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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Quicksilver Sash

Quicksilver Sash
Total Price: 1300 | Recipe Price: 850 | Sell Price: 910

LoL Item: Quicksilver Sash
  • 30 Magic Resistance

UNIQUE Active: Removes all crowd control debuffs (except Airborne) from your champion (90 second cooldown).
  • 30 Magic Resistance

UNIQUE Active: Removes all crowd control debuffs (except Airborne) from your champion (90 second cooldown).

Quicksilver Sash builds into these items:

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InfiniTNT (1) | September 6, 2013 10:46pm
Yeah, I really underestimate this one.

Many times I've not used this and after I've gotten into the hang of using Cleanse I realize how DEADLY this is.

Just... wow.
Donamir (3) | May 26, 2012 10:21am
I feel like this item is one of those infomerchals where its like buy this for 20gp and get another one free thing, and your like 'stfu dude it won't work' I see many ppl sing of its praise but so few use it.

It Cancels Karthus's ult, so if you don't have Soraka, then you can get a QSS. and your spared the ulti. WW suprresion, QSS!

I should proly work this into heavy cc builds
mastajdog (77) | August 17, 2011 12:45pm
EAT IT MORD, WW, ECT!!! FReaking awesome item facing them as it removes everything, ignites, suppressions, Children of the Grave, everything!!!
RobbertDewulf | August 13, 2011 3:39am
Have to use this item more times, I usually make the mistake of forgetting about it against strong CC teams.
Temzilla (211) | August 12, 2011 3:57pm
Oerlinator wrote:


Just got buffed.
Oerlinator | August 12, 2011 3:56pm
Strxex | July 13, 2011 12:56pm
very underated item
zelkar (1) | January 28, 2011 5:58am
this item is amazing for a lot of champs. especially for ones that ignore cleanse as a summoner fixes all those pesky stuns and what not, lol.
Adonikam (162) | November 21, 2010 2:38pm
<3 this item
Restrictnine#5232 (58) | November 21, 2010 2:31pm
one of the patches changed the cd to 105 seconds. changed!

credit to sixsonatas for informing me
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