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Draven Ability (LoL): League of Draven

League of Draven Draven

Draven Ability: League of Draven
When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, or kills a minion or monster, he gains one stack of Adoration. If he kills 6 minions in a row without dropping a Spinning Axe, Draven gains 2 additional stacks of Adoration. When Draven kills an enemy champion, he consumes all of his Adoration stacks and gains 25 gold, plus 2 gold per stack consumed. Draven loses 50% of his Adoration stacks upon death.

Draven's Abilities

Draven Ability: League of Draven Draven Ability: League of Draven Draven Ability: League of Draven Draven Ability: League of Draven
League of Draven is used by Draven

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KillerNeko (13) | November 25, 2013 3:28am


*Lulu and Annie greeting with Draven's face*

oh the nightmare....
Geelot (2) | July 13, 2013 8:13am
Riot should return his own passive you know :/
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