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For that reason neither of those 2 are in the guide right not. Trinity could be an option soon if PBE changes come through, we will have to see about that.
It's just information, I liked it anyway)
I am very curious as to why the new build(and arguably playstyle) for Rek'Sai has shifted from assassin/burst to bruiser. I do understand that it's because of the recent buffs, but the buffs don't seem big enough for such a drastic shift in playstyle.
Please do let me know! Best of luck!
1. Rek'Sai has lost her Assassin item. Old Prowler's Claw was the main reason that the burst style was possible in the first place. Rek'Sai struggles greatly with gap-closing and sticking to enemies. When you build assassin that is a no-go, as any time spent chasing the enemy is time spent they kite you, which you cant tank.
2. The changes incentivize building HP - the buffed passive benefits about 200 extra heal at lvl18 full build. It may sound like a small heal, but due to the fact that you constantly use it you get a lot of healing. Additionally, the new buffed Q is better the longer you stay in fights, as you can get more uses out of it.
Even before the changes, bruiser Rek'Sai was possible, it was just simply worse than the assassin build. With the new changes, it's the only real remaining build, but due to the changes, it is now also a lot better.
With the new bruiser build, this may change, as Conqueror is generally better in extended fights, something Electrocute and Hail cannot match.
Sadly I don't know who bbc is, I generally don't watch many league streamers anymore. Glad to hear theres more people with a similiar mindset tho :)
also if I literally stand to dummy and use my borrowe Q then do the comb its 450DPS but if u shoot Q ffrom far its 350DPS, is it ok?
the W burrowed R doesn t work either
I'm not sure what you mean with the combo. The DPS depends on how well you do it, and theres always room for improvement. If you start from range then you will likely do less dps as you need to walk up to the enemy first.
about DPS, in guide you said practicing combo on dummy should give 450DPS and 2211 total damage, but if I shoot my Q from far away then close gap and do combo its ike 380DPS, its only 450DPS if I literally stand borrowed under enemy then shoot Q and do combo to hit 450DPS
anwyay thanks for guide buddy
oh also when I stay unborrowed while my W has no cooldown and R someone, no matter how hard I hard I spam W I land not borrowed (so can't instant knock up)
is there any special timing to it? or riot removed this possibility? THANKS
A good indicator for the range that this trick is possible in, blue smite range seems like a reliable range indicator. Nonetheless, hitting a quick unburrow after an R, even if not instant is still a useful tool.
As far as I'm concerned the burrow on R still works when you spam it hard at the end of the R. I'll try this out later today and I'll get back to you on this!
I hope the reasoning makes sense!
TLDR: Prowler's is better