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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
Okay I will tell you why you should build Wukong the way this monkey should be. And aren't you asking yourself what is his ultimate for? Is it for single Champions only? or for team clash fights? Only knocking up enemy champs then run? Well, you'll know the answer as you continue reading this guide......
For Runes I suggest you take:
Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush
Greater Mark of Desolation x 9
-this rune will help you deal more damage to enemy champions
Greater Seal of Defense
-yes it is a per level rune so I suggest that you be more careful at early game as this rune will only match the flat armor runes when you reach level 9. But if you felt that you really are very squishy do use the Greater Seal of Armor instead or just buy a Cloth Armor as your first item along with 5 Health Pots
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
-you won't need much of magic resist early game so this is a more viable choice
Greater Quintessence of Desolation
-it will provide you with more Armor Penetration causing more damage
Greater Quintessence of Defense
-this will improve your armor as you progress your level
Greater Mark of Desolation x 9
-this rune will help you deal more damage to enemy champions
Greater Seal of Defense
-yes it is a per level rune so I suggest that you be more careful at early game as this rune will only match the flat armor runes when you reach level 9. But if you felt that you really are very squishy do use the Greater Seal of Armor instead or just buy a Cloth Armor as your first item along with 5 Health Pots
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
-you won't need much of magic resist early game so this is a more viable choice
Greater Quintessence of Desolation
-it will provide you with more Armor Penetration causing more damage
Greater Quintessence of Defense
-this will improve your armor as you progress your level
Okay first let me explain why you can't see a
Trinity Force being rushed in this build. I'll explain why:
1. Trinity Force is a really an expensive item for about 4,070 G.
2. You may have a stat boost especially the unique passive for his Crushing Blow Skill.
3. And Wukong won't be a good damage dealer unless he got fed late game for more damaging items.
4. What can he do to help in team clashes midgame with only Trinity Force? Just have the enemy knocked up? And that's it? After that he'll run? He won't be able to stay in clash for the whole duration of Cyclone. That's entirely pathetic.
So those are the 4 main reasons why I didn't like Trinity Force rushed early. But you can have the benefit of Sheen early game.
Okay but first for the Boots, I want to tell you that you have to be flexible if there are champs that deal AP damage, you have to go for Mercury's Treads, if AD champs are there, go for Ninja Tabi.
1. Your first Item should be either Sapphire Crystal / Cloth Armor with 5 Health Potions
Okay so why should I buy Sapphire Crystal as my first item along with 2 Health Potions? Because it can help you rush Sheen which can give Wukong a nasty damage with his Crushing Blow or Q
2. You should buy Sheen on your first trip back.
3. Then If you have to rush The Brutalizer as the damage, armor pen, cooldown reduction. Is very good for Wukong early game till late game.
4. Your next target item should be the Last Whisper so buy Pickaxe first as it gives +25 bonus damage or you can buy the Last Whisper if you already can.
5. Okay now you can do more damage with your armor penetration.
6. You should be able to buy Youmuu's Ghostblade now.
7. Next, buy again The Brutalizer. Why? Does it stack with Youmuu's Ghostblade? Yes. They do stack. Just think of the Armor penetration and ability cooldown reduction it can give Wukong. If you don't believe that they do stack (although I know you do) you can try it in a custom game. While in game press "C" and you will be able to see the armor penetration level that they indeed stack.
8. I know this sounds crazy but you have to buy HextechHextech Revolver. Why? Because it can indeed help you during clashes with it's spell vamp as you either cast your ultimate or other skill, there will be always a spell vamp.
9. By this time, you should be able to complete Hextech Gunblade (Yeah Go Squall!!!) Why this item? What on earth it can do for Wukopng? Okay I'll explain why it is important for you to buy this item
a. Both 15% Life Steal and 20% Spell Vamp procs with his Crushing Blow
b. All Wukong's skill has Spell Vamp especially his Cyclone. Imagine this 200 (+DAMAGE) x 20% per target hit per second for 4 seconds in a clash. Even if they did focused on you, you won't die easily and you will help your team wiping all your enemy champs for staying the whole duration of Cyclone.
10. Now go for Trinity Force. Remember the more damage and armor penetration you have the powerful Wukong's Cyclone will become and the more Spell Vamp % from it, not just that also for your Crushing Blow and Nimbus Strike.
Well buying of Elixir of Fortitude and Elixir of Brilliance are just optional items but you can try if you want.
1. Trinity Force is a really an expensive item for about 4,070 G.
2. You may have a stat boost especially the unique passive for his Crushing Blow Skill.
3. And Wukong won't be a good damage dealer unless he got fed late game for more damaging items.
4. What can he do to help in team clashes midgame with only Trinity Force? Just have the enemy knocked up? And that's it? After that he'll run? He won't be able to stay in clash for the whole duration of Cyclone. That's entirely pathetic.
