Views: 2095 League Prank
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So ipodpulse and i decided to level some smurfs. We were playing a bot game, and we decided to convince this guy that ipulse was actually h4xdefender's smurf. At first being skeptical, we kept on talking about h4x's professional team, everfrag gaming, and eventually we got him to believe that ipodpulse was h4x's silver smurf.
We told him to friend our respective mains, and had a long talk with him, giving him questionable advice at first. For instance, i believe we told him the correct way to build rengar was to rush
Youmuu's Ghostblade, followed by
Ravenous Hydra and then
Sword of the Divine LOL
I'll attach a spoiler of our exact convo below. Expand it if you want to have a good time reading about one poor, hapless player getting mislead by us two xD
Spoiler: Click to view
[2:03] Keanu Reeves joined the room.
[2:04] Skilz2Kill joined the room.
[2:04] iPulsefire: Hey
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: so lol
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: umm idk what to do;. but i've been stuck in silver lla my life
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: ....
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: It really borthers me ....
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: cuz i know i am better than that... but i cant get out
[2:04] iPulsefire: Whats your trouble with it though?
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: any advice?
[2:05] iPulsefire: CS?
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: idk.. i main jung
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: just like u
[2:05] iPulsefire: Alright well whats some problems your having
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: i gank A LOT.. i make my laners fed, but in a sec, their adc is fed and i cant win lol
[2:05] iPulsefire: me and Keanu will help you out
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: hopefully lol
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: I cant carry...
[2:05] iPulsefire: do you buy any items that help yourself kill the enemy adc?
[2:06] iPulsefire: things like Randuins are very useful
[2:06] Skilz2Kill: umm... k , well, i watch Ryan Choi.... I played rengar oncei saw him,..
[2:06] Skilz2Kill: and i build samew builds he builds
[2:06] Skilz2Kill: full assasin rengar
[2:06] iPulsefire: Yea
[2:06] iPulsefire: My freind is making a rengar guide right now
[2:06] Skilz2Kill: unless we r losing and we need a tank
[2:07] iPulsefire: Well what are your main champs for jungling/
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: ye i mean.. check me.. i got like 300+ rengar games.. i know every trick he has.. but still cant carry... idk what to do
[2:07] iPulsefire: ?
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: lol
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: Rengar, kha, vi, mumu, rammus... stopped using rammus cuz cant gank with him, kha got nerfed, vi sucked after ff
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: so basically rengar and muimu
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: mostly rengar
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: sometimes i use yi and fiora too
[2:08] iPulsefire: Alright well hows your combo'ing with Rengar?
[2:08] iPulsefire: Can you Triple or Quad Q?
[2:08] Skilz2Kill: pretty good
[2:08] Skilz2Kill: triple... but after the ult nerf,,, i can hardly triple
[2:08] Skilz2Kill: how do u quad lol
[2:08] Skilz2Kill: never done quad b4
[2:09] iPulsefire: Well triple is 5 stacks of ferocity. Then ult Double Q use either E or W then Q again
[2:09] iPulsefire: To Quad Q you need lcooldown reduction
[2:09] Skilz2Kill: ye i do that..
[2:09] iPulsefire: cooldown*
[2:09] Skilz2Kill: ye .. i dont do that hahahaha... i wont waste runes of AD for cd..
[2:09] Skilz2Kill: or sd o u think it's better?
[2:10] iPulsefire: So you follow Ryan's build right?
[2:10] Skilz2Kill: yup
[2:10] Skilz2Kill: i watch his stream every day too
[2:10] iPulsefire: good
[2:10] Skilz2Kill: but i dont adc like him
[2:10] iPulsefire: haha yea
[2:10] iPulsefire: so
[2:10] Skilz2Kill: i have same masteries and runes like him
[2:10] iPulsefire: okay thats good
[2:10] iPulsefire: Yous ee however Ryan plays Rengar top
[2:11] iPulsefire: He is a good jungle post 6
[2:11] iPulsefire: thats when he can gak really well
[2:11] Skilz2Kill: yup.. i usually go for fb too...
[2:12] Keanu Reeves: what do you think of hydra on rango, h4x?
[2:12] Skilz2Kill: haha i buy that thing bro
[2:12] iPulsefire: Hydra is good but now best early
[2:12] Keanu Reeves: i think hydra + SotD is so fun to do
[2:12] iPulsefire: As skilz might already know its to expensive
[2:12] iPulsefire: too*
[2:12] Skilz2Kill: sotd?
