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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Frozen Mallet

Frozen Mallet
Total Price: 3100 | Recipe Price: 900 | Sell Price: 2170

LoL Item: Frozen Mallet
  • 30 Attack Damage
  • 700 Health

UNIQUE Passive: Icy: Your basic attacks slow your target's Movement Speed by 40% (20% for ranged attacks) for 1.5 seconds.
  • 30 Attack Damage
  • 700 Health

UNIQUE Passive: Icy: Your basic attacks slow your target's Movement Speed by 40% (20% for ranged attacks) for 1.5 seconds.

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danylp88 | December 18, 2018 11:21am
Does this item work on Ashe ?
Hamstertamer (74) | December 18, 2018 11:40am
Slows don't stack in league of legends. No.
danylp88 | December 18, 2018 4:36pm
But from what I`ve seen it does give you more health.
IcyAuron (23) | April 16, 2015 12:24pm
They should remove the lone Ruby Crystal and take 100 gold off of the recipe: 30 AD, 500 HP, and Icy passive for 2800 gold. It's suddenly a really enticing item because it gives you a slight amount of damage, still a decent chunk of HP, and the passive that anyone who ever considers this item wants.
Hopesedge (8) | April 13, 2015 3:25am
Yabezag wrote:

was it originally used as an ADC item or just top?
as i use it for both

This item was used for lots of roles, some solo mid lane with poor CC was taking it to kite top laners & junglers. Typically you will take this on a Jungler or Top laner at the moment to shut down high mobility threats, sometimes an ADC will take it if the enemy doesn't burst them very much with a specific damage type / Guardian Angel yields less helpful results, an example of this would be if you need to kite a Nasus as an ADC without much mobility such as Miss Fortune or Graves since he lacks any CC besides a minor aura slow.
IcyAuron (23) | January 29, 2015 7:24am
I wonder if this'll be useable again now that Giant's Belt builds out of Ruby Crystal. I don't expect any drastic changes, as it's still expensive for not a lot, but it'd be nice to see it at least be a viable situational pick.
Yabezag | May 13, 2013 9:27am
was it originally used as an ADC item or just top?
as i use it for both
warwickien | April 23, 2013 5:39am
Will this item stack with ashes frost shot??? PLZ AWNSER!!!!!
BlankHero | November 27, 2012 12:31pm
bukalo wrote:

now I wonder. would it then stack with Rylais Crystal scepter?
like say if I'm akali and I proc scepter with my Q, and then follow up with my basic attack to proc my Q and frozen mallet.

would that work? cause I never seem to make my mind whether or not to buy it as a sixth item for Akali :)

also if Teemo where to use both items. would his poison slow from rylais AND frozen mallet? that would be nuts!

I've tryed the teemo part it won't stack, whichever item you get first will aplly the slow while the other does nothing. For the Akali part, Yes that will work since your Q and Basic attack are seperate.
BlankHero | November 27, 2012 12:28pm
Flozzer wrote:

Does this item stack with Ashes Frost Shot?

It should since Frost Shot affects her basic attck and basic attacks are physical damage.
bukalo (2) | October 5, 2012 4:19am
now I wonder. would it then stack with Rylais Crystal scepter?
like say if I'm akali and I proc scepter with my Q, and then follow up with my basic attack to proc my Q and frozen mallet.

would that work? cause I never seem to make my mind whether or not to buy it as a sixth item for Akali :)

also if Teemo where to use both items. would his poison slow from rylais AND frozen mallet? that would be nuts!
Demagon | September 15, 2012 3:24pm
only procs with things that say applys on hit affects
Flozzer (5) | May 28, 2012 1:26pm
So this doesn't proc with Panths Q right?
Pølsemanden (144) | October 25, 2011 3:08pm
no it does not, but tri-force outclasses it in so many ways it's not even funny ;)
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