I find it hard to get a solo kill on her unless she massively messes up or is really bad, try to just farm and wait for an opening to setup a combo; try to find leads off other lanes here. Max E second for kill pressure, or max W second for lane sustain/farming
Akali I don't think is that bad anymore, hardly ever see her played. She would be lower on ranking but she builds merc treads. Max E second to stop her engages.
He has a lot of burst so be careful, play around him as if he is a twitch.. but with a rope that makes him fly around you and turbo burst you?? Anyways, he is super squishy. If he dodges your combo you're dead, best is to R -> Q, rather than initiating with E because its quite predictable. If you can flash onto him he is 100% dead. Max E second.
This matchup feels almost unplayable. Until level 6. She gets worst for you but she is immobile so you can ult her into you, fly with belly and one shot. Max W second here. Comet may be preferable.
Really predictable, very immobile. Has big cc and damage so be careful. Other than that when she goes to use stun on you make sure to W to reduce incoming damage. Can max E or W second.
Aurelion Sol
New Asol rework he does a lot of damage, but we counter him very easily due to his low mobility. However he does wave clear very fast, so look to have gathering storm and absolute focus in your runes to clear waves quickly. Late game he is a problem, so bomba him before he kills your team.
This champ hurts. Good range, big sustained damage and slow. If you are predictable he will just ult you away when you engage and then proceed to annihilate you. He is beatable with comet, a well placed ult and he is a free kill due his squishiness. Max W second here.
Never played against this champ. He is immobile and relies on being able to setup his stun. Instantly dies when you ult him into you. Max W or E second.
Turbo unfun, good cassi has good movement and can keep her range on you at all times. Her miasma counters you hard, the new cassi builds tanky so its difficult to burst her late game. Comet build may come in handy here. Max W second.
Tanky 💀 Has a silence 💀 Bursts you 💀 Is thicc 💀 Has so much healing in lane due to passive 💀. You wont proc electrocute much here, best to take one of the blue tree runes. Max E second
He struggles hard early game, try to make advantage of this cause late game he shreds so hard. Easily burstable. Max W or E second.
Avoid the stun, and you he will still try to combo you. Just combo him back and you outrade him lol. Max E second.
Fizz is very predictable, as soon as he uses q to engage just full combo him since he is stuck in animation, then will be stunned from your E. Max E second.
Obnoxious 💀 Tanky 💀 Infinite cc chain 💀 Gap closer 💀 Big damage 💀 BUILDS MERC TREADS 💀 HAS BUILT IN MAGIC RESIST IN ABILITIES 💀 horrible matchup, like kassadin he has built in mr into his kit. He is very very hard to kill, look to punish his roams, and look for kills elsewhere, run phase rush and max E second.
He can constantly poke you especially if he goes grasp its so disgusting. If he runs full damage / crit you can one shot him, however his poke is still quite strong, pre-emptively be looking to dodge barrels and you will be fine. Max W or E second.
She dashes into you, you just full combo her and she dies. Max E second.
Dodge the game. Literally unplayable, rat champion. His turrets block you, chunks you and protect him from ganks. You will be sitting under tower most of the game where he will just kill you anyways (; If for some reason you want to play this, run comet, teleport and max W second.
Can one shot you if you are not careful. She dashes into you which is good for your combo. Run phase rush and max E second.
After durability update yeah this is a really hard matchup now cause he has so much MR baseline due to passive. This lane is about farming now, don't go for kills but farm and look for plays across the map. Max W second for easier wave clear.
Note: Good katarina is terrifying, bad katarina is easiest matchup. Good kats will run tenacity runes and merc treads and you wont be able to cc her for long enough, so she will get her shunpo off. More so if she builds bruiser she can't be one shot. However is she goes full damage then its a free game you can just one shot her out of existence. Max E second.
Her passive makes her a problem, she can be easily burst. She pokes a lot and you won't be able to proc electrocute off her so run comet. Max W or E second.