[2:12] iPulsefire: Sword of the Divine
[2:12] Skilz2Kill: u mean ghost blade?
[2:12] iPulsefire: Nope
[2:13] Skilz2Kill: let me check i know it just dont know its name
[2:13] iPulsefire: Its a item that granst 100% attack speed or 3 critical strikes
[2:13] iPulsefire: grants*
[2:13] Skilz2Kill: oh ye .. after the q nerf critical strike, i dont use it anymore
[2:13] Skilz2Kill: and ye i dont buy hydra.. i buy taimant
[2:13] iPulsefire: yea thats why you shouldnt
[2:13] iPulsefire: Good
[2:13] iPulsefire: Tiamta early then hydra later right?
[2:13] iPulsefire: Tiamat*
[2:13] Skilz2Kill: yup lol
[2:14] Keanu Reeves: what i like about rengar's Q
[2:14] Keanu Reeves: is that it's an AA reset
[2:14] iPulsefire: ^
[2:14] Keanu Reeves: so his attacks go at like
[2:14] Keanu Reeves: 1-92837401982374091823471 mph
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: yup.. same with its hydra reset
[2:14] iPulsefire: thats the best thing with rengar
[2:14] iPulsefire: his Q and tiamat bothr reset
[2:14] iPulsefire: both*
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: yup
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: ik
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: :D
[2:14] iPulsefire: ives Rengar insane amount of damage
[2:14] iPulsefire: Its goo that you know this
[2:14] iPulsefire: good8
[2:14] iPulsefire: good*
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: :)
[2:15] iPulsefire: Sorry kinda tired
[2:15] Skilz2Kill: well the problem is that , i do good myself, i know his mechanics.,... but cant win....
[2:15] Skilz2Kill: its k
[2:15] iPulsefire: Well Rengar is a unique champ
[2:15] iPulsefire: Who do you target during team fights?
[2:16] Skilz2Kill: squishy... mid laner or adc, or even supp depending how much fed i am.. i told u i follow ryan lol
[2:16] Skilz2Kill: I avoid team fights too :P
[2:16] Keanu Reeves: yeah rengar's really good at splitpushing
[2:16] Skilz2Kill: Team fights = death for kitty kat - Ryan Choi...
[2:17] iPulsefire: True
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: he was b4 the nerf...
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: I used to get turrets in secs
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: but after his q nerf, he got messed up
[2:17] iPulsefire: Yea his rework reallyed messed him up
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: yup
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: his ferocity q doesnt attack speed on turrets... how lane...
[2:17] iPulsefire: alright well from your match history i see you win some games and lose others
[2:17] iPulsefire: During those games where you lose what happens?
[2:18] Skilz2Kill: 1 of them i went top vs temoo... temoo blinded the **** outa me and i think he counters rengar just like jax
[2:18] iPulsefire: Hmm
[2:18] iPulsefire: Teemo is quite squishy
[2:18] Skilz2Kill: ye but once he blinds me.. i cant q him
[2:18] Skilz2Kill: he messes it
[2:18] iPulsefire: dont
[2:19] iPulsefire: Wait it out
[2:19] iPulsefire: teemo is known for his blind
[2:19] iPulsefire: So wait it out then combo him
[2:19] Skilz2Kill: k wait, hang on lol... it was early game... and i jumped from the bushes to try to get fb on him... he blinded me.. if i went back or stayed, minions could've hit me... and lost half my hp or so
[2:19] iPulsefire: Most likly he will attempt to kill you thinking he took away your damage
[2:20] Skilz2Kill: and then he could've done it again.. and killed me...
[2:21] Skilz2Kill: As ryan said,, try to get fb at lvl 1 or 2 since rengar has the highest dmg... i tried but it didnt work..
[2:21] iPulsefire: Yea Teemo is quite the tricky top laner, especially in lower tiers
[2:21] iPulsefire: have yu try building things like hexdrinker?
