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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Luden's Companion

Luden's Companion
Total Price: 2850 | Recipe Price: 550 | Sell Price: 1995

LoL Item: Luden's Companion
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 100 Ability Power
  • 600 Mana

UNIQUE Passive: Gain 6 Shot Charge stacks to fire. Dealing ability damage to an enemy consumes all Shot Charges to deal 75 (+5% of ability power) bonus magic damage to them and, for each charge consumed beyond the first, an additional enemy within 600 units of them, firing an orb at each secondary target that impacts after 0.528 seconds to deal the damage. If the number of additional targets fired at is less than the number of charges consumed, deal an additional 37.5187.5 (+15% of ability power) magic damage to the primary target (depending on remaining Shot Charges), for a total of 90150 (+610% of ability power) magic damage (12 second cooldown).
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 100 Ability Power
  • 600 Mana

UNIQUE Passive: Gain 6 Shot Charge stacks to fire. Dealing ability damage to an enemy consumes all Shot Charges to deal 75 (+5% of ability power) bonus magic damage to them and, for each charge consumed beyond the first, an additional enemy within 600 units of them, firing an orb at each secondary target that impacts after 0.528 seconds to deal the damage. If the number of additional targets fired at is less than the number of charges consumed, deal an additional 37.5187.5 (+15% of ability power) magic damage to the primary target (depending on remaining Shot Charges), for a total of 90150 (+610% of ability power) magic damage (12 second cooldown).

Luden's Companion builds into these items:

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