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Recommended Items
Runes: Fleet footwork/main build
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
Probably the hardest matchup can easily all in you with her bomb and jump and completely outscales you.Also since she is so mobile if she ends up getting fed or getting to a stage where she is stronger than you you cant escape her at all.The only easy way to defeat her in lane is to hope she makes a bad jump with her w and capitalize on her mistake by cc'ing her or bursting her down
in my opinion jhin works well with any support wiyh good cc like leona nautilus and morgana
in my opinion jhin works well with any support wiyh good cc like leona nautilus and morgana
Champion Build Guide

good at all stages of the game
good range
reltively easy to pick up and start playing
good burst damage
Is pretty good at kiting late game due to ms from crits
can go either lethality,crit or ap
Has the highest ad in the game
Good cc with his w and his e and r slows
very fun and satisfying to play
very squishy champ
not incredibly mobile
Is completely vulnerable for a couple seconds while he is reloading
cant do very good damage damage to tanks
is pretty hard to master
gets easily 1v1 against traditional adc's due to his lack of attack speed
is pretty weak if he falls behind
Needs a pretty different mindset compared to other adc's so it can be hard to get used to him

-probably your deadliest combo is auto attack to q to w. That not only does really good damage but since you also root the enemy you have time to get more shots.If you end up also getting off the 4th shot you will either kill the opponent or leave him low enough to finish him with your ult
-if a low hp opponent is marked by your w but out of your range you can w to root him and immidiatly ult.If you do that the opponent will either die because he got hit by r while rooted and couldnt move or will have to move quickly and very predictably making it easy to shot him
-Another good combo against low health enemies is galeforce active to 4th shot/q and 4th shot. Galeforce will of course let you get in range of the enemy and also do some extra damage to make sure that 4th shot kill.Also if you can use it unexpectedly the opponent wont be able to react before you shot your 4th shot which not only will kill them but many times also take their flash since they thought they could get away
-you should use your flowers a lot since they have many different uses. you can use the as mini wards,in narrow paths in the jg,for more damage to farm,to get a slow on your oponents or a long range root etc
-late game since your 4th shot does missing health damage it can do huge amounts of damage to objectives so you can use it to outsmite the enemy jg or if your junglers smite is on cooldown
-if the enemy is low hp and you have 4th shot you should first q them and then 4th shot in order to get more missing health damage if you feel like 4th shot wont be enough to kill the enemy
-while q to 4th shot is more damage 4th shot to q is actually more reliable so if you think the opponent might be able to get out of range you should 4th shot 1st and then q if you are still in range
-your q deals increased damage if one of its targets dies but it doesnt need to specifically be what killed the target. the target just needs to die before the next bounce so that means that if q a minnion and it survives if kill it by an auto attack then the remaining bounces will have the increased damage
-obviously your ult is supposed to be used to execute ppl so when the enemy has tons of hp it doesnt hurt them at all.despite that in some situations you will still need to throw it out. these situations are if your teamates are chasing someone you ult in order to slow the enemy and help your aly catch up to them or during teamfights if you are to afraid to attack you can back up a bit and ult so help your team.
-when you are in laneif you throw your q at 3 minions and you know its gonna bounce to the enemy laner too then w asap so your w hits the enemy imideately after q and you get a quick and unexpected root
-during the laning phase try no to get multiple minions too low at the same time especially before lvl 6 when your q doesnt do much damage.Since you have so low attack speed and early your abilities dont do much damage leaving many mibions on low hp can cause you to lose cs.so onlu leave multiple of them low if you are sure q can kill and continue bouncing
-in lane before you engage on a fight i suggest trying to poke your enemies a bit with 4th shot
-if you are running fleet footwork and it gets charged up while you are on your 3rd shot use it on a minion and then use fleet footworks movement speed in order to quickly get in range of the enemy and q 4th shot them
-While using your w you can flash and the w will fire from the original position. use that in order to get to safety if need to
-A lot of people dont actualy know this but n adition to things like j4's flag,tresh's lantern or zac's blobs you can also use jhins flowers as a teleport target
-before the teamfights start if the enemies are all really close to each other and you can get in range of one of them make sure you q them.Even if it doesnt get the bonus damage from killing enemies it still does a ton of damage to multiple enemies
-since instead of getting attack speed gives you ad if you have at any point 1k-1.5k unspent gold you should really go back to buy items even if it isnt a complete item since you are losing a lot of ad and damage
-in lane i reccomend always have one traps in some of the bushes either the jg ones or the lane ones.You cant imagine how useful they can become. from working as mini wards to alert you that the enemy laner is in a bush/the jungler is ganking to killing the low hp enemy that killed you becaused they werent payng attention to thet trap
-jhin obviously reloads after firing all 4shots but if he doesnt have all 4 shots and doesnt aa for 10 seconds he automatically reloads.but using an ability refreshes
the 10 second counter so if you need to preserve your 4th shot for some burst damage to an enemy or objective place a flower down or throw a q to an enemy to refresh the 10 seconds
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