So those are the 4 main reasons why I didn't like Trinity Force rushed early. But you can have the benefit of Sheen early game.
Okay but first for the Boots, I want to tell you that you have to be flexible if there are champs that deal AP damage, you have to go for Mercury's Treads, if AD champs are there, go for Ninja Tabi.
1. Your first Item should be either Sapphire Crystal / Cloth Armor with 5 Health Potions
Okay so why should I buy Sapphire Crystal as my first item along with 2 Health Potions? Because it can help you rush Sheen which can give Wukong a nasty damage with his Crushing Blow or Q
2. You should buy Sheen on your first trip back.
3. Then If you have to rush The Brutalizer as the damage, armor pen, cooldown reduction. Is very good for Wukong early game till late game.
4. Your next target item should be the Last Whisper so buy Pickaxe first as it gives +25 bonus damage or you can buy the Last Whisper if you already can.
5. Okay now you can do more damage with your armor penetration.
6. You should be able to buy Youmuu's Ghostblade now.
7. Next, buy again The Brutalizer. Why? Does it stack with Youmuu's Ghostblade? Yes. They do stack. Just think of the Armor penetration and ability cooldown reduction it can give Wukong. If you don't believe that they do stack (although I know you do) you can try it in a custom game. While in game press "C" and you will be able to see the armor penetration level that they indeed stack.
8. I know this sounds crazy but you have to buy HextechHextech Revolver. Why? Because it can indeed help you during clashes with it's spell vamp as you either cast your ultimate or other skill, there will be always a spell vamp.
9. By this time, you should be able to complete Hextech Gunblade (Yeah Go Squall!!!) Why this item? What on earth it can do for Wukopng? Okay I'll explain why it is important for you to buy this item
a. Both 15% Life Steal and 20% Spell Vamp procs with his Crushing Blow
b. All Wukong's skill has Spell Vamp especially his Cyclone. Imagine this 200 (+DAMAGE) x 20% per target hit per second for 4 seconds in a clash. Even if they did focused on you, you won't die easily and you will help your team wiping all your enemy champs for staying the whole duration of Cyclone.
10. Now go for Trinity Force. Remember the more damage and armor penetration you have the powerful Wukong's Cyclone will become and the more Spell Vamp % from it, not just that also for your Crushing Blow and Nimbus Strike.
Well buying of Elixir of Fortitude and Elixir of Brilliance are just optional items but you can try if you want.
His skills are very powerful when paired with the correct items.
For his Passive
Stone Skin
Wukong's armor and magic resistance are increased for each nearby enemy champions.
Crushing Blow
Wukong swings his mighty staff with incredible speed, crushing his opponent. This attack deals additional physical damage and reduces the enemy's Armor for a short duration.
Wukong utilizes his cleverness to trick his foes. He becomes stealthed for 1.5 seconds and leaves an uncontrollable decoy behind that will deal Magic Damage to enemies near it after 1.5 seconds.
Nimbus Strike
Wukong dashes on a cloud toward a target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies near his target, dealing physical damage to each enemy struck.
Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around, dealing damage and knocking up enemies. Wukong gains movement speed over the duration of the spell.
For his Passive
Stone Skin
Wukong's armor and magic resistance are increased for each nearby enemy champions.
Crushing Blow
Wukong swings his mighty staff with incredible speed, crushing his opponent. This attack deals additional physical damage and reduces the enemy's Armor for a short duration.
Wukong utilizes his cleverness to trick his foes. He becomes stealthed for 1.5 seconds and leaves an uncontrollable decoy behind that will deal Magic Damage to enemies near it after 1.5 seconds.
Nimbus Strike
Wukong dashes on a cloud toward a target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies near his target, dealing physical damage to each enemy struck.
Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around, dealing damage and knocking up enemies. Wukong gains movement speed over the duration of the spell.
As you may have noticed, I gave priority to his Crushing Blow as this skill will deal most damage partnered with Sheen and later with Trinity Force
Additional Info: Wukong's Crushing Blow effect will automatically proc with damage and with other passive effect items the time it hits the target and the after effect will last for 3 seconds.
I love using Flash along with Ghost for escaping purposes and also for offensive style of gaming.
This SS was nerfed but still useful. It's use is for filling the gap of spaces between 2 champs either for offense or when escaping.
This SS will give you a boost of speed when using Warrior Trickster and is really helpful when assassinating a champ.
I will upload a video regarding how to use Ghost with decoy later as I can't play my replay when I killed Fiora with it.
