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Neeko Ability (LoL): Inherent Glamour

Inherent Glamour Neeko

Neeko Ability: Inherent Glamour
Neeko can disguise herself as other units on the map. At any time she can disguise herself as an allied champion, or Neeko can stand next to any allied or neutral unit to store their Sho'ma and be able to transform into it. Your disguise will break upon receiving immobilizing crowd control, casting a damaging spell, damaging enemy towers as a non-champion, or your disguise taking damage equal to its healthbar.

Neeko gains many of the properties of the units she turns into, negative and positive.

Neeko's Abilities

Neeko Ability: Inherent Glamour Neeko Ability: Inherent Glamour Neeko Ability: Inherent Glamour Neeko Ability: Inherent Glamour
Inherent Glamour is used by Neeko

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