-Most important thing when playing vs Aatrox is dodging his empowered Qs
- Use Akalis Passive Movement Speed and E to dodge them
- In early game his cooldowns are long, you can heavy trade with him after his 3rd Q
- Don't let her proc Electrocute in early game with Auto-W-Auto
- Try moving in and out your minion wave, so she can't hit her E, and you can bait out her Q
- when trying to proc passive on her, after using shroud try sidestepping her charm with bonus W Movement Speed
- Make sure You don't all in when she has Ult or You can't burst her
- Play safe early levels, he can easly oneshot you with PTA+Passive+E+Ignite
- Stand behind wave so he casts his Q and then sidestep it, that way wave will push to you,
- Don't walkup far into lane without Shroud or he will just run down you
- Most important thing when playing vs Anivia is dodging her empowered E, there are 2 ways she can crit with her E and that is Q+E or fully charged R+E (just use your E to dodge Q, or worst case scenario use Shroud if you get hit by Q)
- When her ult turns off it goes on small cooldown, you can all in her in that little window
-She's really annoying in lane and has great burst
- Use E whenever she uses Q with stun on You so you dodge her W
- Insta buy Mercs is best way to play against her in my experience
Aurelion Sol
-Laning against him is not problem after rework, problem is his insane scaling and how stat checking is he later
- Just walk out of his Q, and dont let him Laser Beam you (dno which spell it is after rework) for long time cos i think it's damage is ramping up
- Super cringe matchup, you will most likely need Fleet Footwork-Second Wind-Doran's Shield to be able to somehow lane vs Azir
- You can block his dash by standing between him and his Soldiers
- When engaging on him with R1+E1 for example hold E2 for longest time possible, and try baiting out his Ult in meantime because he can cancel every dash with it (even our E2,R1,R2)
-Played vs Brand 1 time so dont really know that much, only thing i know is that his ult still bounces from you if you are in Shroud, so avoid standing in range of his bounces and just try to oneshot him
- Dodge his Empowered by passive Q and W, Q will stun you and W will deal more damage, getting hit by E spread is fine in laning phase because it doesnt do that much damage
- Short trade her, with Q Passive Q
- She will either get MR or Armor shield, if she gets MR just auto her and if she gets Armor shield you can use Spells
- Dodge her E with your E, if its too late use Shroud and wait out her attack speed bonus
- Dodge her Outer W hitbox, it deals more damage and Heals her
- Try poking her before All-innig since she can dodge your spells with Ult
- I'd advice waiting with E2 or R2 for her ult, that way you can insta hit your Spell after she falls on ground and becomes targetable
- Matchup is not THAT hard, its just cringe with our Passive in her Ult
- Basically just dodge her Qs with your Movement Speed / E / R etc., and if You get hit by it try not to tank her empowered E.
- Try baiting her W, this spell counters us pretty hard
- Most of low elo Cassio players will insta ult whenever u are facing them so try baiting her ult with backwards sidestep
- Matchup is okayish, her scaling is insane tho, and she kinda stat checks us later in game after building almost full defensive build
- Pretty easy matchup, just use your dashes and movement speed to dodge his Q, only issue is when he first W and then Q because it slows us (only reason why matchup is Minor instead of Tiny threat)
- You can all in him whenever he wastes any of his spells, especially Ult on wave
- Avoid staying on low hp, especially when playing vs full AP Cho, since he can just Auto Ult you
- Dodge Q, especially after getting hit with his E for long time (reduces our Armor and MR for each tick we tank)
- Abuse his long W cooldown
- Dodge his Empowered Rockets (every 3rd Ult)
- If he rushes Hexdrinker try roaming more
- Dodge his Outer Q (It deals a lot more damage and heals him) You can either walk into him when he casts it, or use one of our dashes to dodge it
- Take ONLY Short trades with him, and if he stacks up 3+ passive stacks on you use Shroud to reset them (becareful of Outer Q still)
- You can abuse his Q and E cooldowns with short trades and when chunked all-ins
Dr. Mundo
- Just perma trade him untill he is low enough to be All-inned
- Dodge his Qs
- You can kite him really easly with our Q+Passive Range increased Autos
- You can perma shove him and try to roam aswell
- Dodge both of his Qs, and be careful of his E when his Q comesback (he will try Procing 2 stacks of his passive at the same time by dashing to you with E and Q
