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Recommended Items
Runes: Glacial
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Morgana is Thresh's biggest counter, you should avoid playing against this in lane as you'll find it difficult to land kills. One thing I'd suggest is not blind picking thresh before seeing the enemies support pick to avoid getting counter picked by her. Her Q snares the target in place whilst her E shield makes your hook and flay useless.
Draven is Thresh's best duo, they synergize perfectly. 1 hook = 1 kill if the enemy doesn't have sums available. This is due to Draven's high early game damage and ability to lane bully your opponent.
Draven is Thresh's best duo, they synergize perfectly. 1 hook = 1 kill if the enemy doesn't have sums available. This is due to Draven's high early game damage and ability to lane bully your opponent.
Champion Build Guide
+ Strong engage + Extremely dominant in lane + Can peel your teammates well + High outplay potential + Strong at every stage of the game + Potential for play making + Can punish enemies poor positioning + Can prevent your teammates from dying + Enemy junglers will have a hard time ganking your lane due to lantern Thresh is one of the best supports due to his unique kit. He can dominate lane by applying pressure via sitting in bushes forcing the enemy play safe due to the presence of his Death Sentence. Thresh is an incredible roaming support as Mobility Boots are a core item on him making his roams effective. Thresh is all about making plays with his Death Sentence. He excels at peeling as every ability in his kit can prevent the enemy from connecting to your teammates. |
- High skill ceiling - Skill-shot reliant - No sustain in lane - Can be easily counter picked - Requires an aggressive ADC - Can be easily punished if you miss a hook - Requires a large magnitude of games to master Thresh is one of those champs that you can't just lock in and expect to do well it requires practice and a large amount of games to understand how to play him correctly. If you can't read the enemies positioning you'll have a tough time hitting Death Sentence. Thresh can be poked out of lane due to no sustain and is easily counter picked. If you miss your Death Sentence you can be punished, giving the enemy a window of opportunity to engage on you. |
This rune is incredible as it procs off of Thresh Death Sentence and Flay which not only increases your chances of securing a kill but reduces the damage your allies take. |
Second Wind is viable when you're versing a poke lane against enchanters such as ziggs, xerath, zyra, etc. |
Overgrowth can be a good option if the enemy comp has no cc giving a larger health pool. |
rune reduces magic damage taken. rune reduces attack damage taken. |
Guardian triggers a shield and movement speed boost when within 350 units of an allied champion or if you throw your lantern at an allied champion. Guardian is useful when vsing a poke lane and if you think that you won't be able to engage that much on your current lane match-up. |
Second Wind is viable when you're versing a poke lane against enchanters such as ziggs, xerath, zyra, etc. |
Overgrowth can be a good option if the enemy comp has no cc giving a larger health pool. |
rune reduces attack damage taken. rune gives extra health increasing survivability. |
Locket of the Iron Solari (TANK/SURVIVABILITY) Locket of the Iron Solari is Thresh core mythic item. This item should always be built first due to it's 30+ , 30+ , 200+ and 20+ . The item provides stats in all the crucial areas that make Thresh tanky as well as providing him with increased to use abilities more frequently. The other reason for taking this item is due to the shield absorb that's given to you and your allies which can prevent deaths. Furthermore the mythic passive for this item grants allied champions 5+ bonus and 5+ bonus . |
Mobility Boots (MOVEMENT SPEED) Mobility Boots are Thresh core boots which should always be picked due to the high Movement Speed given. This allows Thresh to roam the map and get to fights at a faster speed as well as catching people out to a greater extent as his Movement Speed will be faster than the enemy's without these boots. Other Options (SLOW RESIST/TENACITY) Boots of Swiftness can be used instead of Mobility Boots if the enemy team has a lot of slows. Mercury's Treads can be used if there is a large amount of cc on the enemy team. Ionian Boots of Lucidity can be used if you're opting for a high build. |
Zeke's Convergence (TANK/SURVIVABILITY/DAMAGE) Zeke's Convergence is Thresh second core item that you should always build. It provides 25+ , 250+ , 250+ mana and 20+ . When immobilizing an enemy the teammate you have this item bound to will be given bonus damage to their attacks for the next 4 seconds. This is massive as Thresh Death Sentence and Flay provide cc so it's easy to proc this items passive. |
