Cage is horrible for Zeri, she can't move properly and you can get one shotted very easily, terrible matchup for her, dodge him as much as you can !
Aphelios is a interesting one. Both of those 2 champions are really reliable on the late game, 3 items powerspyke, their supports and on their abilities. If you fight him with a good setup, you can make him fall easily, but always be aware of his weapons. The matchup really depend on how well you know Aphelios and Zeri to be honest.
Really hard for you to face Ashe in early game. She is like you but stronger and her ultimate can easily CC you and make you a very easy target to focus. In late game tho, it will be easy for you to kill her and to not get shot by anything. Really Zeri's favor.
Not the hardest matchup on earth but a tough one for sure. She outrange you in both early and late game and can really be a pain for you cause of her traps and huge damage. Once again, care of her traps and you'll be fine, wait for a good opporunity and it's good !
One of the hardest matchup for Zeri. He deals too much damage for a short amount of time. Try to avoid any fight against him in the early game and scale gently to the late game, you'll have more chance to shine. Ask your jungler to punish him if he comits to much on you cause of his passiv.
An other really tought matchup in my opinion. Ezreal is hard to reach and you can't match his poke. Avoid his Qs and take fleet for the laning phase. On the latter stage of the game, you'll have more ease to fight him but try to focus on the tanks and the teamfights, Ezreal is weak in those and you're super strong !
Not an easy one here, Jhin has more bust, survivabilty and snowballing than you. The ability of trading in the early game without having fear of any trade back is super strong and you should always be aware of that. 2 or 3 bullet should be enough to kill you later on so be really carefull about your range and kite as much as you can !
Jinx is.. a special case. Jinx is basically you, without all the problem of playing Zeri. Same range, same move speed, same kitting potential, yet she just needs to right click and her passiv stays if she gets a shutdown. I would say it's really skilled matchup cause of the fact that you have the same early game. It's either you or her that snowballs !
Kai'Sa is an all in champion wich make her really difficult to face in 1v1 or even 2v2 with the right support. She has a huuuuge snowball potential and it allows her to take risky plays without any risk. You can turn a fight if she ults and you steal her shield, that can be a good opportunity to turn her !
It's Kalista. Support dependant. If she has a Nautilus you're dead but if you have like a Soraka or Janna it's free. Not a big treat actually.
Eurk, it's Kog, dead champ (:
You're him but better, faster and stronger.
Ningerun dayoooooo, SMOKEY. (wait is that is a jojo ref ??)
Lucian is so hard for Zeri, all in potential, huge burst, can be played with lot of different supports, huge snowball. Really hard, that's a ban I recommend for new and advanced Zeri players.
Miss Fortune
Huge damage, big potential of poke and short trades. That's a tought matchup for Zeri but with a bit of knowledge and the right timing, you should be able to kill her easily.
Samira is so beautiful.. damn she is the perfect wom... WAIT, you're already here. Hum hum. Then, Samira. Where to start ? RUN.
Samira is one of the hardest matchup for Zeri, she is doing so much faster than you if the Samira is well played, she can one burst you, snowball right after it and end the game alone fights by fights. Really hard early game but easier late game, as long as you can kite her nicely.
I know I know, Senna is not a support but she is still an ADC played on the botlane so it counts. Senna is a weird ADC cause of her poke/playstyle that asks her to play with souls. Overall she will scale as much as you do and it will be hard for you to kill her cause of her huge range and damage.
Not hard at all, she can't block your Qs, be carefull tho, she can block your Auto attack with her spell shield xD
(I got surprised one time)
Super hard. Jump in. Kill and jump out. Super hard for Zeri, a must to ban number one.
I would say it's a Twitch favor matchup but this is weird. To be honest i would say it depends on the support but on term of 1v1, Twitch as the lead. Don't fight him too much and don't get ambushed.
Dodge with your mobility and it's free, you should have that much problem against Varus as long as you dodge his ult.
Really Vayne's favor. In terms of 1v1 or 2v2 you will probably lose, she is too mobile and has too much damage and kitting. If you put her down early on, should be easier, eather way it's super hard.
**** this champ. He's too op. My perma ban so it should be yours too.
Nilah is kinda annoying for Zeri because of her better early game and also her W making Zeri's Q useless but other than that, you scale better and she can't hit you anyway in the latter stages so all fine.
Really great support for Zeri, her shield is op and gives you move speed due to your passiv + some extra AD, can slow+bum+reduc attack with her Q and with glacial augment. Wonderfull support.
The Number 1 support with Zeri. She can follow you wherever you go, even if you dash trough an entire wall, she will still be healing you and buffing you with all the movespeed and mobility you have. Just a wonderfull support to have.
Great one but not the best, she don't have the mobility to follow you everywhere and most of the Lulu players are just degenerate that will rather W you than the ennemy ADC.
You don't have any good follow up.
No real utility with Zeri, you have the same E as him and you can't follow him properly and his setup.
Not that bad but as usual, Zeri don't have a lot of follow up, so Blitz has to grab a target that him quite immobile so you can start doing damage.