[2:21] Skilz2Kill: nah i dont build ap rengar hahahhaa
[2:21] iPulsefire: One thing people do is follow a build like it is set in stone
[2:21] Skilz2Kill: i build tri force last items.. that's it
[2:22] Skilz2Kill: i dont follow builds,, i see how the game goes and change stuff depending on it
[2:22] iPulsefire: Thats the thing
[2:22] iPulsefire: I understand you want to play like Ryan but everything is based on situations
[2:23] iPulsefire: Ryan plays Rengar extremely well
[2:23] Skilz2Kill: yup.. true... its not like imma gonna build assasin in a tanky fed team.. u know
[2:23] Skilz2Kill: ^^^
[2:23] iPulsefire: But because of his experience as Rengar he can survive in most situations
[2:23] iPulsefire: Like in lanes like ryze, Ryan tries to take advantage of the opponent weak points
[2:24] Skilz2Kill: yup he have probably played him from season 2.. while i just started this year
[2:24] Skilz2Kill: lol i beat ryze easy top lol
[2:24] iPulsefire: Early game yes
[2:24] iPulsefire: Late game he is a monster
[2:24] iPulsefire: he always bounces back
[2:24] Skilz2Kill: yup, but if u get fed early game on him... most likely he wont deal a lot of dmg to u later... nor in fights
[2:25] iPulsefire: true
[2:25] Skilz2Kill: ok.. one of the games i went 5/0 top vs ryze.. i started roaming mid..
[2:25] Skilz2Kill: but my mid laner left the fight and made me die
[2:25] Skilz2Kill: and lost this game..
[2:25] iPulsefire: What made you lose the game?
[2:25] Skilz2Kill: okkkkkkkkkkk i got the solution.... How about we duo and u point out my mistakes...
[2:26] Skilz2Kill: i dont really remember... but i think their adc got fed
[2:26] Skilz2Kill: dude their adc was so fed, i couldn't even assasinate him with rengar's ult...
[2:26] iPulsefire: damn thats always trouble
[2:27] iPulsefire: The problem is I play Lee sin jungle
[2:27] Skilz2Kill: ye i thought of buying lee sin...
[2:27] iPulsefire: He is a great jungler
[2:27] Skilz2Kill: he can counter both twitch and rengar and eve
[2:27] iPulsefire: Really strong this patch
[2:27] iPulsefire: Yea
[2:27] iPulsefire: His ability to unstealth champions makes him really strong
[2:27] Keanu Reeves: imo he's like the best jungler atm
[2:28] Keanu Reeves: who do you think the best junglers are, hax?
[2:28] Skilz2Kill: well i just bought twitch and got only 225 ... so i wont be able to buy him any time soon... plus , i also watch nightblue3 for jungling toips... so idk what else i am lacking.. lol
[2:28] iPulsefire: Well for me Lee, Kha, Elise, and Eve
[2:28] Skilz2Kill: kha is still strong? after the nerf?
[2:29] Skilz2Kill: i got elise too...
[2:29] Skilz2Kill: and will buy eve soon
[2:30] iPulsefire: Im gonna have to re test Kha
[2:30] iPulsefire: Elise is great because of her stun
[2:30] Skilz2Kill: yup...
[2:30] iPulsefire: you get 40% cdr and you are practically broken
[2:30] Skilz2Kill: kha is great at counter jungling .. but not in ganking ( i think)
[2:31] Skilz2Kill: how do u get 40% cdr? lol
[2:31] Keanu Reeves: idk yo
[2:31] iPulsefire: Well he is a great ganker
[2:31] Keanu Reeves: khazix is a good ganker
[2:31] Keanu Reeves: lol
[2:31] Skilz2Kill: i mean after his q nerf isolation?
[2:31] Skilz2Kill: i've tried him twice and i sucked lol
[2:31] iPulsefire: His q is emant more picking off targets
[2:31] iPulsefire: meant for*
[2:31] Skilz2Kill: ye... k ... tell me how to get isolation on bot lane?
[2:32] iPulsefire: his W E and R are what really makes him a great jungler
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: well skilz all u do to get isolation on bot lane
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: is kill 1 bot laner with Q
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: then kill the other with isolation
[2:32] Skilz2Kill: yup agreed... but i evolve q first, e 2nd then r? is that correct?
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: xD
[2:32] iPulsefire: No
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: nah
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: evolved Q is bad
[2:32] Skilz2Kill: rly? lol
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: jump
[2:32] iPulsefire: Currently is R-E-Q for Evolution
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: i c...
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: so why did hai evolve w instead of q?
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: u got any idea?
[2:33] Keanu Reeves: when was this?
[2:33] iPulsefire: W is good too
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: lcs.... vs EG? i think?
[2:33] iPulsefire: Ill have to test it but it could be better after Kha's nerf
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: i c i c
[2:34] Skilz2Kill: well both of u guys seem tired LOL
[2:34] iPulsefire: Yea...
