority of players below dont take the game seriously and dont have 3000 hours spent on it.
GarenteedDamage (1) | June 27, 2021 5:20pm
Hello, I appreciate the criticism. I've been meaning to update the guide for a while but didn't get around to it until today. I agree with you that Stridebreaker would be considered the better mythic, the 90% slow makes it much easier to stay on people. Also, the attack speed in runes is preference, I like it because I think people cs better with it and it helps when you're trying to auto to get someone low enough to ult them. Also, Gold II was a decent accomplishment for me at the time and you're right I probably don't commit 3000 hours of my time into playing this game. Honestly I have no clue how many hours I have in League between my two accounts. But I would not say that doesn't mean I don't "take the game seriously." I'm always trying to improve and I appreciate the feedback.
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[S12] My Running Man Garen Build

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