Knight's Vow (HEALTH/SURVIVABILITY) Knight's Vow gives +10 , 400+ and 300% base regeneration. Similarly to Zeke's Convergence you bind this item to your ally, it has a passive that redirects 15% of the damage they take to you as long as you're above 30% . If your ally is below 50% you will gain 35% Movement Speed towards them. This item increases the survivability of your selected ally and gives you a Movement Speed buff when they're low on health allowing you to come to your allies aid quickly. |
Redemption (HEALTH/SURVIVABILITY) Redemption provides 15+ , 200+ , 20% heal & shield power and 100% base mana regeneration. The item's active provides an AOE (area on effect) heal which can increase the survivability of all teammates when in a fight. |
Thornmail (TANK/SURVIVABILITY) Thornmail provides Thresh with 60+ and 350+ making him more tanky. The item also provides Thresh with a 40% grievous wounds debuff to enemies that attack him. If Thresh immobilizes enemy champions he will apply a 60% grievous wounds debuff for 4 seconds. This item is worth buying if the enemy team has in-built healing within their kits and if you require heal cut on your team. The first component Bramble Vest works just as good for the 800g it's worth. So if you require early grievous wounds against champions like soraka or yuumi it's worth buying. |
Frozen Heart (TANK/SURVIVABILITY) Frozen Heart provides Thresh with 80+ , 400+ mana and 20+ making him quite tanky. It's passive reduces incoming basic attack damage by up to 40% as well as reducing the attack speed of enemy champions in a 700 radius by 20%. This item is extremely effective against hyper carries such as kogmaw, vayne, jinx, yi, etc. |
Anathema's Chains (TANK/SURVIVABILITY) Anathema's Chains gives Thresh 650+ and 20+ . It's passive gives you up to 30% reduced damage to a specified enemy champion making you quite tanky and reduces the targets tenacity by 20%. This item is only worth buying if there is an enemy that's so fed to the point that you're dying within a blink of an eye and they have a large amount of tenacity and can escape your cc easily. |
Spirit Visage (TANK/SURVIVABILITY) Spirit Visage provides Thresh with 450+ , 100% base regeneration, 40+ and 10+ . The passive also increases all healing and shielding received by 25%. This item is only worth buying if the enemy team is AP heavy or if the enemy has a mage that's evaporating you in 1 second flat e.g. kassadin, cassiopea, ryze, veigar, brand, etc. |
Mikael's Blessing (SURVIVABILITY/UTILITY) Mikael's Blessing gives Thresh 20% heal and shield power, 50+ , 100% base mana regeneration and 15+ . The active removes cc from yourself or an allied champion and heals for 100-200. This items only worth buying if the enemy team has a large amount of cc. The stats on this item are horrible for Thresh as it gives him no or . I'd only buy this item last if you ABSOLUTELY need to remove cc on your carry to win the game otherwise your carry should buy Quicksilver Sash. |
- [1] Hooking over walls - (Engage)
- [2] Flash + Hook - (Engage)
- [3] Flash + Flay > Hook - (Engage)
- [4] Lantern jungle gank - (Engage)
- [5] Flash + Hook - (Engage)
- [6] Awareness Hook - (Preventative)
- [7] Flash + Flay > Hook - (Roam Engage)
- [8] Peeling a roam - (Preventative/Peel)
- [9] Mid roam Hook - (Roam Engage)
- [10] Lantern for vision - (Preventative)
- [11] Lantern + Hook - (Roam Engage)
- [12] 2 v 3 - (Preventative/Peel)
- [13] 1 for 1 - (Engage/Peel)
- [14] Taking risks - (Engage)
- [15] Peeling your ADC - (Peel)
- [16] Holding Q - (Engage)
- [17] 1 v 3 - (Outplay)
[1] Hook over the wall + Lantern to net a kill
[2] Flash + prediction dodge Hook
[3] Utilizing Flash + Flay into a prediction escape Hook
[4] Great spot to Lantern your jungler in for a gank
[5] Mid gank, Flash + prediction dodge Hook
[6] Pay attention to enemy engages, this fight could have turned sour if that Hecarim got a 4 man R off
[7] Ganking mid - Flash + Flay into a prediction dash Hook
[8] Utilizing Thresh's kit to peel a mid roam
[9] Mid roam gank - dodge prediction Hook
[10] Utilizing Lantern for vision
[11] Ganking mid - Lantern + Hook to net a kill
[12] Keep eyes on the map - Thresh's kit being used correctly
[13] How to turn a bad situation into a 1 for 1
[14] Never be afraid to take risks, it will make you a better player
[15] Peeling your adc with Thresh's kit
[16] When hooking someone hold your q untill the last second, as they flash away you will follow them
[17] 1 v 3
- Guide published - 05/09/2021
- Clips chapter added - 06/09/2021
- Cleaned up Items chapter + Added glossary to Educational Clips chapter - 07/09/2021
- Inspiration Runes added to Runes chapter - 13/01/2022
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