- Make sure you time your E right, he can blink on you dodging it
- Don't trade when he casts W ( he will get huge shield, you can go Shadowflame vs him)
- Use ignite when you think he will Ult to reduce heal from it
- Played vs Fiddle like 2 times
- Make sure you don't trade him in waves, he will heal much more with W
- Use E whenever he casts W to dodge his burst part of W (very end of cast)
- You can go mercs vs him to counter his Fear and AP damage
- Short trade her with Q Passive Q
- becareful of getting hit by many Vital Points
- Don't walk far into lane if You dont have W, she gets bonus movement speed on Ult
- Try hugging wall, so you block atleast 1 Vital from her Ult
- Super hard imo matchup,
- Whenever he casts Q+W or E on you, you can time your E to either dodge both of them or atleast hit your E
- You can hard trade him if his E is on cooldown
- his Ult reveals you whenever it hits You
- Cringe matchup, he is basically Anti-AP Champion
- His Autos with Passive up have huge range, make sure you dont stand near minions when he uses it
- You can heavy trade whenever he uses everything on wave
- His E cancels our E2, R1, R2
- Giga cringe, delete GP
- Doran's Shield + Second Wind needed cos of his low cd on Q
- Dodge his Barrels with your E and R
- our Passive is faster than his auto, so if possible try destrying his Barrels with it
- If playing with ignite, try Igniting him right before you think he's gonna use W (most of the time before R2 Execute)
- use E whenever he uses Q, he will almost always use E right after it, so you dodge it
- when he is casting E, make sure you stay in minion wave (his E deals more damage to single target)
- wait out his Shield before doing damage (it reduces damage taken by a lot)
- Try perma poking him so his passive doesnt heal him. If he goes far under turret to heal up he will most likely lose creeps = gold and xp
- Trade him whenever he goes for CS, his range is really low
- You can almost always all in him whenever he is in small form, he is very squishy
- Don't fight him in his mega form, because of his Huge Q Hitbox and Ult
- Try baiting out his E, or keep your E2 untill he uses his E
- Stay behind minions if You dont want to get E'd ( His Bodyslam hitbox is still huge so be careful)
- Keep your E2 so you can catchup to him after he E+R you
- his W auto has huge hitbox,
- Really annoying and "hard" matchup because he has insane sustain and base stats. If he makes mistake he can also just E+R you. His CDs in lategame are so low it will be almost impossible to kill him
- Try dodging her Q (especially fully stacked one) with your E
- Make sure you wait out her Zone ability before all-inning, it's really hard to be thinking about ability usage where half of your spells will throw you out of zone and make them not hit Gwen because of Immunity
- Trade him before he stacks up Q (3 stacks)
- Don't trade when his W is up, or wait it out before all inning
- Don't try to chase him wasting everything, he will turn on you (especially after wasting Shroud)
- Doran's Shield+Second Wind needed, might take Fleet if u have trouble with him
- Make sure You don't get hit by his E, his turrets will hit you with Laser
- really hard to all in because of turrets blocking your E, he can just use his E on top of him to insta stun you whenever you go for ult
- Make sure you look which item he goes first, if he goes zhoniyas you will almost never be able to kill him
- Just perma dodge everything
- Especially her E, it deals a lot of damage and reveals you from shroud (hide behind minions if possible)
- Can all-in her whenever she's 60~70%hp
- Q whenever she last hits minion with her Q, but becareful when she has 3+ stacks
- Use Movement Speed, E and R to dodge her stun
- If you get hit by E or Ult, wait out her marks in Shroud
- Whenever she casts Q on you, your E will hit 100% if you react fast enough
- Try not bursting her whenever she has W up, unless you know you will kill her even through that
Don't level up ability instantly, check which spell he takes
- If he starts E, start Q to farm all 3 first creeps and poke him, If he starts Q to cheese early dmg on you (most likely when playing lethal tempo) start E to dash away from him
- Try saving your E for his Stun
- If he ults early, just back off and wait out his ult
- Most importantly dodge his Q, especially empowered by gate ones
- Whenever he engages on you, use E and then E2 after he casts his knockback for followup
- Easly killable before hexdrinker buy (He will most likely go it 2nd item, or rush it)
Didn't play that matchup that many times since its still new champion but