Well a decent choice for Wukong slow (armor, damage, ability power, and speed reduction) then kill if possible. Also effective when ganking.
Also a decent choice for Wukong good for finishing fleeing low health enemy champs and also for reducing health regen by half.
A must have when doing solo top (or solo bot if the case maybe.) As your main goal is to defend your turret.
Only use this if you want Wukong to jungle. I will include a guide on how to jungle with Wukong effectively later.
well let your tanks have this SS unless you and your team talked about having all your champs equipped with this. Well all of you with this during clash? TROLL but funny and helpful. But still TROLL :D
This SS was nerfed but still useful. It's use is for filling the gap of spaces between 2 champs either for offense or when escaping.
This SS will give you a boost of speed when using Warrior Trickster and is really helpful when assassinating a champ.
I will upload a video regarding how to use Ghost with decoy later as I can't play my replay when I killed Fiora with it.
Well a decent choice for Wukong slow (armor, damage, ability power, and speed reduction) then kill if possible. Also effective when ganking.
Also a decent choice for Wukong good for finishing fleeing low health enemy champs and also for reducing health regen by half.
A must have when doing solo top (or solo bot if the case maybe.) As your main goal is to defend your turret.
Only use this if you want Wukong to jungle. I will include a guide on how to jungle with Wukong effectively later.
well let your tanks have this SS unless you and your team talked about having all your champs equipped with this. Well all of you with this during clash? TROLL but funny and helpful. But still TROLL :D
So here is a guide for those who wish to do Solo Top with Wukong
For Runes:
Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest
Phase Rush
This will provide you with 10 Armor Penetration as well as 10 Attack Damage as soon as you get on top. And also 13 armor which makes you a little tanky early game.
For Masteries:
This set-up will give you another 6 and 10% armor penetration, 3 AD and AD boost/bonus/ level, Atkspd, and and some Armor and MR boost with little HP regen. =)
Okay, let's start what to buy first when doing solo top Wukong.
Buy a Doran's Shield. This item will help you survive with 120 health boost, 10 armor (plus runes, masteries and his passive) and an HP regen of 8(+ 3 from masteries)/ 5 seconds.
So imagine how you can take care of you turret when doing solo top with your health and armor boost and HP regen but be careful not to overextend nor make mistakes when doing solo top as you might get kited or killed in the process. Don't be greedy but you can harass them. I've won many solo top 2v1 without the help from my jungler (Like Palthios from Garen Spin to Crit. Yeah I did got some points from him when doing solo top) but sometimes if you're laning with powerful champs or 2. Better be tactful for you to survive and you can ask help from your jungler if you're having difficulties with your lane. And make sure that you can farm from enemy minions because it is very important for solo top players to have items during this process where it is your opportunity to earn gold and experience that your jungler gave you.
Don't over extend your lane, ever! Unless your jungler says so. You don't know when the enemy jungler might show up so it's better to be aware and stay in the safe zone just in case. It's better to stay alive than feeding your enemy with kills.
Blue Line - Flash Direction
Yellow Line - Walk Direction
Buy wards often and ward areas that might be possible for enemy jungler to gank you.
Then continue with what build you like if it's TeamCarry/SoloOff-Top/ADCarry your choice. The purpose of this guide is for you to survive and protect your turret during early-midgame.
Optional Items:
- gives 25% attack speed this is very good specially after casting your Nimbus Strike which further increases your attack speed by 30-50% and by activating your Youmuu's Ghost Blade which again further increases your attack speed by 50%.
- If most of your enemies deal Physical Damage then this boots is for you.
- this is great because it reduces most debuff and also provides some Magic Resist. One of the best choices for boots to have.
For Runes:
This will provide you with 10 Armor Penetration as well as 10 Attack Damage as soon as you get on top. And also 13 armor which makes you a little tanky early game.
For Masteries:
This set-up will give you another 6 and 10% armor penetration, 3 AD and AD boost/bonus/ level, Atkspd, and and some Armor and MR boost with little HP regen. =)
Okay, let's start what to buy first when doing solo top Wukong.
Buy a Doran's Shield. This item will help you survive with 120 health boost, 10 armor (plus runes, masteries and his passive) and an HP regen of 8(+ 3 from masteries)/ 5 seconds.
So imagine how you can take care of you turret when doing solo top with your health and armor boost and HP regen but be careful not to overextend nor make mistakes when doing solo top as you might get kited or killed in the process. Don't be greedy but you can harass them. I've won many solo top 2v1 without the help from my jungler (Like Palthios from Garen Spin to Crit. Yeah I did got some points from him when doing solo top) but sometimes if you're laning with powerful champs or 2. Better be tactful for you to survive and you can ask help from your jungler if you're having difficulties with your lane. And make sure that you can farm from enemy minions because it is very important for solo top players to have items during this process where it is your opportunity to earn gold and experience that your jungler gave you.
