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Evelynn Ability (LoL): Shadow Walk

Shadow Walk Evelynn

Evelynn Ability: Shadow Walk
Evelynn stealths into the shadows only being seen by enemy champions within 700 range or true sight. While stealthed, Evelynn regenerates 2% of her maximum Mana every second.

Casting spells, taking damage or dealing damage reveals Evelynn for 6/5/4/3 seconds. This cooldown is reduced every 5 levels.

Evelynn's Abilities

Evelynn Ability: Shadow Walk Evelynn Ability: Shadow Walk Evelynn Ability: Shadow Walk Evelynn Ability: Shadow Walk
Shadow Walk is used by Evelynn

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steffelaar | April 23, 2012 1:29pm
the most useless passive in LoL.
ooh wait the most useless champion in LoL
Dwarf369 | June 23, 2011 1:55pm
No, only works against NON-NEUTRAL creeps.
Thorn Reaver (2) | December 30, 2010 2:01pm
I was thinking about using Evelynn in forest but, then i thought Determined Killer does that also work vs forest creeps? Can someone answer? :D
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