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League of Legends Reforged Rune: Presence of Mind

Presence of Mind

LoL Reforged Rune: Presence of Mind

Scoring a takedown against an enemy champion restores 15% of your maximum mana or 15% of your maximum energy after a 1-second delay.

Damaging an enemy champion restores [6−50 for Melee | 4.8−40 for Ranged] mana or 6 energy (depending on level) (8 second cooldown).

Rune Path
LoL Reforged Rune Path

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Tauricus2017 (123) | October 31, 2020 3:41pm
Quick tip: You can combine this rune with Manamune for some extra damage over the top!
EDIT: Nope not anymore XD
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