[2:34] Skilz2Kill: just 1 question, does soloq really shows ur skill?
[2:35] Skilz2Kill: cuz i feel that its unfair that i get maybe an afker or a feeder while the other team doesnt.. u know
[2:35] Keanu Reeves: i mean
[2:35] iPulsefire: I understad that SoloQ can be quite rough
[2:35] iPulsefire: But it allows people to expand as a player
[2:36] Keanu Reeves: skilz
[2:36] Skilz2Kill: agreed... but idk i sometimes,, cant handle it... losing streaks? dropped from gold III all the way to silver?... it really hurts me.. and i even started making teams to get bk into gold..
[2:36] Keanu Reeves: one thing that's been particularly successful for me
[2:36] Keanu Reeves: and hax too - before he hit diamond 2
[2:36] Keanu Reeves: was knowing when to queue dodge
[2:37] iPulsefire: This
[2:37] Skilz2Kill: i dooooooo i swear
[2:37] Skilz2Kill: When i dont get jung or top.. i dodge once a day.. i saw this guy on youtube saying how to hack elo
[2:37] Keanu Reeves: oh yo
[2:37] Keanu Reeves: dude
[2:37] iPulsefire: Noo
[2:37] Skilz2Kill: I saw a lot of videos, i saw LoL philosophy... and how to understand the game better
[2:37] iPulsefire: Thats now what we mean
[2:37] Skilz2Kill: lol
[2:37] iPulsefire: not8
[2:37] iPulsefire: not*
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: yeah lol
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: it's like, if you think you have like
[2:38] Skilz2Kill: ye i know what u mean... if u see a troll or something dodge so u dont get a loss but lose lp
[2:38] iPulsefire: Soloq dodging is dodging during champs elect when you have a team that wont work
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: yeah
[2:38] iPulsefire: Well kinda
[2:38] Skilz2Kill: i just said that :P ^^
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: its not about trolls or anything like that
[2:38] Skilz2Kill: i saw videos about that too
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: it's about synergy
[2:38] iPulsefire: You refered to it as dodging becasue you didnt get your role
[2:38] Skilz2Kill: synergy?
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: yep
[2:38] iPulsefire: Yes
[2:39] iPulsefire: You want a team that cooperate sand works well
[2:39] iPulsefire: A team comp that can do well
[2:39] Skilz2Kill: nah i didnt mean that.. if their team combo is better, i better dodge cuz we have a higher chnce to lose..
[2:39] Keanu Reeves: and a team whose kit doesn't counter eachother
[2:39] Skilz2Kill: and what's synergy?
[2:39] Keanu Reeves: well for instance something that's a good synergy
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: is what we call
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: the good old
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: toilet bowl combo
[2:40] Skilz2Kill: Wombo combo?* lol
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: Jarvan, MF, Leona, Vlad, Orianna
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: heavy AoE, good initiate, strong mobility, and a good tanky line with room for peel
[2:40] iPulsefire: ^
[2:41] iPulsefire: That is great synergy
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: yup.. lol... that oriana game that's in my history,, i have a j4 and i went ori... i did full combo under our turret and we still lost...
[2:41] iPulsefire: An entire team that works together
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: ic i c
[2:41] iPulsefire: A wombo combo is like Yasuo and Vi
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: yas and malph * :P
[2:41] iPulsefire: They work great together
[2:41] Keanu Reeves: nami / zyra too ;)
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: ye hahaha
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: xDD
[2:41] iPulsefire: Those are wombo combos
[2:42] iPulsefire: They have synergy but not team synergy
[2:42] Skilz2Kill: k i never understood what peeling is..... how can u peel for an adc?
[2:42] Skilz2Kill: u try to def him right?
[2:42] iPulsefire: no
[2:42] Keanu Reeves: not necessarily
[2:42] Skilz2Kill: what is it lol
[2:42] iPulsefire: Peeling is lowering the enmy health so that your adc or carry is able to finsih of the enemy
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: often, damaging the person who's trying to jump your ADC
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: is more effective
[2:43] Skilz2Kill: lol why would i leave the enemy 50 health and live?
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: mmm
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: its not that
[2:43] Skilz2Kill: ohhhhhhhhhh i c
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: it's so that by the time your opponent jumps to your ADC
[2:43] iPulsefire: Yea i said it bad
[2:43] Skilz2Kill: i c i c
[2:43] Skilz2Kill: umm
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: your ADC has enough of a health differential to finish him off without dying
[2:44] Skilz2Kill: so one time they had a tryn, and he went straight on my adc... i just ulted and went for their adc? is that a good choice?