Don't over extend your lane, ever! Unless your jungler says so. You don't know when the enemy jungler might show up so it's better to be aware and stay in the safe zone just in case. It's better to stay alive than feeding your enemy with kills.
Blue Line - Flash Direction
Yellow Line - Walk Direction
Buy wards often and ward areas that might be possible for enemy jungler to gank you.
Then continue with what build you like if it's TeamCarry/SoloOff-Top/ADCarry your choice. The purpose of this guide is for you to survive and protect your turret during early-midgame.
Optional Items:
- gives 25% attack speed this is very good specially after casting your Nimbus Strike which further increases your attack speed by 30-50% and by activating your Youmuu's Ghost Blade which again further increases your attack speed by 50%.
- If most of your enemies deal Physical Damage then this boots is for you.
- this is great because it reduces most debuff and also provides some Magic Resist. One of the best choices for boots to have.
Most players tend to build Wukong Tanky or an Off-tank because they don't know how to carry with an AD Carry build (no offense) and they die easily for reason he is squishy. So I created this guide for those wishing to use him to Inflict massive damage to enemy champs while staying on his toe but you also have to be careful as he's not that tanky so be witty when playing this type. The survival rate is from medium to high so enjoy dominating your game.
Optional Items:
Youmuu's Ghostblade - You can replace your Phantom Dancer with this one if your in to active ability items as it gives you additional 30 AD, a Crit chance of 15%, a passive of 20 armor Penetration, 15% cooldown reduction and an active ability which increases your attack speed by 50% and movement speed of 20%. Also a decent choice.
Last Whisper - again you can replace Phantom Dancer with this one if most of your enemies are stacking up armor or going the off-tank path. But this item really is situational. You can leave this to your AD Range Carry.
Sunfire Aegis - You can replace Frozen Mallet with this one if you want to add more armor in expense of 200 health, 20 AD, and the perma slow from it. But you can have additional armor and a passive which can give you magic damage while you're close to your enemies. A decent choice.
Warmog's Armor - if you want massive amount of health but you'll lose a bit of armor but this is still a decent choice.
Thornmail - gives massive amount of armor but only use this of you have many AD carry enemies (e.g tryndamer, Xin Zhao, Fiora, etc..) but it is wise to just live it to your main tank.
Guardian Angel - gives you both decent armor and magic resistance and a revive passive so it's like having Frozen Mallet's health or a bit of Warmog's Armor's health. Your call. :)
Optional Items:
Youmuu's Ghostblade - You can replace your Phantom Dancer with this one if your in to active ability items as it gives you additional 30 AD, a Crit chance of 15%, a passive of 20 armor Penetration, 15% cooldown reduction and an active ability which increases your attack speed by 50% and movement speed of 20%. Also a decent choice.
Last Whisper - again you can replace Phantom Dancer with this one if most of your enemies are stacking up armor or going the off-tank path. But this item really is situational. You can leave this to your AD Range Carry.
Sunfire Aegis - You can replace Frozen Mallet with this one if you want to add more armor in expense of 200 health, 20 AD, and the perma slow from it. But you can have additional armor and a passive which can give you magic damage while you're close to your enemies. A decent choice.
Warmog's Armor - if you want massive amount of health but you'll lose a bit of armor but this is still a decent choice.
Thornmail - gives massive amount of armor but only use this of you have many AD carry enemies (e.g tryndamer, Xin Zhao, Fiora, etc..) but it is wise to just live it to your main tank.
Guardian Angel - gives you both decent armor and magic resistance and a revive passive so it's like having Frozen Mallet's health or a bit of Warmog's Armor's health. Your call. :)
Okay so when it comes to team work, your main goal is also to support your team during clashes whenever possible. Just position yourself before you enter the clash but first wait for your tanks to initiate. But we have a game where we won the match having no tank and me as Wukong being semi-tank.
This build can also do 1 v 1 with champs both squishy and tanks. So you can have the opportunity to hunt if you like, but you have to be careful when doing so as a good team wards most area of the map. So I suggest you buy an Oracle's Elixir for you to clear off the wards and hunt for single enemy champs who keeps on farming unnoticed.
Word of advice. You're not a tank. Don't initiate clashes unless you don't have any other options left. Sometimes we do have to sacrifice to keep other team carries alive but this should seldom occur.
