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Jinx Ability (LoL): Super Mega Death Rocket!

Super Mega Death Rocket! Jinx

Jinx Ability: Super Mega Death Rocket!
Range: 30000
Cooldown: 85 / 65 / 45
Cost: 100
Jinx fires a rocket that explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing between 32.5 / 47.5 / 62.5 (+0.165 per bonus attack damage) plus 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health to 325 / 475 / 625 (+1.65 per bonus attack damage) plus 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health as physical damage, gaining damage over the first second of travel time. Nearby enemies take 80% damage.

Missing health damage cannot exceed 1200 against monsters.

Jinx's Abilities

Jinx Ability: Super Mega Death Rocket! Jinx Ability: Super Mega Death Rocket! Jinx Ability: Super Mega Death Rocket! Jinx Ability: Super Mega Death Rocket!
Super Mega Death Rocket! is used by Jinx

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itzxpremium | October 10, 2013 12:21am
Awesome ult...danger for midlaner :/ :D
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