The Only Samira Guide You Will Ever need. *UPDATED 14.21* (Runes,match ups)
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Recommended Items
Runes: The inventor of sorcery samira
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Skills in order
Daredevil Impulse (PASSIVE)
Samira Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
The best support for samira imo. Really easy to play and you can aa everytime he aa's the wave so you actually have a way to push early aswell
The best support for samira imo. Really easy to play and you can aa everytime he aa's the wave so you actually have a way to push early aswell
Champion Build Guide
IMPORTANT: Try to prioritize the target that you want to kill, sometimes it is not the adc!
For example if they have a squishy support ( Lulu, Milio and Sona) you can look to kill them with your support's engage. You don't have to kill the enemy ADC to become fed, you can always abuse the support as well so you can get an early lead.TL;DR: wait for level 3 and poke/farm with your q until then AND SAVE AS MUCH HEALTH AS POSSIBLE!
Let's say your Nautilus hooks the enemy support but you KNOW there are enemies near them. You should never look to go in, instead just poke and keep your E like its the most important thing ever. I CAN'T stress this enough PLEASE! Samira's E is the most important ability she has, its your gap closer/escape option. You can win or lose games depending how you use your E . Try to use your Wild Rush right before the enemy dies so by the time he dies you are behind him AND then you can dash to the next target and be an unstoppable machine, but play with patience and you will be rewarded
Let's say you have 1k gold, you buy dirk easily. Next recall you have let's say 700 gold, you will NOT BUY ANYTHING, no Boots, no cloak . You will save the gold for your NEXT back so you can get B. F. Sword. You will be quite strong at that point. The moment you have COLL and Infinity Edge you are by far the strongest adc in the game when you reach 2 items besides Draven, take advantage of that.
Also something very important with how the new Boots are its kinda pointless for you to rush them unless they are either 5 of the same damage type (Full AD/Full AP) it's almost never worth for you to get Boots, after you have 2 items you can look to buy the Boots you need
Thank you for reading this far and I hope all of you guys have an amazing day!
Rank 1 and 2 Samira world:
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