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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Always rush Spirit Visage on Nasus or no?

Posted in Items | Tags: Nasus Spirit Visage 5,824

  • Lord Houseplant

    Always rush Spirit Visage on Nasus or no?

    I know it's more MR but it has health/health regen and a bit of cooldown too. Is it always something you need on Nasus?
  • Answers (1)

    LevasK (108) | August 12, 2015 9:44am
    Well, if you run 10% CDR in your runes/masteries with just Spirit Visage and Frozen Heart you can get 40% CDR on Nasus, which helps you a lot with your damage and Siphoning Strike stacking, also Spirit Visage's passive works amazingly with his passive Soul Eater, thus I would say that Spirit Visage is your go to MR item on Nasus. However, you should never rush it vs an AD opponent, instead you should go for Frozen Heart fallowed by Spirit Visage.
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