Don't prioritize on KSing, or killing champs (I mean you have to kill enemy champs but do not prioritize your score instead focus on helping your team out) as it will ruin your balance while playing. Your main goal is to help your team win the match.
Okay so these are the proper ward locations. If ever you're planning on hunting champs make sure that you bought an Oracle's Elixir to wipe out all the wards in the area and also your boots should be Boots of Swiftness. Though if you can stick to either Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads no problem as you have your Summoner Spells as your escape mechanism in case you ran to more than 3 enemy champs.
While this is an invasion ward map downloaded from google.
This build can also do 1 v 1 with champs both squishy and tanks. So you can have the opportunity to hunt if you like, but you have to be careful when doing so as a good team wards most area of the map. So I suggest you buy an Oracle's Elixir for you to clear off the wards and hunt for single enemy champs who keeps on farming unnoticed.
Word of advice. You're not a tank. Don't initiate clashes unless you don't have any other options left. Sometimes we do have to sacrifice to keep other team carries alive but this should seldom occur.
Don't prioritize on KSing, or killing champs (I mean you have to kill enemy champs but do not prioritize your score instead focus on helping your team out) as it will ruin your balance while playing. Your main goal is to help your team win the match.
Okay so these are the proper ward locations. If ever you're planning on hunting champs make sure that you bought an Oracle's Elixir to wipe out all the wards in the area and also your boots should be Boots of Swiftness. Though if you can stick to either Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads no problem as you have your Summoner Spells as your escape mechanism in case you ran to more than 3 enemy champs.
While this is an invasion ward map downloaded from google.
- "Tanky combo Ult Burst"
Okay, one of the best buds of Wukong is Shen(Please refer to Seiichinanba's Shen-the Tank Carry as he is also one of my best partner when doing a Wukong+ Shen combo.
Well, first of all if others say that "Wukong should initiate" okay with this build he can also initiate but you can also use Shen's help/support. First off you have to signal Shen before landing your ultimate on the enemy team and when the time comes have Shen cast his ultimate on you in advance. This will let your Wukong have enough tankiness while delivering high Ult Cyclone damage while Shen taunts most of the enemy in team clashes + your other teams skills.
- "Dancing in the Sky"
Malphite is also one of the best partner Wukong can have. Let Malphite cast his Ult first with an interval of 0.25 sec then cast Wukong's Ult as their CC really is worth to have.
Coming soon...
More to come..
Okay, one of the best buds of Wukong is Shen(Please refer to Seiichinanba's Shen-the Tank Carry as he is also one of my best partner when doing a Wukong+ Shen combo.
Well, first of all if others say that "Wukong should initiate" okay with this build he can also initiate but you can also use Shen's help/support. First off you have to signal Shen before landing your ultimate on the enemy team and when the time comes have Shen cast his ultimate on you in advance. This will let your Wukong have enough tankiness while delivering high Ult Cyclone damage while Shen taunts most of the enemy in team clashes + your other teams skills.
- "Dancing in the Sky"
Malphite is also one of the best partner Wukong can have. Let Malphite cast his Ult first with an interval of 0.25 sec then cast Wukong's Ult as their CC really is worth to have.
Coming soon...
More to come..
Okay so let's talk about farming for gold. We all agree that Wukong really has low mana pool at the start of the game so I suggest you buy
Sapphire Crystal first as your starting item. The 200+ mana boost can help you farm for minions using your skills without even going home early and you can even use it to harass champs if possible.
If you don't have a dedicated jungler (but most of the time there is 1 for each team) you can freely farm your forest without your enemy noticing you. BUT if you do have a jungler, please leave those monsters behind as your jungler will depend on those monsters for gold most of the time so stay out of it. Unless your jungler says "it is okay for you to farm in my jungle" then do so.
If you don't have a dedicated jungler (but most of the time there is 1 for each team) you can freely farm your forest without your enemy noticing you. BUT if you do have a jungler, please leave those monsters behind as your jungler will depend on those monsters for gold most of the time so stay out of it. Unless your jungler says "it is okay for you to farm in my jungle" then do so.
Okay. All and all. I would just like to thank you for reading this guide. Viable or not it's up to you. Maybe it's weird for you to see Wukong having Hextech Gunblade in his build. You may say "What the?" lol. Well, you may try this build and make sure to follow it in sequence for you to maximize it's potential. Yeah he may be squishy but it can help your team out in a clash fight. Just remember, your not a tank. so don't initiate a clash fight. Again, wait for the tank to dive before you do.
Okay here are some of my victory list and some videos of my gameplay. (I'll keep on updating this section as well with the whole guide)
Okay here are some of my victory list and some videos of my gameplay. (I'll keep on updating this section as well with the whole guide)
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