Amumu can be pretty annoying to you due to his his Cc abillities. You are stronger than him in every game phase.
You should be able to handle her with your ignite easy. Keep your R. Don't rush in her instantly.
Not a big deal. He is able to counter gank you easily. Don't use everything on him cuz it's pointless as long as he has his ultimate Abillity. Ignite is a good option in this match-up
He can contest objectives better than you do. You need some vision before you can start a drake or a baron fight.
Cancel his Lifesteal with your E.
"Insert Spider-Man meme here".
I'm not really experienced with an Elise on the enemy jungle. Dodge her cacoon and you should be fine. You can reach her easily if she tries to escape.
She is able to deal some damage at the mid game phase but not after you get your Sterak's Gage. Try to side-step her charm and keep your R to reach her when she use her R to escape.
He has great damage in every game phase. As long as he is not fed, he won't be a problem to you. Avoid fighting him when he builds Immortal Shield Bow.
The Tree. Our Beloved Friend can Counter Jungle everything at any point. Ward your camps. You should be able to steal objectives from him easily. Don't ever fight him in the jungle because he will not be alone.
Jarvan IV
One of the hardest champions to fight as Hecarim. Our dear J4 is hard to contest. You can enter and exit his R with your Fully Charged E or just R away. Avoid fighting him alone.
You beat him in the early game. You can out clear him and out gank him easily. Things get harder when he decides to get Rhaast. Build a Bramble vest. If he picks Shadow Assassin Kayn it should be an easy win for you.
No one knows why Gragas deals so much damage. Just be clever when you play against him. Avoid fighting him alone.
Smallest threat to you. Free kills in the enemy jungle. But don't walk in a straight line. Abuse him as much as you can.
Kha'zix is a hard champion to play against in S11-12 you hardly win a scuttle fight in the River even with your ignite due to his Passive Isolation. Try to out gank him and avoid fighting him when no one is near you.
Protect your Camps from her. Ask for your teammates to ward them for you and beat her up when she appears to steal them. You can try to knock or fear her out of her R.
Lee Sin
Lee-sin has the top stats in the game, 7 skills to use, dashes, escape methods, stealling methods. I usually ban him but most Lee-sin players are not that good nowdays.
A better version of your self, Lillia will destroy your game if she gets infront with 2-3 kills. Avoid fighting her because she can catch up to you easily.
Master Yi
What can I say about this. You win in early game, you lose in late game.
He'll definatly try to dodge your R with his Q. You gotta out smart him.
Nidalee can be annoying with her Spears, but she is no match for you in the late game. Try to counter jungle her. You can easily kill her in the 1st River battle for the scuttle crab.
Nocturne's fear (E) is his key to success, dodge it with the movement speed of your E and then use R to reach him once more.
Pretty hard to overcome Olaf since he does not care about your Cc at all. Play safe against him. Ignite is the best option.
He out speeds you but you deal more damage than he does to objectives. You also have a better Stealing pontetial.
Rek'Sai can counter your engage easily don't rush on her.
Tones of damage but you can out damage with your R fear and W healing. Ignite him to reduce his healing.
Nunu & Willump
Block his R with your E or even your R. You can side step his snowball abillity. His slow will reduce your damage by a lot.
Abillities with slows destroy Hecarim as your damage is getting lower due to your Passive. Build some Tenacity against her.
Just a Clown and nothing else. Get your Oracle and you should be fine against him.
You can't do anything to dodge her E damage at all. Magic resist will not help. She can't win a fight against you if she is not fed.
Avoid Fighting him in his Passive since he is getting more stats than you do. Don't R directly on him cuz he'll just R you and grab you to his team.
Trundle has a great fighting pontetial and he can out damage you with his R and his slow. Build a bramble vest.
Not much you can do to him if he gets fed. You still win a Fight with your Ignite in the early game.
Vi has become a Terror in the jungle cuz of the Lethality build. Try to side step her Q. Don't R away cuz she'll follow you up with her R. Death's Dance would be a good choice.