[2:44] Skilz2Kill: or?
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: i mean
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: if youre assassin rengar
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: probably
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: if you're tank/bruiser rengar
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: probably not
[2:44] iPulsefire: Yea
[2:44] Skilz2Kill: yup agreed
[2:44] Skilz2Kill: :)
[2:45] Skilz2Kill: so u think i am set? xDD
[2:45] iPulsefire: w
[2:45] iPulsefire: Well depends
[2:46] Skilz2Kill: on?
[2:46] iPulsefire: If your willing to learn and understand where you went wrong and improve from there then you will be
[2:46] iPulsefire: Soloq is a journey
[2:46] iPulsefire: There are definitly struggles
[2:46] Skilz2Kill: ic... some1 mind duoing with me and tell me my mistakes, tomorrow?
[2:47] iPulsefire: Hmm ill see what I can do
[2:47] Keanu Reeves: i'll do a norms with you
[2:48] Keanu Reeves: but my MMR tanked the last time i duoed wiht my silver friend on this acc
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: kk... great,,, i dont like normals cuz ppl dont try their best and i dont get to point out my mistakes.. but sure, since u r high elo u will teach me
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: YE DONT DUO WITH ME
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: ur mmr will get ruined
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: DONTTTTTTTTT
[2:48] Keanu Reeves: so i'm going to stay away from duo queueing for the moment until my MMR gets better
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: ye lol.. dont even think about it,... just duo with me when u get ur smurf... we iwll do norms together
[2:49] iPulsefire: Ill do that as well
[2:49] Skilz2Kill: puls, we wil lsee about ranked later..... UI guys mind giving me ur real names?
[2:49] Skilz2Kill: oh k :D
[2:50] Keanu Reeves: michael
[2:50] Skilz2Kill: Nice to meet u Micheal :D
[2:50] iPulsefire: Albert
[2:50] Skilz2Kill: Nice to meet u too Albert :D
[2:51] iPulsefire: anyway ima head to sleep
[2:51] iPulsefire: Cya guys
[2:51] Skilz2Kill: Cya tomorrow
[2:51] Skilz2Kill: <3 :)
In a later private message to me:
Spoiler: Click to view
[2:53] Skilz2Kill: so umm
so could i join ur gold i ranked team, and then might try to inv alber ( i know he got challenger teams lol but) and try to check my mistakes?
we #baited him so hard xD
We told him to friend our respective mains, and had a long talk with him, giving him questionable advice at first. For instance, i believe we told him the correct way to build rengar was to rush

I'll attach a spoiler of our exact convo below. Expand it if you want to have a good time reading about one poor, hapless player getting mislead by us two xD

[2:03] Keanu Reeves joined the room.
[2:04] Skilz2Kill joined the room.
[2:04] iPulsefire: Hey
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: so lol
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: umm idk what to do;. but i've been stuck in silver lla my life
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: ....
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: It really borthers me ....
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: cuz i know i am better than that... but i cant get out
[2:04] iPulsefire: Whats your trouble with it though?
[2:04] Skilz2Kill: any advice?
[2:05] iPulsefire: CS?
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: idk.. i main jung
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: just like u
[2:05] iPulsefire: Alright well whats some problems your having
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: i gank A LOT.. i make my laners fed, but in a sec, their adc is fed and i cant win lol
[2:05] iPulsefire: me and Keanu will help you out
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: hopefully lol
[2:05] Skilz2Kill: I cant carry...
[2:05] iPulsefire: do you buy any items that help yourself kill the enemy adc?
[2:06] iPulsefire: things like Randuins are very useful
[2:06] Skilz2Kill: umm... k , well, i watch Ryan Choi.... I played rengar oncei saw him,..
[2:06] Skilz2Kill: and i build samew builds he builds
[2:06] Skilz2Kill: full assasin rengar
[2:06] iPulsefire: Yea
[2:06] iPulsefire: My freind is making a rengar guide right now
[2:06] Skilz2Kill: unless we r losing and we need a tank
[2:07] iPulsefire: Well what are your main champs for jungling/
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: ye i mean.. check me.. i got like 300+ rengar games.. i know every trick he has.. but still cant carry... idk what to do
[2:07] iPulsefire: ?