Has high burst / cc potential, however she is very immobile. Easy to set her up for combos. Max W second
Irritating champ design. However she is immobile and very easy to set up for combo as long as her bind is down. Max W or E second.
Extremely threatening, can kite you out early levels. After 6 even with ult you can't fight him as he just bursts you super fast. I usually dodge lucian, but run comet and max W second.
Malzahar is strong but also weak, his strength lies in his silence and his passive. Running ludens and hitting minions so the proc bounces on him can remove the shield. From there I usually look for an all in as he is very squishy. Run comet and max W second. Protobelt also works very well here to take of his shield for engage.
Although orianna has high poke potential most orianna players tend to forget their positioning. When she looks to combo she is very open to a counter combo. Try to look for an opening when she wastes spells. Run comet and max W second.
Everyone's favourite 200 year champ. She's actually decently easy for gragas, she mostly relies on engaging on you which is perfect for an easy counter-burst trade. Electro and E max second.
Ryze actually hurts a lot, he has so much haste with 2 items he can repeatedly slow + burst you as well as demolishing minion waves. Run comet max W second.
Tanky mage 💀 Infinite healing? 💀 200 years frankenstein creation 💀 He is really hard to burst when he starts getting items, if he runs mercs its even worst from there. However he is not turbo unplayable, go for short trades, you can run electrocute for free procs since he is melee and max E second.
Dodge her stun, win. She has heavy burst but she lacks mobility so can be setup well for combos. Lots of poke so run comet and max W second.
Talon engages on you, counter-bomba him to space. Can outburst him as long as he doesn't build maw/mercs. Run first strike for free procs and max E second.
Twisted Fate
TF is okay matchup, he will mostly try to farm with his cards. If you see him pull them out just back-off or use W if thrown at you to negate incoming damage. I run first strike into this since he isn't too hostile, just care for his mid-game roams with ult.
He is very immobile, relies on cage and jungler to ruin your lane. Can be easily killed post 6. Doesn't poke much as long as you dodge his q, can run electrocute or comet. Max E second.
Can poke you to death, watch out for his q positionings. Basically dodging simulator, he is easy kill once you have ult as he is immobile. Run comet, Max W second.
Another 200 years of fantastic kit design. She has big fat shield and lots of fears and apparently an infinite resource pool because she keeps throwing her abilities every 2 seconds. Comet, max W second
Okay this matchup actually isnt that bad because you kinda heal more than him if you manage your passive right, you can usually just walk up to him and he will insta pool then just combo him and get good trades. Just keep spamming w for heal and whenever he goes to Q you. Max E second
So much range... Just dodge and keep proccing your W for damage reduction. Run comet and double mr. Max W second.
Not that bad, since he is melee he is very easy to abuse. Start E so you don't get level 1 killed. This lane is basically just farming because if either of you make a mistake the other is dead. Run electro for free trades, and max E second.
Same as yasuo, just has more cc, and healing, and damage, and survivability... Electro/Phase, max E second.
Pretty easy, rush zhonyas. When he ults you just body slam away as he is about to land and it will hit him every time, if you time it right you can combo away from him and he will land in the combo and die instantly. Run First strike and max E second.
Has a lot of poke and control of the lane. Wait for 6 to try make plays on him, otherwise just whittle him down with q's. Run comet + max W second.
This champ drives me crazy. Can constantly poke, cc, slow you and grant himself a second life after you tried to burst him. Look for plays elsewhere on the map and try to catch him by going in FOW bushes. Run comet and max W second.
Has a lot of damage and hard cc. However her ult leaves her open and obvious, roll barrel to original location and wait for her to go back to it then blow her up. Run comet + max W.
Whilst she has crazy burst and the knockback thing, she is very telegraphed so when she goes to use abilities its pretty obvious and you can punish it by ulting her into you and setting up a combo in a position she will NOT feel comfortable in
Super easy to punish, very immobile until late game then watch out but she should still be squishy enough to one shot
Has insane sustain, which is also bursty, and allows him to cc you and shield himself blablablablabla- you get the point. Its just super hard to play against, you have a much better chance trying to kill other laners than this monstrosity. One of the more important champs to have banned.