The biggest objective hunter in the game and the most bugged champion. Careful as he can follow up your R with his Q cuz of that bug. Cancel his R on your teammates by knocking him back with your E.
Very hard to counter and out gank. You can still count on your adc to shred him. There is no way you lose a fight with him.
Not that strong after the nerfs. Still a big threat since no one knows how to play against him by my prersonal experience. Still a hard fight for you.
You can counter Aatrox simply by getting an anti-heal item.
Dodge her Charm by side stepping with your Charged E and then R on her. She'll propably flash or instantly ult away.
Akali is not balanced at all. Way to many dashes and unexpected damage. Just land some Cc on her.
Every adc with some Cc is pain in the butt for you. You can easily shred him.
Alistar will definatly push you away from his adc when you engage. Wait for him to waste his skills on your team before you can R in.
She'll slow you to death. Instantly R when she places her wall.
Don't try to engage when she has her stun up. You can use Smite on Tibbers to dodge the incoming damage.
A fed Aphelios will one-shot you with ease. Gank botlane and make him fall behind.
Very annoying Cc. try to dodge her R.
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion who? He'll R you instantly when you try to engage him or he'll use E to escape.
He'll use R on you instantly when you R him. Careful not to get pushed into the enemy Tower.
Don't chase Bard into the jungle as he may lead you into a trap. He'll use R to protect his allies from your Fear.
Don't get too close to him.
Dodge his stun, then you should be fine.
Braum is pain for you to play against. You can get Silvermere Dawn to counter his Stun.
Long ranged as she is, she'll deal tones of damage to you if you don't engage from behind.
A pretty strong champion that can cut you in half if she gets enough kills. Try to keep her away from your adc.
Dodge her R with a back step like a profesional player. She'll block your escapes with her W.
You can easily dodge his skills for an easy gank and kill.
You may get a lot of unexpected damage from Corki.
Dodge his Q then it should be an easy kill for you and your Top laner.
Dr. Mundo
Due to his reworked passive, Dr. Mundo cannot receive any Cc. That means that your E and R don't work on him. Have your Top laner to remove that shield from him.
An easy kill as long as he is not fed ofcourse.
Not easy to catch. Ezreal can deal a lot of damage to you.
Fiora counters the hell out of you. Bait her W while you run on her with your E.
He can easily dodge and escape your ganks. Force him to Flash and then gank again.
Block his dash with your E.
He can cleanse your fear with an Orange.
An easy target to gank, yet a powerful enemy to fight one on one.
Wait for him to dash on you, then fear him towards your ally.
Gwen deals a lot of damage and can easily escape your ganks with her W.
He'll instantly R-E you to escape. Use your Q on his turrets to gain the 1st stack before you jump on him.
Illaoi can get extremely hard to gank after 6 level as she can simply R and kill both of you and your Top laner.
Dash, dash, dash, dash, dash, stun, dead.
She'll R to knock you back.
Jax might be the hardest Champion to fight. Dodge his stun and then instantly R him.
Jayce needs some time to reach his powerspike.
Meh just crush him underfoot.
Same as Jhin.
She'll propably R to out trade you with her shield. R her instantly when she dashes away.
Same as Jhin.
He becomes pain when he reaches 16 level.
Counter her R with your E or your R.
Same as Kassadin but she is easy to kill. Many times.
Don't ever dive a Malphite of focus him in teamfights.
Not much he can do to you, expect from his stun.
kled is pretty tanky but he works perfectly with you.
Same as Jhin. Careful if he has a Lulu with him.
Stupid dashing champion. Wait for her to waste her dash.
She'll definatly use everything on you to protect her adc.
Don't dive her as you might get Ulted into the enemy Turret.
Same as Jhin.
She can become pain with that polymorph and her R.
Dodge her Q. It's not that hard.
He'll R you when you engage his team.
He'll try to dash on you to escape with his R. You can still use your R before you get caught by the roots.
Miss Fortune
Same as Jhin.
He's definatly going to R you to protect everyone from you. Silvermere Dawn is a must against Mordekaiser, in some cases Serpent too.
