Item-wise, I'd like to see more tanky AP items that would be useful for the likes of Cho'Gath, Galio, Nautilus, and Malphite. Also, I would like more AP damage items with cooldown reduction. If you don't want to get an Athene's Unholy Grail or Morellonomicon, it's hard to get full CDR.
I kind of miss mid ap items with actives, I feel like they're dying out. Can't really think of any except zhonyas. Maybe with some updates on those we can see more viable champs. But for now I wanna see champs like syndra, zyra or cass get some tweak...
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Moxu Gaming: League of Legends news, updates, and commentaries
Omfg you have to be kidding me. "Immobile mages" are my champ pool and I love them so **** off rito ktx.
Edit: I hate champion udpates and reboots. Although I understand rebooting or updating toxic champs (rengar, quinn, poppy, fiora who, ironically, is even more toxic post-update), "updating" for the sake of updating disgusts me. They completely ruined Darius for me. I'm pretty sure a lot of Sion players were also not pleased with the unnecessary "update", same with forcing champs into being "juggernauts".
Seeing them touch Malzahar or Swain is going to get me pretty pissed to say the least.
I mean, look at new Shen. He could be decently interesting, BUT HEY LET'S ADD A MINIGAME TO THE GUY. No. That's annoying to any Shen main, I'm 100% sure. I don't need Aspect of the Demon Bird to enjoy playing Swain nor do I need a new voidling minigame on malz. ****. Off.
Edit: I hate champion udpates and reboots. Although I understand rebooting or updating toxic champs (rengar, quinn, poppy, fiora who, ironically, is even more toxic post-update), "updating" for the sake of updating disgusts me. They completely ruined Darius for me. I'm pretty sure a lot of Sion players were also not pleased with the unnecessary "update", same with forcing champs into being "juggernauts".
Seeing them touch Malzahar or Swain is going to get me pretty pissed to say the least.
I mean, look at new Shen. He could be decently interesting, BUT HEY LET'S ADD A MINIGAME TO THE GUY. No. That's annoying to any Shen main, I'm 100% sure. I don't need Aspect of the Demon Bird to enjoy playing Swain nor do I need a new voidling minigame on malz. ****. Off.
Sion was toxic as hell, no idea why they reworked Shen, Quinn rework was unnecessary as well imo. Completely ruined her for me. Also I accept that AP Gragas was pretty toxic but I'm still pissed that he became a tank
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
FalseoGod wrote:
"Once Swain's Fury bar is filled, he turns into a gigantic bird for the next 10 seconds during which he will deal damage to nearby enemies and heal from them"
"When Malzahar hits one enemy with three spells, he will deal bonus damage and spawn a voidling at their feet. The voidling will grow three times, but only if you hit three more spells to the same enemy"
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Janitsu wrote:
"Once Swain's Fury bar is filled, he turns into a gigantic bird for the next 10 seconds during which he will deal damage to nearby enemies and heal from them"
"When Malzahar hits one enemy with three spells, he will deal bonus damage and spawn a voidling at their feet. The voidling will grow three times, but only if you hit three more spells to the same enemy"
AP Sion might've been toxic, sure. But hey, new and old Quinn are exactly the same thing: **** if behind, toxic if ahead. New corqui and Kog'Maw are both basically anti-adc mechanics (corki's package motivates diving into a team, Kog's W gives so much attack speed that if you try to AA+move you'll lose 50% of your dps).
And, to me, the most infuriating of all is when they rework a champ and redefine their role. I don't want Swain to be a flat out tank. I didn't want Darius as a "juggernaut". Sion was either a mage or a melee carry, now he's a tank/juggernaut. Poppy went from anti-carry/assassin to tank.
Latest Legend wrote:
Let's not forget Karma.
The only rework I've actually liked is Poppy but they could've released her as a new champion too.
But we're kind of derailing I guess.
The only rework I've actually liked is Poppy but they could've released her as a new champion too.
But we're kind of derailing I guess.
Not really. Question was "what champ do you want to see updated?". My answer was "none, and here's why:"
The only champion who deserves an update is Urgot. I know this is kind of off topic, since he's not a mid laner, but he definitely sucks in EVERY. SINGLE. PATCH. He had a small momemnt of fame mid-season 5, but that was about it. I mean, eveything he does, can be done better by other champions.
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I'd like to see morde's comeback to the mid lane. He is far too weak right now compared to how unbalanced he was at the start of s3. Talk about a 180.
I'd like to see RoA nerfed and some non aa baesd movement speed midlane items such as ludents echo appear, think this could be very valuable considering all of the adc and tank items that recently acquired ms buffs, (runaans and deadmans).