- Dodge his Q with Movement Speed, E, R
- His Q cast time is time when you can easly hit your E
- Dodge her Q, especially empowered by ult one
- Her W reveals you in Shroud, use E or R+E before it roots you
- Her R+W Heals her 2 times, on usage and then on root, try not giving her free sustain, atleast 2nd part
- Dodge his Q's
- Most of the time he will play with exhaust so wait it out before making combo
- Don't stay on low hp since he can ult you
- Whenever he gets level 6 ping it for your team, so he doesnt get free kills. Do that whenever one of your teammates is on low hp
- Don't trade with his shield up
- If he's playing electrocute, be careful of his trades, they are really powerful
- If he ults on you either without stacks, or with max stacks but he has very little mana in early game you can easly all in him, he will not escape you
- She will automatically push wave to you by casting her Q (bounces on 3 creeps) So you can freeze wave
- Don't use E until you are sure you hit it (her E is on CD) or you can try predicting where shes gonna jump (wouldnt advice it)
- She can jump over your spells with E and resets
- Make sure you leave her R asap, whether if its with E or R, it will oneshot you, and still deal damage in shroud
- Whenever she walks up, poke her
- Use E whenever she Ults to dodge damage, then you can E2 to damage her if her immunity ends
- Do everything to not let her scale, she will most likely win 1v1s later
- Dodge Qs
- Try not getting autoed by Empowered Auto (shuriken will have lightnight effect on it)
- Don't all-in if u have any passive stacks
- Never dive kennen cos of his stuns
- You can oneshot him on level 6 if he doesnt buy MR / HP
- Dodge his Q, you win every trade if he doesn't hit it
- Dodge his E, you can also use your E to hit it + dodge
- Make sure to save some energy and spells for his form without his Bike (Lizard)
- Basically just dodge everything
- Even if he is playing full ap, don't trade when his W is up (he will glow)
- Don't forget about his passive after killing him
- Level 1 She will almost always start with W, Q+Auto(normal auto) trade her
- Don't let her Q+W You in early game for free
- Her Chain reveals us in Shroud
- If she uses W first and then other abilities, she can't use her R+W, so she has only 1 dash. If you have enough damage you can all-in
- Don't stand behind minions, her "Q" Explode and Extends after hitting target.
- Very hard matchup, rush mercs vs her for Tenacity and MR
- Just spamming Q and never using passive is best from what i seen( Unless really low) from my few last games against liss, cos she don't know when to W
- Matchup not really winnable, especially after level 6 when she has Ult
- Just try not forcing that much whenever she has Ult
- Play safe early game, save HP to all in him later
- If he E towards you in early game just Q+E, you can follow up with E2 if you have Shroud
- If he E towards you after level 6, you can most likely just all in him, unless he rushed hexdrinker
- Try dodging his Ult, whether its by ulting behind him, or using E in safe direction
- Dodge her Spells
- Don't face check bushes, she can easly oneshot you
- If you know where everyone in enemy team is, you can camp on her in bush, she can check bushes with E so be careful with it
- Can rush Mercs if you have trouble with this matchup
- Shadowflame really good item vs her
- Early levels you can outsustain his mana costs with D Shield+Second Wind
- Don't tank his empowered AutoAttacks
- He will most likely insta use his E whenever you go for Passive, try dodging that
- Don't trade with autos (stacking up conq) when he hits you with E (it reduces Attack Speed)
- Don't fast combo instantly, wait for his passive to come off
- Stay away from minions that are about to die to avoid Poke
- Build QSS to cleanse his R, he will most likely just Ult you and enemy jungler will come
- Don't force when his Ult is up
- You win most of trades, unless he dodged your Q or E with his W (root)
- Stay away from bushes, cos of his empowered Plants
- His Q slow is giga cringe
- Dodge his spells with Movement Speed, E and R so he doesnt activate passive (3 hits)
- Your Shroud can cancel his Ult if u time it correctly
- Wait with Shroud till he ults you, Shroud stays on normal map, so you are basically helpless if you waste it
- You can build Zhoniyas to wait out his ult for few secs
- Go agressive on him from the very beggining
- Punish him every time he goes for CS
- Ideally you should freeze
- You can go Antiheal Orb if his sustain is too much, he will heal from Q+Passive and Fleet, so Q him before he uses it on minion
