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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Jungle Yi

Tags: Master Yi 5,752

  • AlgerienOo

    Jungle Yi

    I wanted to know what is the most effective item and skill build for jungle yi ?
    assuming you in a public game and for ranked.
  • Answers (3)

    That Trev Person (77) | December 17, 2012 11:10am
    Since Master Yi is a carry jungle, you'll generally want to run primarily offense in your mastery page. I'd consider 21/9/0 or 21/0/9 based on whether or not you prefer tankiness or extended buff duration.

    For runes, the optimal page is definitely:
    9x: Greater Mark of Attack Speed
    9x: Greater Seal of Armor
    9x: Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist/ Greater Glyph of Magic Resist *My personal preference in the scaling.
    3x: Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage

    And as for skilling order, you'll generally want to max Alpha Strike first for the camp clearing ability as well as burst/gap closer in ganks. Afterwards, Wuju Style, leaving Meditate for last. Also, try not to spam Meditate whenever it's off cooldown. It slows down clear time's considerable since you can't move or attack while using it. If you're new to jungle or jungle Master Yi you can take Meditate once at level 4, but when I used to play jungle Yi, I didn't take it until level 8 the majority of the time.

    As for items, being Hunter's Machete and 5 Health Potions. Build it into either Wriggle's Lantern or Spirit of the Elder Lizard. I haven't used the latter, so it could be a good thing to test it and find what you prefer. Other than that, Youmuu's Ghostblade is generally strong on Master Yi, as he's the only champion in the game for the most part that benefits from it moreso than other items. Beyond that, AD carry items are strong on him, just keep in mind that Master Yi scales with Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and Critical Chance when building him and you should be good. Also Guardian Angel is really strong if you're getting focused and need to be somewhat tankier.
    That Trev Person (77) | December 20, 2012 4:28am
    I agree, with how much Meditate tends to slow you down and the very limited health gain you actually get from it, using all your pots first is always better before Meditate.
    PsiGuard (1495) | December 20, 2012 3:41am
    Use double square brackets around the champion, item, ability, mastery or summoner spell you want to show the icon and link to the wiki page, like so:
    [[Master Yi]] yields Master Yi

    Also I'd recommend taking Alpha Strike at level one and Wuju Style at level two. You really don't need Meditate that early. Use your pots.
    AlgerienOo | December 19, 2012 11:04am
    may be a stupid question but can you tell me how to link to item and spells ?
    sorry i am new at this forum :)
    AlgerienOo | December 19, 2012 11:02am
    thanks for help but i personally i take Alpha strike lvl 1 than meditate ( it make jungling so easier this is why i love him ) than i max out Wuju and ulty.
    for item i agree wriggle is good for him it will also help your team a lot ).
    for runes i don't now yet since i am still at low level.
    PsiGuard (1495) | December 17, 2012 5:19pm
    I'd recommend Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration over AD quints. It really helps to have armor pen for jungle clearing. Pretty sure it gives you a faster clear than AD quints.

    Also Madred's Razors/ Wriggle's Lantern is pretty ridiculous on Yi since you usually get some good attack speed and Double Strike. Plus it's nice to get some lifesteal and armor for dueling.
    NicknameMy (155) | December 22, 2012 1:49pm
    I normally go AS Marks, glyphs and quints with Armor seals. This gives me the fastest possible cleartime and AS scales really well into lategame. You only need 1 AS item ( Zephyr) and while your ulti is active, you have 2.5 AS, very effective.

    For boots I would choose Berserker's Greaves for earlygame to help you farming and Ninja Tabi later to avoid those auto attackers. You don't need Mercury's Treads because of Zephyr. For enchantment's, either enchantment:Alacrity or enchantment:Furor are good, your choise.

    The 2 most important items on Yi however are Frozen Mallet and Ravenous Hydra. Frozen Mallet gives you a very much needed slow and nice survivability which Yi definitly needs. And Ravenous Hydra is the item which makes meele ad-carries effective. Yi has very high AD and with that item he deals that damage to anyone. Also the lifesteal helps him to overlive in fights. And finally, the active adds another auto attack, which hits everyone even harder, into your arsenal. Finally Double Strike double procs the passive.

    If you want to add more defensive items, you can choose between either Randuin's Omen or Guardian Angel. Randuin's Omen is, I would say, the best defense item of S3 together with Runic Bulwark. It got a nice buff to the passive and HP. It basically makes auto attackers useless against you. Guardian Angel is also good, because it gives you a second life if you are instantly downbursted. But, if you actually have your timing, you will not need that.

    For offensive items you should definitly take, as already mentioned, Zephyr. A nice item which basically gives you everything what you want. Another item for you is Black Cleaver. Unless someone else in your team actually got it, it will greatly help everyone. Ravenous Hydra's damage will also proc it. Also it increases your survival even more. If somebody else got it, then say to him **** *** and take Last Whisper.
    NicknameMy (155) | December 22, 2012 1:55pm
    BTW: The reason I don't take crit is, you will generally not need it and it doesn't scale with Ravenous Hydra, the item this build focuses on. It also doesn't work against turrets, Master Yi's biggest enemies.
    Embracing (353) | December 18, 2012 4:11am
    9/21/0, 21/9/0, or something like 14/15/0 or sthn
    Runes = AS / arpen / ad reds armor yellows MR blues ArPen quints / Ms quints / Ad quints

    Items be a man and go ham statikk shiv + IE after wriggles or spirit stone

    start with machete 5 pots ofc

    smite exhaust for dueling
    smite tele for ham bd op
    smite flash for ******* ;)
    Embracing (353) | December 19, 2012 2:53am
    was kidding about that but honestly if you're playing jungle yi it means you're going ham. AND WHATS GOING HAM WITHOUT TELEPORT BD SMASHING
    That Trev Person (77) | December 18, 2012 4:51am
    Smite Flash is for ******* :O

    Guess I'm a ***** then ;)
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