Hi I'm Gragas#Bot [Previously pretend] (EUW). I've been playing Gragas now for around 3 years and he is my one trick mid lane, and although not a lot compared to other players, I have over 300k mastery points. What I may lack in terms of credibility with mastery points, hopefully I make up in terms of knowledge. For myself I believe I have a deep knowledge of Gragas, having been a somewhat active member within the subreddit and discord alike. So I decided to create this guide, so people have a better understanding of this off-meta pick mid.
Strengths and Weaknesses
+ High Burst damage + Flashy combos + Great cc + Built in healing / sustain + Great for engaging teamfights + Easy to play
For me I find Gragas' main selling point for wanting to play him is his ridiculously high burst. With the items I mentioned above you can become an ap assassin, Gragas can utilise this immense burst to his advantage being able to pick off isolated enemy champions and completely 180 team fights. With him being able to 100 to 0 champions in teamfights this is where I believe his strength lies as he is able to completely wipe a team with a well placed bomba.
- Predictable - Immobile - Missed combos lead to death - Loses to merc treads - Relies heavily on his cc - Hard to master
On the other side of things, Gragas can also be very useless during the game as he can be very reliant on team members. Gragas is mostly about setting up plays for your team mates, so if they aren't compitent enough to work with you its very hard to perform. As well as this, having to lone wolf with Gragas is also troubling since if you miss your combo, or land it on a tank, the enemy team can punish you extremely hard and look to take advantages as 5v4.
Combos and Tricks
I want to showcase all the Gragas combo guides that have helped me so much. These are everything you need to master Gragas.
Youtube - Hoompty. Gragas guide that shows hidden Gragas Mechanics
Youtube - PanunuLoL. Showcases all possible combos.
Youtube - SloppyWalrus. In depth combo analysis and vandal bug mechanics.
My playstyle
Laning phase
During laning phase the best way to conserve mana and stay healthy is to only use W to farm minions. If the lane matchup is easy I might go for q poke trades, however do not try to trade as much as you will only put yourself at a disadvantage due to mana issues.
If I see an opening I like to force a trade, as with electrocute I know 100% of the time I will be successful in the trade.
If your jungler doesn't gank pre 6, play safe till then, constantly utilising passive to stay healthy. Play aggressive if they get into combo range and you know its safe, you will win the trade unless they have hard cc.
After 6 you can look for kills once you have . Try to get your hands on so you can add stacks with your kills. My go to is to: > > > +
This should guarantee you a kill everytime, so far as the enemy hasn't built MR.
After 6 - Mid game
Once I have my unlocked, and with the addition of I can pretty much control the game for the most part. Its hard to directly run up to someone and just kill them as Gragas' abilities are quite predictable, for me reading the map and understanding the movements of the enemy is vital to getting sneaky kills.
I like to shove minion waves with + then roam into river, making sure to place wards in river brush or into ones above.
Here I either look to gank bot lane or secure scuttle crab, if neither are doable I hover river for 5-10 seconds keeping tabs on my midlaner so see their movements. If they decide to try and rotate bot lane in threat of a possible gank from you, you can wait in one of the bushes for them.
Using > > > + Will give you a free kill everytime.
Late game
This is where you will have your core build completed, you can pretty much one shot any squishy champ, just make sure you have up so you don't miscalculate damage.
Always play for objectives.
In teamfights if you have flash up you should always be able to get a pick onto someone, whether it be 1,2 or 3 people. Anything over 2+ people is perfect, remember you can use invisible barrel trick by hiding it in the middle of terrain, use this then ult enemies into it without them knowing so you can initiate a fight.
Similarly you can flash combo to detonate a nuclear reactor ontop of their team.
> > > >
For me its about being very sneaky, trying to access their backline without them knowing and nuking their carries. A cheeky way to do this if fighting around say dragon for example, is to use over a wall to get behind their team whilst your team have a standoff with them. Then either wait for cd so you can all in their team or simply just throw into them so they bounce into your team.
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