- Whenever he ults, try waiting it out
- Dodge spells, especially root
- Her root becomes faster and bigger after hitting atleast 1 enemy (can be minion). Root duration is also increased
- Her Q pops up 3 times in total, 1 on cast and then every time when hitting champion, or killing minion. Try dodging atleast 2 of them
- Every 3rd auto her auto becomes Empowered increasing her DMG, Range and is Instant
- E when her ult is about to explode
- Poke him with Q+Passive Autos, he has very low range so he can't trade you back
- Try baiting out his W before using E2/R2 (main dmg)
- E as his Fear is about to proc
- Don't come too close to him without Shroud, he can easly run you down with Q+E
- Make sure you Dodge his Axes, they do a lot of damage, and he can pick them up to lower his CD (becomes like 2 sec after picking it up)
- Wait out his W shield when trading
- Wait out his Ult (it refreshes when he hits enemy champions) preferably in Shroud but you can just kite him with E and R
- Really hard matchup
- I'd advice you playing Fleet+Second Wind+D Shield vs her, can be Electrocute if 3+ Squishys in game
- If she uses her Q right after using E you have brief moment that u can all-in her
- If she has her ball on her she gets bonus MR and Armor
- If possible try saving E for her Ult to dodge it
- She hard outscales so you can try sacking some waves to roam on sides (DNO ABOUT THIS ONE AFTER MINION CHANGES THAT ARE APPARENTLY ON PBE)
- Dodge his Qs
- use E on his W / E
- Basically just dodge everything and its easy,
- Don't tank Breath, it deals **** ton of dmg+empowers next Auto attack
- Really free matchup if u play it few times
- Dodge her Qs
- Whenever she has Ice Q, she is most likely gonna get gank, or is looking to all-in you
- Don't waste E
- Use E whenever she E you, or unless its really free
- Don't take too much poke
- Even if you are blinded by her Q, you still get MS when running towards her, use Shroud so she cant auto you
- E when she Es so you can follow up after her CC and backflip
- Don't eat too many Q+Passive Autos in early game
- Space her so she has to use one or two Q or E Dashes to get to close to you
- When she wastes E in early game she's really squishy, you can trade or even all in till she has it up again
- Don't fight when she uses her Ult
- Can go Steelcaps vs him
- Poke him when he is low on Fury, don't let him get it for free
- Don't walk up whenever he has full Fury
- Don't trade with him in minions, he will heal up a lot with Empowered Q
- If he engages on you insta shroud and kite him with your Passive / Q / E (His W grants him extra range, so be careful)
- Don't get chunked to low hp, he can easly dive you with his Ult
- Play really defensive early, don't get chunked
- Q him whenever he jumps to minions instead of you
- Don't burst him, he will heal up most of his hp with W
- You can go orb to counter his healing a bit
- Don't walk up whenever he is fully stacked
- His ult Reveals you, if you are closest target to him, hide behind your teammates
- When his bar is orange, his abilities become empowered, don't tank them
- When he is overheated he can't use spells (red bar) you can punish him
- Don't stay in his Q / R for too long, his damage stacks up, use E
- Try farming up instead of trading, his Shield cd is very low
- If he doesnt play phase rush, you can run him down easly
- in early game wait till he pushes you under turret, he's gonna poke you with Auto W Auto
- Don't stack near minions whenever u have E mark on you
- His Q spreads on you even in Shroud
- You can cancell his W if you Shroud fast enough
- Don't get Auto-Auto Q-Q by him in early game, he can chunk you really hard, or even kill you
- Short trade him, so he doesnt get that much W stacks, unless he uses it
- Kite him with Passive Range, Q and E, but be careful of his Q Movement Speed
- If he is about to hit his E use shroud so he can't follow up with 4 autos after stunning you
- Use your E and R to dodge his W
- If he wastes W or E to push wave, just all in him
- Try baiting his E on max range, if you feel confident about your movement
- Trade after his shield falls off
- E when he Taunts, to dodge it and follow up with E2 later
- You win extended trades
- Wait out his W (zone thingy)
- Don't get hit by his empowered Q
- Don't get baited under his turret, he can easly Taunt, or even Taunt Flash you
- His Q gets empowered when it passes through champion, dont get hit by it (he wiil most likely leave it behind you)
- Dodge her Abilities, especially Empowered ones
- Go Shadowflame, she shields everyone on W
- Her Ult extends with every person hit, try not to get hit by it
- Don't stand in his poison.