The black shield is your enemy. Don't get stunned by her or you'll die immediatly.
Nami is the perfect adc protector. If she hits her Q tho.
Don't get near a well stacked Nasus.
His slow will end your life.
A lot of Cc.
Don't get tricked by her passive.
She can slow you down and even cut your engage.
You can't kill Ornn when he builds 2 items.
He can stun you in place and deal a lot of damage with his Q afterwards.
A pain to kill. She blocks your dashes with her W.
He can escape you easily and shut down your engage with his R.
She can one-shot you out of nowhere.
She'll definatly bounce on you with her E and blind you with her Q.
Rakan can cut you of easily with his W and R and also protect the Adc with his E.
You hardly win a fight against him. Better get ingite.
A good Riven main will beat the crap out of your soul in seconds. She can escape your ganks easily. Don't chase her in the jungle.
Rumble? Meh.
Knock him off his R.
Well...she can counter your spectral riders with her W? But same as Jhin.
Lowest max HP in the game.
Don't get hit by her R.
He'll just R you back to your team killing 2 of them in the process and then kill you and the other 2 of your teammates with a Falcon Punch through your screen.
Shen can dodge your Q and E with his W and counter your ganks with his R.
Hard to gank, hard to catch, hard to kill. The ultimate counter.
Block most of his abilities.
She can block your E with her shield. Same as Jhin but a little bit harder.
Free kills. Care for her R tho.
His R can deal a lot damage if you don't handle him carefuly.
A lot of lifesteal and when he steals your R he'll deal 3 times your damage with it plus the fear.
Dodge her stun, it's a free kill.
Tahm Kench
Unbalanced. Good luck with that.
Not a threat.
Since Talon jungle became a thing you'll meet him a lot. dodge his W.
His R will save many.
Fuck you Teemo and your mushrooms. Get an Oracle trinket.
He can counter you with his abilities. Place a ward ontop of the lantern to block the enemy from escaping.
Same as Jhin. Jump on her when she tries to jump away from you.
You can't beat that.
Twisted Fate
Free kill. Extremely annoying with his yellow card.
Same as Jhin.
Easy to gank and kill, the only way for him to escape from you is to flash.
Same as Jhin.
The only adc that is hard to handle due to her invisibility and dashes. Try to hit your fear.
The virgin mage.
You can dodge his E easily.
Side step her abilities.
Don't fight in his W or you'll die in seconds.
One of the hardest to gank. Wait for him to waste his pool.
Well he is the storm after all.
Don't get tricked by his illusion.
Same as Jhin.
If he misses the stun, he is dead. If he hits the stun, you are dead.
Xin Zhao
Hard to beat. I usually ban him.
He'll try to dash on your E to escape. Then he'll fail and die.
Yone can beat you up even if he has a score of 0/8. Dodge his R and then wait for his E to go out.
You can't fight him while he has his R active.
She counters you a lot. Build an antiheal item.
Wait for him to waste his shadow and then gank.
Nothing special.
His stun is painful and his R can save anyone from you.
Not hard to gank. But still you need to dodge her Buble.
Hello, I'm Look at my Horse and i've been playing League since season 4 in the EUNE server. Hecarim was the 1st Champion to catch my attetion and since then i've never stopped playing him. I finished Platinum IV in Season 11 and i've been in Platinum division for the past 2 seasons too. I achieved Top #80 on the Hecarim toplist in Season 9 and Top #1,000 in S10 and S11. This is the 2nd Guide I create so I'll try my best!
Hecarim gains Attack Damage equal to a percentage of his bonus Movement Speed.
(15%-30% based on your level).
Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies dealing physical damage(+85%AD) . The damage is reduced to minions by 51%. If Hecarim damages at least one enemy, he increases the damage for 6 seconds and lowers the cooldown of subsequent Rampages by 1 second,stacking up twice and lasting up to 8 seconds. Damage per lvl[60/97/134/171/208].
Spirit Of Dread
Hecarim deals magic damage (+80%AP) to nearby enemies for a short duration. Hecarim heals for 30% of damage these enemies take from Hecarim and 15% of damage taken from his allies. Hecarim cannot heal more than 120 Health from Minions or Jungle Monsters. Heal Cap [120/150/180/210/240].