He's in the "ok" tier cause you can prock he's mark quickly with your Q at least and he can protect you from hard engage. Very safe lane.
Really good one. Lot of poke, pressure lane, shileds and root, hard bully while you can farm peacefully and look for a go in.
She's ok cause you can stack your ult/LT really fast and without any problem but that's all. She will all in alone and die probably alone cause you can't follow up properly.
Nah, just nah.
Putted her in the "Ok" tier cause of the fact that she can cancel a CC wich is the most annoying thing for a Zeri. That's the only good thing about her really.
Really good synergy with Zeri, you can prock her E soooo easiyl and so fast, wich allows you to burst the ennemy laner so fast that you can take the advantage in lane. The heal and the setup from her bubble + ult is amazing for Zeri cause of the move speed given by her passiv.
Same as Leona, will go in, die and flames you.
I mean, Pyke has some damage compared to other engage supp, he can 100-40 a lot of adcs and end them with his ult, Zeri can just follow from a long distance and poke wich will allow Pyke to back off or ult them.
Still better than Nautilus, his setup can help to disengage from huge ennemies like Nautilus or even assassins.
Once againnnnnn, engage supp + zeri = BAD
Renata Glasc
There you go, a strong support for Zeri.Renata is enjoyable for Zeri because of her W and R wich allows you to DPS constatly without any fear of dying. If you really often die just before killing your ennemies, then Renata has to be your support !
2 adcs bot ? No.
Still no. You're not a supp.
SPEED. REVIVE. That's all you need ! Zilean is super strong with Zeri you should deffinitly try it out !
Enchanter = good
Seraphine is no exception ! Nice heals, poke and shield+a good ultimate for disengage and engage.
Quite good with Zeri, shield and heal, poke and slow. All you need for Zeri, still not as good as Nami for example but still a really good one.
Super strong, high survavibility and lot of sustain from Soraka will make you an unkillable kitting machine.
Tahm Kench
He can help go out of certain situations but that's pretty much all. Nothing crazy really.
There you go, a strong engage support ! In my opinion Thresh is good with Zeri because he can provide either good engage or good savety with the lantern.
Really great support for Zeri, her shield is op and gives you move speed due to your passiv + some extra AD, can slow+bum+reduc attack with her Q and with glacial augment. Wonderfull support.
The Number 1 support with Zeri. She can follow you wherever you go, even if you dash trough an entire wall, she will still be healing you and buffing you with all the movespeed and mobility you have. Just a wonderfull support to have.
Great one but not the best, she don't have the mobility to follow you everywhere and most of the Lulu players are just degenerate that will rather W you than the ennemy ADC.
You don't have any good follow up.
No real utility with Zeri, you have the same E as him and you can't follow him properly and his setup.
Not that bad but as usual, Zeri don't have a lot of follow up, so Blitz has to grab a target that him quite immobile so you can start doing damage.
He's in the "ok" tier cause you can prock he's mark quickly with your Q at least and he can protect you from hard engage. Very safe lane.
Really good one. Lot of poke, pressure lane, shileds and root, hard bully while you can farm peacefully and look for a go in.
She's ok cause you can stack your ult/LT really fast and without any problem but that's all. She will all in alone and die probably alone cause you can't follow up properly.
Nah, just nah.
Putted her in the "Ok" tier cause of the fact that she can cancel a CC wich is the most annoying thing for a Zeri. That's the only good thing about her really.
Really good synergy with Zeri, you can prock her E soooo easiyl and so fast, wich allows you to burst the ennemy laner so fast that you can take the advantage in lane. The heal and the setup from her bubble + ult is amazing for Zeri cause of the move speed given by her passiv.
Same as Leona, will go in, die and flames you.
I mean, Pyke has some damage compared to other engage supp, he can 100-40 a lot of adcs and end them with his ult, Zeri can just follow from a long distance and poke wich will allow Pyke to back off or ult them.
Still better than Nautilus, his setup can help to disengage from huge ennemies like Nautilus or even assassins.
Once againnnnnn, engage supp + zeri = BAD
Renata Glasc
There you go, a strong support for Zeri.Renata is enjoyable for Zeri because of her W and R wich allows you to DPS constatly without any fear of dying. If you really often die just before killing your ennemies, then Renata has to be your support !
2 adcs bot ? No.
Still no. You're not a supp.
SPEED. REVIVE. That's all you need ! Zilean is super strong with Zeri you should deffinitly try it out !
Enchanter = good
Seraphine is no exception ! Nice heals, poke and shield+a good ultimate for disengage and engage.
Quite good with Zeri, shield and heal, poke and slow. All you need for Zeri, still not as good as Nami for example but still a really good one.
Super strong, high survavibility and lot of sustain from Soraka will make you an unkillable kitting machine.
Tahm Kench
He can help go out of certain situations but that's pretty much all. Nothing crazy really.
There you go, a strong engage support ! In my opinion Thresh is good with Zeri because he can provide either good engage or good savety with the lantern.
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