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: lol
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: Rengar, kha, vi, mumu, rammus... stopped using rammus cuz cant gank with him, kha got nerfed, vi sucked after ff
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: so basically rengar and muimu
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: mostly rengar
[2:07] Skilz2Kill: sometimes i use yi and fiora too
[2:08] iPulsefire: Alright well hows your combo'ing with Rengar?
[2:08] iPulsefire: Can you Triple or Quad Q?
[2:08] Skilz2Kill: pretty good
[2:08] Skilz2Kill: triple... but after the ult nerf,,, i can hardly triple
[2:08] Skilz2Kill: how do u quad lol
[2:08] Skilz2Kill: never done quad b4
[2:09] iPulsefire: Well triple is 5 stacks of ferocity. Then ult Double Q use either E or W then Q again
[2:09] iPulsefire: To Quad Q you need lcooldown reduction
[2:09] Skilz2Kill: ye i do that..
[2:09] iPulsefire: cooldown*
[2:09] Skilz2Kill: ye .. i dont do that hahahaha... i wont waste runes of AD for cd..
[2:09] Skilz2Kill: or sd o u think it's better?
[2:10] iPulsefire: So you follow Ryan's build right?
[2:10] Skilz2Kill: yup
[2:10] Skilz2Kill: i watch his stream every day too
[2:10] iPulsefire: good
[2:10] Skilz2Kill: but i dont adc like him
[2:10] iPulsefire: haha yea
[2:10] iPulsefire: so
[2:10] Skilz2Kill: i have same masteries and runes like him
[2:10] iPulsefire: okay thats good
[2:10] iPulsefire: Yous ee however Ryan plays Rengar top
[2:11] iPulsefire: He is a good jungle post 6
[2:11] iPulsefire: thats when he can gak really well
[2:11] Skilz2Kill: yup.. i usually go for fb too...
[2:12] Keanu Reeves: what do you think of hydra on rango, h4x?
[2:12] Skilz2Kill: haha i buy that thing bro
[2:12] iPulsefire: Hydra is good but now best early
[2:12] Keanu Reeves: i think hydra + SotD is so fun to do
[2:12] iPulsefire: As skilz might already know its to expensive
[2:12] iPulsefire: too*
[2:12] Skilz2Kill: sotd?
[2:12] iPulsefire: Sword of the Divine
[2:12] Skilz2Kill: u mean ghost blade?
[2:12] iPulsefire: Nope
[2:13] Skilz2Kill: let me check i know it just dont know its name
[2:13] iPulsefire: Its a item that granst 100% attack speed or 3 critical strikes
[2:13] iPulsefire: grants*
[2:13] Skilz2Kill: oh ye .. after the q nerf critical strike, i dont use it anymore
[2:13] Skilz2Kill: and ye i dont buy hydra.. i buy taimant
[2:13] iPulsefire: yea thats why you shouldnt
[2:13] iPulsefire: Good
[2:13] iPulsefire: Tiamta early then hydra later right?
[2:13] iPulsefire: Tiamat*
[2:13] Skilz2Kill: yup lol
[2:14] Keanu Reeves: what i like about rengar's Q
[2:14] Keanu Reeves: is that it's an AA reset
[2:14] iPulsefire: ^
[2:14] Keanu Reeves: so his attacks go at like
[2:14] Keanu Reeves: 1-92837401982374091823471 mph
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: yup.. same with its hydra reset
[2:14] iPulsefire: thats the best thing with rengar
[2:14] iPulsefire: his Q and tiamat bothr reset
[2:14] iPulsefire: both*
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: yup
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: ik
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: :D
[2:14] iPulsefire: ives Rengar insane amount of damage
[2:14] iPulsefire: Its goo that you know this
[2:14] iPulsefire: good8
[2:14] iPulsefire: good*
[2:14] Skilz2Kill: :)
[2:15] iPulsefire: Sorry kinda tired
[2:15] Skilz2Kill: well the problem is that , i do good myself, i know his mechanics.,... but cant win....
[2:15] Skilz2Kill: its k
[2:15] iPulsefire: Well Rengar is a unique champ
[2:15] iPulsefire: Who do you target during team fights?
[2:16] Skilz2Kill: squishy... mid laner or adc, or even supp depending how much fed i am.. i told u i follow ryan lol
[2:16] Skilz2Kill: I avoid team fights too :P
[2:16] Keanu Reeves: yeah rengar's really good at splitpushing
[2:16] Skilz2Kill: Team fights = death for kitty kat - Ryan Choi...
[2:17] iPulsefire: True
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: he was b4 the nerf...
