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Dr. Mundo Ability (LoL): Maximum Dosage

Maximum Dosage Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo Ability: Maximum Dosage
Cooldown: 110
Dr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, gaining 15 / 20 / 25% of his missing health as maximum health, 15 / 25 / 35% bonus movement speed, and regenerating 20 / 40 / 60% maximum health over 10 seconds.

At Rank 3, both healing effects are increased by an additional 5% per nearby enemy champion.

Dr. Mundo's Abilities

Dr. Mundo Ability: Maximum Dosage Dr. Mundo Ability: Maximum Dosage Dr. Mundo Ability: Maximum Dosage Dr. Mundo Ability: Maximum Dosage
Maximum Dosage is used by Dr. Mundo

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Gaavkar (1) | April 15, 2011 4:22am
ignite lasts 5 sec this lasts 12 the only problem is multy cc and the item cald executors caling
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