- Don't chase
- Predict his E with your own E
- you can Shroud his E if u do it quickly
- When pushing be careful of his W+E combo under turret (especially when you poke him under turret or you have few creeps left)
- Use Movement Speed to dodge his Q
- If you destroy his shield, he cannot pop it anymore
- If you get hit by E, dash away with your E to not get hit by his Q
- Don't walk up into bushes where sion can be
- He can Ult on our E2, so be careful with it
- Dodge his Abilities, Especially E (hand) he can use whole combo on you, It's huge chunk of our HP
- Save Ignite for his Ult if possible
- Minions DON'T Block his Q DMG
- He is insane in long fights (His ult perma refreshes if he hits any champion target) So try waiting it out if possible
- Be careful of his E engage level 1, stand behind minions
- Later if he uses his E dodge it with your own E and then use E2 and Passive proc into Shroud Q trade
- Use ignite right before you think he will heal
- He is not AS hard for Akali as matchup, he is problematic for our team when he takes our Ult
- Don't give him free W Heals
- Don't take his Q2 Dmg, it's really easy to dodge, unless you get creep blocked (that happens quite often -.-)
- His E2 Interrupts our E2 / R1 / R2
- If he steals your Ult, and both of you use it at the same time, your ult will come off cd a bit earlier than he can take it again, so you can all in after bit of poke
- Dodge her Abilities (Rush boots to get Movement Speed for that)
- Don't get hit by her Stun
- She can easly escape if we waste everything on 1 engage (her E, or Q+E)
- You can bait her to push wave, by standing in your wave and then dodging Q
- Be careful when on low HP, and she plays with Electrocute and Ignite,
- She Transcends when Collecting Splinters, her Abilities gets upgraded when she has (40 - Q, 60 - W, 80 - E, 100 - R) Splinters,
- Her Q will gain another charge
- Her W will deal True Damage
- Her E has increased Size, Slows after you get hit by It (Right after getting Knockedback or After Stun Ends)
- Her R becomes Execute on 15% of max HP or Lower (each ball on her ult can proc Execute)
Tahm Kench
- Dodge his Q (stand behind minions if possible)
- Don't trade for long, he will win those unless you kite him perfectly with Passives and Qs
- If he gets 2/3 stacks on passive hide in Shroud or use E
- you can easly dodge or hit him with our E during his W animation
- Dodge her Qs, as many as possible, Especially Empowered one (when she's standing in her Circle on ground she will throw 1 Big Rock)
- Whenever she throws her E (rock field) she will most likely look to throw her E, be careful for that
- If you get stunned once from her E, you cannot get stunned 2nd time from same Rock Field- If you Zhoniya during E2, you will dodge her Rock Field DMG
- her Q has almost 0 CD in mid game+
- Don't let him proc his Passive ( 3 stacks)
- Don't get hit by his 2nd W (when it comes back, first part is hard to dodge/space cos range of it is longer than animation)
- You can E his Q, and then Engage with R and save E2 for followup
- Don't take too much poke early game
- Wait our his Blind in Shroud
- E whenever he casts Q (he stops to cast it for short time, you can hit E much easier)
- Don't walk in obvious mushroom spots
- Her passive E deals AoE Dmg when killing, she will auto push wave into you,
- When she casts E on you, wait it out in Shroud to prevent her from stacking it
- Save your E2 for after she Ults you
- Be careful in early game for his agressive E and then Autos with Crit (his passive), if he crits us atleast once its already huge chunk of our HP
- Poke him as much as possible, but save your E for his E
- Don't go for long trades vs him, if we waste our W or E he will just run us down
- Wait out his Ult in Shroud
Twisted Fate
Laning vs him is pretty easy, Major Threat because of his Ult
- Dodge Q
- Don't get hit by W (he will most likely zone you with Gold Card from wave)
- Don't get Autoed by his E AutoAttack (he stacks his Auto 3 times, when stacked cards start floating around him)
- Use E right as he Uses W card on us
- His Ult reveals us from Shroud (cringe in teamfights)
- If he gets level 6 remind your team about it (just like with Karthus etc)
- Play safe early, he can easly oneshot you
- E his E
- His E will cancel our E2 / R1 / R2
- He will perma push, cos of his passive
- Dodge his Q, if you get hit by Any abilities his W (machine gun) will target you instead of closest target
- Just dodge abilities
- Really hard, our Shroud is useless because his all Spells are skillshots
- be careful of his W stacks, his Q pop them to deal insane bonus dmg. His AutoAttacks gives 1 stack, and his Ult gives 3 Stacks)
- Don't get poked too much in early game so you can all in her bit later
- When she Qs, you can use shroud so she autos minion, reseting her W (can be applied on 1 target only). She wil most likely do that on 2 stacks of her W
- If she Es you, insta use W, so when stunned you are in invis and she cannot auto you