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: I used to get turrets in secs
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: but after his q nerf, he got messed up
[2:17] iPulsefire: Yea his rework reallyed messed him up
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: yup
[2:17] Skilz2Kill: his ferocity q doesnt attack speed on turrets... how lane...
[2:17] iPulsefire: alright well from your match history i see you win some games and lose others
[2:17] iPulsefire: During those games where you lose what happens?
[2:18] Skilz2Kill: 1 of them i went top vs temoo... temoo blinded the **** outa me and i think he counters rengar just like jax
[2:18] iPulsefire: Hmm
[2:18] iPulsefire: Teemo is quite squishy
[2:18] Skilz2Kill: ye but once he blinds me.. i cant q him
[2:18] Skilz2Kill: he messes it
[2:18] iPulsefire: dont
[2:19] iPulsefire: Wait it out
[2:19] iPulsefire: teemo is known for his blind
[2:19] iPulsefire: So wait it out then combo him
[2:19] Skilz2Kill: k wait, hang on lol... it was early game... and i jumped from the bushes to try to get fb on him... he blinded me.. if i went back or stayed, minions could've hit me... and lost half my hp or so
[2:19] iPulsefire: Most likly he will attempt to kill you thinking he took away your damage
[2:20] Skilz2Kill: and then he could've done it again.. and killed me...
[2:21] Skilz2Kill: As ryan said,, try to get fb at lvl 1 or 2 since rengar has the highest dmg... i tried but it didnt work..
[2:21] iPulsefire: Yea Teemo is quite the tricky top laner, especially in lower tiers
[2:21] iPulsefire: have yu try building things like hexdrinker?
[2:21] Skilz2Kill: nah i dont build ap rengar hahahhaa
[2:21] iPulsefire: One thing people do is follow a build like it is set in stone
[2:21] Skilz2Kill: i build tri force last items.. that's it
[2:22] Skilz2Kill: i dont follow builds,, i see how the game goes and change stuff depending on it
[2:22] iPulsefire: Thats the thing
[2:22] iPulsefire: I understand you want to play like Ryan but everything is based on situations
[2:23] iPulsefire: Ryan plays Rengar extremely well
[2:23] Skilz2Kill: yup.. true... its not like imma gonna build assasin in a tanky fed team.. u know
[2:23] Skilz2Kill: ^^^
[2:23] iPulsefire: But because of his experience as Rengar he can survive in most situations
[2:23] iPulsefire: Like in lanes like ryze, Ryan tries to take advantage of the opponent weak points
[2:24] Skilz2Kill: yup he have probably played him from season 2.. while i just started this year
[2:24] Skilz2Kill: lol i beat ryze easy top lol
[2:24] iPulsefire: Early game yes
[2:24] iPulsefire: Late game he is a monster
[2:24] iPulsefire: he always bounces back
[2:24] Skilz2Kill: yup, but if u get fed early game on him... most likely he wont deal a lot of dmg to u later... nor in fights
[2:25] iPulsefire: true
[2:25] Skilz2Kill: ok.. one of the games i went 5/0 top vs ryze.. i started roaming mid..
[2:25] Skilz2Kill: but my mid laner left the fight and made me die
[2:25] Skilz2Kill: and lost this game..
[2:25] iPulsefire: What made you lose the game?
[2:25] Skilz2Kill: okkkkkkkkkkk i got the solution.... How about we duo and u point out my mistakes...
[2:26] Skilz2Kill: i dont really remember... but i think their adc got fed
[2:26] Skilz2Kill: dude their adc was so fed, i couldn't even assasinate him with rengar's ult...
[2:26] iPulsefire: damn thats always trouble
[2:27] iPulsefire: The problem is I play Lee sin jungle
[2:27] Skilz2Kill: ye i thought of buying lee sin...
[2:27] iPulsefire: He is a great jungler
[2:27] Skilz2Kill: he can counter both twitch and rengar and eve
[2:27] iPulsefire: Really strong this patch
[2:27] iPulsefire: Yea
[2:27] iPulsefire: His ability to unstealth champions makes him really strong
[2:27] Keanu Reeves: imo he's like the best jungler atm
[2:28] Keanu Reeves: who do you think the best junglers are, hax?
[2:28] Skilz2Kill: well i just bought twitch and got only 225 ... so i wont be able to buy him any time soon... plus , i also watch nightblue3 for jungling toips... so idk what else i am lacking.. lol
[2:28] iPulsefire: Well for me Lee, Kha, Elise, and Eve
[2:28] Skilz2Kill: kha is still strong? after the nerf?