Devastating Charge
Hecarim becomes ghosting, increasing his Movement Speed for 25% up to 60% over 4 seconds and can move through units for the same duration. His next attack knocks the target back and deals additional physical damage(55% bonus AD) based on the distance he has traveled since activating the ability. Hecarim can use his abilities while he is casting Devastating Charge. The remmaing duration of this abillity is paused during Onslaught of Shadows (R). Maximum damage [60/100/140/180/220].
Onslaught of Shadows
Hecarim summons spectral riders and dashes in the target direction with them unstoppably, dealing magic damage (+100AP) to all enemies in their path.
Hecarim creates a shockwave when he finishes his charge causing nearby enemies to flee in terror from him for 0.75 − 2 seconds based on the distance he traveled.
Hecarim will move to the targeted location but the riders will always move the full distance. Damage [150/250/350].
I prefer to use ignite in most of my games due to it's pontetial in a Scuttle River 1vs1 fight. You are able to beat every jungle at level 3 with your ignite. It also works as an anti-heal for the enemy smite on the scuttle crab. Also used to secure a fleeing kill from a gank.
Ghost gives you high burst pontetial and works better with Predator and Chemtank. It's the most common spell on Hecarim for quick engages and escapes. It will also give you the abillity to reach the enemy carry in a fight.[*]
Here I'm going to explain a few items that are strong for Hecarim.
Divine Sunderer
Same as Trinity Force, Divine has a passive that buffs your next attack after using an abillity that deals 12% of the targets maximum health which makes this item a must for Hecarim.
Trinity Force
I personaly prefer to use Trinity Force due to the 30% Attack speed stat and because of the 20 bonus movent speed passive plus the 6% damage to Enemy Champions and Structures. Since Hecarim is a one button abuser Champion, that's a pretty good choice.
Steraks's Gage
Steraks's Gage is your Core item. It must be rushed right after the Mythic item. It benefits Hecarim way too much with it's Passive.
Thornmail is a common choice. Counters some damage and also applies 40% grievous wounds (anti-heal) increased to 60% if you are Immobilizing enemy champions with a duration of 3 seconds.
Spirit Visage
A perfect item to counter some magic damage. It increases the healing of your W Spirit of Dread for 25%. Also activates on ally Shields and Heals.
Death's Dance
Stores 35% of all post-mitigation physical damage received, which is successively taken as damage over time true damage instead, dealing one-third of the stored damage every second. Champion takedowns remove Ignore Pain's remaining stored damage, and heal you for 15% of your maximum health over 2 seconds.
Just a Meme I like to build from time to time. It increases your Devastating Charge Range (E) and is has a chance to Crit.
Your pathing should Look like this: Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue(1st smite) > Gromp > Scuttle crab(2nd smite). Right after that look for a chance to gank any of the lanes. Next up retreat for your Golems(3rd smite) and your 2nd Clear on Raptors > Wolves > Gromp.
Tips & Tricks
~Your Devastating Charge (E) can Pass through walls as long as you have vision (Raptor, Golems, Blue, Cromp walls for example!).
~You can use Spells while charging with Devastating Charge (E).
~Devastating Charge's (E) duration is paused during the Charge of Onslaught of Shadows (R)!
~Use your Rampage (Q) and right click on the enemy right after it for a quick Auto Attack!
~Trinity and Divine passive applies to Turrets too. Use your Rampage (Q) for Extra damage to structures!
~Try to chase on an enemy and hit them with Rampage (Q) not with Auto Attack
because auto attack will cause Hecarim to freeze in place!
~Target Onslaught Of Shadows behind the enemy you are chasing/Ganking/Attacking so you can Fear him towards your teammates!
~You can use EVERY abillity during Onslaught of Shadows (R)
~When you are ganking a lane, use your Devastating Charge and right before Hecarim lands on the enemy use your Rampage (Q) for the bonus Movement Speed Damage from your Warpath (passive).
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