League of Legends (LoL) Item: Locket of the Iron Solari
Locket of the Iron Solari
Total Price: 2200 | Recipe Price: 650 | Sell Price: 1540

- 10 Ability Haste
- 25 Armor
- 200 Health
- 25 Magic Resistance
UNIQUE Active: Grants you and allied champions within 850 units a shield for 200−360 (depending on target's level) that decays over 2.5 seconds (90 second cooldown).
- 10 Ability Haste
- 25 Armor
- 200 Health
- 25 Magic Resistance
UNIQUE Active: Grants you and allied champions within 850 units a shield for 200−360 (depending on target's level) that decays over 2.5 seconds (90 second cooldown).
If your Team is pretty squishy, lets say with many ***sasins, it might do a big difference in Teamfights. Try it out at least.
Does it stack if two people trigger it at the same time ?
Pretty much all my support builds go with philo first, boots, sightstone, aegis, locket, and leave the last spot open for pink wards/oracle's etc.
I find the best synergy for this item is on Thresh. Throw your lantern onto everyone at the start of a teamfight to keep everyone's hp high right at the start, then when the lantern shields break pop this baby, the lantern is 180 + 40% AP ratio (we'll assume you build no ap such as my build) and the locket is 230. This is a combined 410 points of damage mitigation PER CHAMP since both thresh's lantern and locket are multi-champ shields. That's over 2000 points of damage you mitigate in a teamfight. The cooldown is also ridiculously short (60 seconds) and allows it to be up for every teamfight. You can't use it for every skirmish, but every teamfight is pretty easy to keep it available. The key is to use your lantern first then pop the locket in order to avoid the debuff on your lantern shield.
Thise item will help you a lot in team fights, AD carry's have a habit of focusing suport
I normly get thise item at level 9-10 its 140-150 hp shield for the whole team 700-750 eksta
And it only cost 2000g, i would say its a good deal
And for the multiplying part, i must admit that i have either missread, or they have changed this item since last i checked it. Now however, it sheidls you, and ALL nearby allies, for an amount of 50 + 10/lvl. 10*18 = 180 + 50 = 230. In a teamfight with all allies (5 vs 5) this means a maximum of 230 * 5 = 1150, which is an incredible amount, and justifies the long cooldown.
This is a Great item for the price you pay, as you Get a Great amount def(hp+arm) and decent cdr in addition to the active. And, compared to many supportive shields like Janna and karma the amount is not at all bad (at lvl 18 230x2 = 460). Notatbly compared before ap bonus, But supports wont Get Loads of ap anyway. The problem is, most supports Get both gp/5 upgrades, and with boots, wardstone and aegis there's only 1 spott left. Personally that spot goes to a mana / mreg gear such as athene's unholy grail. I know this isn't the only build for support, But the point is the same: It is a decent support Gear, But i can never justify picking this over something else. To make it more attractive i would suggest the 10 hp/5 as an aura, or half the cd on the active. And personally i would rather have both Those upgrades and a 500g+ more expansive item then what it is today.
There is no AP bonus. And why would you multiply 230 by 2???
Maybe somebody can make me appreciate it more?