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Xerath Ability (LoL): Mana Surge

Mana Surge Xerath

Xerath Ability: Mana Surge
Cooldown: 16
Every 16 seconds Xerath's next attack against a champion restores 60−390 mana. It restores 30−195 mana if attacking minions, jungle monsters or structures.

Whenever Xerath kills a unit, this cooldown is reduced by 2.5 seconds.

Xerath's Abilities

Xerath Ability: Mana Surge Xerath Ability: Mana Surge Xerath Ability: Mana Surge Xerath Ability: Mana Surge
Mana Surge is used by Xerath

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Morcalivan (1) | August 16, 2019 7:23pm
A base necessity in early play, that falls out of use in later play. More essential than useful. Always have this triggered when you can in the early game, and land attacks on champions when safe to do so, as rare as it is, usually near tower for the the double amount.
IcyAuron (23) | December 3, 2014 11:41am
The new passive is incredibly lazy. Second only to Martial Cadence.
IcyAuron (23) | August 29, 2012 11:45am
Prob my favorite passive. Unfortunately, it's on a champ I rarely play.
TwitcherBrain (37) | April 7, 2012 2:20pm
Buying items like Rabadon Deathcap, give you a lot of survilability, function to take damage, if enemy has many AD champs. Very useful passive.
45 AP = 7 Armor.
100 AP = 15 Armor.
250 AP = 38 Armor.
400 AP = 60 Armor.
700 AP = 105 Armor.
1130 AP = 170 Armor.
If Veigar had this passive, all enemies will be killed, and Veigar will dont recieve damage from AD, like god tank.
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