- When you Ult her, she will look to insta E you, make sure you either hit your E with R1+E1 or you can kill without using E (she's really hard to hit, because of Ghost / Q / R)
- He will look to use Q on dying minion and you (hits 2 targets), so either stand behind 2 minions atleast or stand completly somewhere else so he has to choose to poke you or farm Gold+AP from passive)
- When he uses W, but you are not in danger of anything you can E, get stunned and then followup with E2 to poke him. If he cages you on gank, or its really hard to dodge spells, wait it out in Shroud)
- If you get stunned by his Cage once, you cannot get stunned again by same Cage
- His Ult deals more DMG if target is on Low HP (not execute but kinda works like it) Make sure to not stay low vs him, or atleast have Zhoniya to Use on his Ult
- Don't let him scale for free, try roaming or getting picks early
- Dodge his Abilities, especially when he has some stacks of passive on you already, (his passive deals true damage on proc)
- Be careful of his Ult, deals a lot of DMG
- When he Ults you can R1 Through him (he will have to cancel it, because he can't turn that fast whenver he ults)
- Dodge her Abilities, especially when she will fear you (her passive is red)
- She can Proc her passive with Auto Attack or any other Basic Ability (everything except R). She get's it by hitting Spells, or whenever Enemy dash (yes on every dash it resets so on our E1, E2 , R1 ,R2 (: )
- when stacked passive (red bar) Her W Cancells every Dash (E1, E2, R1, R2), so you almost never engage on her, unless she wastes passive on wave clear, It's our only window to kill her
- Don't take free poke with his Q (low cd)
- Don't get hit by his stun (W) , and try predicting it with your E
- If he stuns you he will do short combo, shroud it if you are about to get hit)
- If you are giga stronger, you can wait with E2 for after he Ults away from us
- Don't get poked much
- You can actually take Fleet if you struggle vs his poke, we don't need other runes to kill him ( He is squishy already)
- We can all in him, if he missteps
- Don't get stunned (stuns on 3 ticks, 1.5 sec)
- Dodge 2nd part of his E
- Can trade him, unless he has empowered Q, Don't get hit by those)
- If you are trading with him and he is trying to Empower Q You, hide in Shroud and then trade right after he uses Empowered Q on minion
- Hide behind Minions to dodge E
- if his W is on CD, we can heavy trade or even all-in him
- Worst thing in this matchup is his scaling, he will scale no matter what, and your team will always int himXD
- Short trade him, because of his stacking passive ( he gets on hit effect that deals a lot of dmg when stacked)
- His W Deals DMG and Marks you, If he Procs Mark with 2nd W, he will do way more Damage and Heal, don't let him do it. Use E and MS to wait out Mark
- Be careful when he is on low HP and still has Ult, It makes him really tanky
- Also be careful if he slow pushes to you with Ult avaible, Save Shroud for when you are under turret, just soak xp till then. He will most likely try to dive with jungler
- Perma Poke With Q+Auto, Don't let him use his Q untill you have your Passive Auto tho
- Don't let him Q for free
- E When he Qs you, if you do that later he will teleport behind you dodging it
- Wait out his Fear in Shroud
- Try dodging his Ult really broken Ability
- Can rush Antiheal to make his sustain weaker
- Don't waste main dmg abilities (E2, R2) when he is casting his Fear (his Damage Taken is reduced by 35-55%)
- He is mostly jungler now, but i assume we will see him someday on lane again
- Be careful level 1, he can take E to dash to you, and since it gives him Attack Speed he will just Auto you to death
- our E reveals him now if he uses W,
-try using E whenever he E us, and waiting with E2 for follow up after he leaves stealth
- U prob won't really lane vs this, since he looks to perma push wave and go under turret
- Just dodge spells
- Free kill if he misssteps with E on CD
- Keep in mind that his Ult gets 1 more charge every time he levels it up (3 Charges on Level 6, 4 Charges on Level 11, 5 Charges on Level 16)
- Q whenever he goes for Q on minions
- Dodge his Q
- Wait out his Windwall if possible, so he doesnt block our Q and E
- E whenever he E on You
- If he doesnt have windwall he is freekill most of the time
- Don't walk up far away if you dont have Shroud, he will just run you down unless you are giga stronger
- Q whenever he goes for Q on minions
- Dodge his Q
- You can easly hit E whenever he casts Q3 on us, you E out of range of knockup and hit him cos he can't move
- His W Shield has small delay, you can Q and insta Shroud to wait out his Shield
- If You are confident in dodging his Q3 and You think you don't need Rocketbelt, You can rush Shadowflame vs him since he gets shield even if he hits minions only
- Avoid his Q (thing that he throws), his ghouls will jump on target hit by it, and will deal more damage
- Ghouls take reduced DMG from AoE, and since your Q is AoE we don't oneshot them (we actually deal like 0 dmg to them with Q)
- Be careful when he casts his Cage, if You use Shroud in the exact middle of it, your shroud will Spread around it
- Prefferably Save E for his Cage
- Don't fight when his Ult is up
- Poke him whenever he goes melee for CS
- Dodge Q, especially when he has 1 or 2 Shadows from W and R
- He will most likely try to poke you out before engaging, so keep that in mind
- When he wastes W you can easly run him down
- He always Pops out of Ult behind you, you can easly time E1 and almost 100% times hit it, unless he insta W to already existing Shadow
- After hitting E1, save E2 for after he wastes every dash (shadow tp) he has to follow up
- Zhoniya nice item
- Same as xerath, you won't really lane vs this, he will just perma push you, and all you can do is dodge spells
- Free kill whenever he wastes W
- He can Throw every ability on himself when engaging so be careful of it
- Dodge his Q (2 Qs on same target stun and insta proc one of bombs)
- You basically have to kill him 2 times cause of his ult, so don't waste everything on killing him "once"
- Use E to dodge bombs after he slows you, his Slow is really strong, it's impossible to dodge his Q
- Try doing R1+E1 Combo, he can give himself **** ton of Movement Speed and you will have really hard time hitting E otherwise
- Can go Mercs if You struggle with dodging bubble
- Dodge Q and E
- Don't get poked too much, she can easly kill you with Electrocute, Ignite + almost everything in her kit
- Watch out for items she has, ( they drop from minions that have balloon holding in hand)
- Whenever She R Towards you, you can easly R1 Through her and then E1 to her comming back position for free hit, then you just dodge E (bubble) and can all in
- Free if she wastes E for some reason
Her E Makes us giga strong, Also works with Rocketbelt for insane AoE slow and DMG
Yuumi on carry champ - Classic
Only issue is when she sits on you for too long and tax too much xp (only reason why shes 4 instead of 5)
Really insane roams with Janna on Support
Renata Glasc
Her revive thing is so insane to get "resets" that Akali doesn't have
Ivern is really nice cos of his Buffs passive (after level 6 his teammate can pickup buffs)
His Shield pops for **** ton of dmg that can't be dodged because we will be in shroud
His Q Enables us to gapclose and hit our E 100% times
Everything that CCs for 5 years is really great in general
Ashe support ults on mid nyoom
Enables us to play really agressive with her being super strong with R+Q and with Shield+Movement Speed from E
Kindred on jg is so nice (both teams usually kek), she can Ult everyone, and you just poke them to low health, then execute after ult ends
Same as Amumu, everything with CC is so nice
Insane Ult with our Engage potential + MS
Same as for other Champs with CC, just sometimes tricky to hit our E after his Ult hits, champions fly very high so you can actually miss it easly
Nunu & Willump
Great jungler if you are playing for snowball (hahaxd), can perma gank your laner, especially ones without dashes like viktor
Rakan and Akali dashing in teamfight makes enemy go crazy in head
Sejuani is really great with melee champs cos of her passive + CC she has in general
Gives us 2nd Life, Movement Speed, really enjoyable playing with okayish Zilean
Her E Makes us giga strong, Also works with Rocketbelt for insane AoE slow and DMG
Yuumi on carry champ - Classic
Only issue is when she sits on you for too long and tax too much xp (only reason why shes 4 instead of 5)
Really insane roams with Janna on Support
Renata Glasc
Her revive thing is so insane to get "resets" that Akali doesn't have
Ivern is really nice cos of his Buffs passive (after level 6 his teammate can pickup buffs)
His Shield pops for shit ton of dmg that can't be dodged because we will be in shroud
His Q Enables us to gapclose and hit our E 100% times
Everything that CCs for 5 years is really great in general
Ashe support ults on mid nyoom
Enables us to play really agressive with her being super strong with R+Q and with Shield+Movement Speed from E
Kindred on jg is so nice (both teams usually kek), she can Ult everyone, and you just poke them to low health, then execute after ult ends
Same as Amumu, everything with CC is so nice
Insane Ult with our Engage potential + MS
Same as for other Champs with CC, just sometimes tricky to hit our E after his Ult hits, champions fly very high so you can actually miss it easly
Nunu & Willump
Great jungler if you are playing for snowball (hahaxd), can perma gank your laner, especially ones without dashes like viktor
Rakan and Akali dashing in teamfight makes enemy go crazy in head
Sejuani is really great with melee champs cos of her passive + CC she has in general
Gives us 2nd Life, Movement Speed, really enjoyable playing with okayish Zilean
Hellau, I'm Anguish, Akali OTP [1.9 Million Mastery Points] for 3 seasons now, assassin player in general hitting Masters on EUW with her in s11-s14 (567LP Peak) and Challenger on EUNE. In this Guide ill just talk about my thought process with runes/items and my general experience in playing Akali. Hope I can make some things clear.
I'm also streaming my games on twitch.tv/anguish333 if you want to ask about anything, chillax with me and more
I know Masters isn't big of a achievement, especially in latest seasons but is still top % of server i guess
Challenger Proof
Some random Master WRs
* Most importantly She's one of the most fun Champions to play in League (even if bad in meta)
* Can Easly dodge ganks with Dashes and Shroud
* Insane Mobility
* Great against Squishy
* High Skill Ceiling
* Insane at 1v1s (if played well, can win most of them if not behind)
* Huge pressure in Teamfights
* Outplays look cool
* Bad in meta at the moment
* Squishy even with every defensive thing we have
* Hard to 1v9 but doable
* Shroud is countered by Champions that reveal invis
* Easly countered by CCs
* Hard to get consistent good CS
* Bad early game
* Won't get prio in most matchups
Rune / Item / Summoner Spell Choices
Runes, Items and Summoner Spells are explained above in Notes (Maybe will make custom Chapter for them after I'm done with everything else)
I will only tell You about (in my opinion) most important things, I will not include combos that are flashy or anything, or are purely stylish (Maybe will do after finishing most useful combos and matchups)
Akali casts her E after little backflip [behind her]
You can Reposition your E with Flash
If you Flash bit later you can completly cancel dash part from E1
You can cancel E1 dash with R1
You can also do that with R2
You can cancel your E2 with Flash, R1 and R2
You can use Items like Rocketbelt or Zhoniyas in E2 (Zhoniyas will still deal damage)
E1 -> Flash cancel -> Passive Auto -> E2 = Insane Burst especially with Electrocute
You can also do that when dashing through enemy with your ult to gap close
You can dash through walls (even big ones) with your E backflip
Here is cool trick to save some time! Leaving base with bit less gold than we need for item, leaving mark in our shroud buying item and then E2 to our mark
Most basic combo that makes your E almost undodgable
You can dash through walls with R1
Both ults can be extended by Flash
R2 Has Huge Hitbox (hits targets even behind Akali)
Most basic way of procing Electrocute
E1+E2+Passive Auto is enough to proc Electrocute too!
Most basic quick Trade
Basic Combo Showcase
We can do really insane dives with our R2 Hitbox being so huge
If you are not sure of your R2 Hitting your target, you can Flash behind and then R2 out of Turret Range
Funny Akali combo thing
Example of Decent Akali Combos and Clips in general
Akali Early game is not as weak as it used to, but still most of the time if enemy plays well you can't really do anything and we need to wait for level 6, so try farming as best as possible till then.
At level 6 we can all-in most champs, especially if he have Hextech Alternator.
In some matchup you will need to poke them to around 70% hp before all-inning
You will most likely swap with your Botlane, so you still play vs Enemy Mid. You want to Clear waves, takes prio if your jungler is nearby, if not play defensive get pushed and just chill. If wave is really far away (under enemy t2 turret for example) you should cover your team, help your support ward and get control over map, or make picks with Oracle, you gotta be sure that enemy are not baiting you, or camping for you in enemy jungle tho. Most of the time if you play with Teleport, you gonna go to other side of map where next objective is so: If Drake is up, you want to go Toplane, to pressure other side of map, and then TP in case your team fights, If Baron is Objective go bot.
You can clear enemy camps if you are confident in doing that, be careful to not waste that many spells tho( Akalis Jungle Clear is bad, Only E Deals decent dmg but only to single target so try hitting "Big" mob in camp, big Raptor, big Wolf etc. It's bit better if you have Lich Bane ofc. Do not waste W if you are not sure where enemies are. You gonna lose a lot of HP doing that, so I'd only advice counterjungling as Akali for: Enemy BlueBuff/RedBuff and if you are really ahead
In Late game you want to be groupped with your team almost always, since getting caught in Late game means losing game. You Should have enough items to not feel bad about not farming that much. Make sure you think about how teamfights should be played, what to focus, what or who is your priority.
* Make sure that when you have big bounty on you, you either stack with team and try force stuff, or play really carefully on side. You don't wanna give away 1k gold shutdown for enemy. If it happens even once game can be insta lose from that point
* If you are pushing side, save your W and E unless you are sure that there are no enemies nearby. If you waste both of them you cannot escape or fight enemies that will try to kill you
* Your E2 Deals a lot of DMG, you can use that as "Smite" when doing Objectives
If you have more questions, you can join my discord/stream and ask me there :3
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