[2:29] Skilz2Kill: i got elise too...
[2:29] Skilz2Kill: and will buy eve soon
[2:30] iPulsefire: Im gonna have to re test Kha
[2:30] iPulsefire: Elise is great because of her stun
[2:30] Skilz2Kill: yup...
[2:30] iPulsefire: you get 40% cdr and you are practically broken
[2:30] Skilz2Kill: kha is great at counter jungling .. but not in ganking ( i think)
[2:31] Skilz2Kill: how do u get 40% cdr? lol
[2:31] Keanu Reeves: idk yo
[2:31] iPulsefire: Well he is a great ganker
[2:31] Keanu Reeves: khazix is a good ganker
[2:31] Keanu Reeves: lol
[2:31] Skilz2Kill: i mean after his q nerf isolation?
[2:31] Skilz2Kill: i've tried him twice and i sucked lol
[2:31] iPulsefire: His q is emant more picking off targets
[2:31] iPulsefire: meant for*
[2:31] Skilz2Kill: ye... k ... tell me how to get isolation on bot lane?
[2:32] iPulsefire: his W E and R are what really makes him a great jungler
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: well skilz all u do to get isolation on bot lane
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: is kill 1 bot laner with Q
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: then kill the other with isolation
[2:32] Skilz2Kill: yup agreed... but i evolve q first, e 2nd then r? is that correct?
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: xD
[2:32] iPulsefire: No
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: nah
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: evolved Q is bad
[2:32] Skilz2Kill: rly? lol
[2:32] Keanu Reeves: jump
[2:32] iPulsefire: Currently is R-E-Q for Evolution
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: i c...
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: so why did hai evolve w instead of q?
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: u got any idea?
[2:33] Keanu Reeves: when was this?
[2:33] iPulsefire: W is good too
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: lcs.... vs EG? i think?
[2:33] iPulsefire: Ill have to test it but it could be better after Kha's nerf
[2:33] Skilz2Kill: i c i c
[2:34] Skilz2Kill: well both of u guys seem tired LOL
[2:34] iPulsefire: Yea...
[2:34] Skilz2Kill: just 1 question, does soloq really shows ur skill?
[2:35] Skilz2Kill: cuz i feel that its unfair that i get maybe an afker or a feeder while the other team doesnt.. u know
[2:35] Keanu Reeves: i mean
[2:35] iPulsefire: I understad that SoloQ can be quite rough
[2:35] iPulsefire: But it allows people to expand as a player
[2:36] Keanu Reeves: skilz
[2:36] Skilz2Kill: agreed... but idk i sometimes,, cant handle it... losing streaks? dropped from gold III all the way to silver?... it really hurts me.. and i even started making teams to get bk into gold..
[2:36] Keanu Reeves: one thing that's been particularly successful for me
[2:36] Keanu Reeves: and hax too - before he hit diamond 2
[2:36] Keanu Reeves: was knowing when to queue dodge
[2:37] iPulsefire: This
[2:37] Skilz2Kill: i dooooooo i swear
[2:37] Skilz2Kill: When i dont get jung or top.. i dodge once a day.. i saw this guy on youtube saying how to hack elo
[2:37] Keanu Reeves: oh yo
[2:37] Keanu Reeves: dude
[2:37] iPulsefire: Noo
[2:37] Skilz2Kill: I saw a lot of videos, i saw LoL philosophy... and how to understand the game better
[2:37] iPulsefire: Thats now what we mean
[2:37] Skilz2Kill: lol
[2:37] iPulsefire: not8
[2:37] iPulsefire: not*
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: yeah lol
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: it's like, if you think you have like
[2:38] Skilz2Kill: ye i know what u mean... if u see a troll or something dodge so u dont get a loss but lose lp
[2:38] iPulsefire: Soloq dodging is dodging during champs elect when you have a team that wont work
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: yeah
[2:38] iPulsefire: Well kinda
[2:38] Skilz2Kill: i just said that :P ^^
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: its not about trolls or anything like that
[2:38] Skilz2Kill: i saw videos about that too
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: it's about synergy
[2:38] iPulsefire: You refered to it as dodging becasue you didnt get your role
[2:38] Skilz2Kill: synergy?
[2:38] Keanu Reeves: yep
[2:38] iPulsefire: Yes
[2:39] iPulsefire: You want a team that cooperate sand works well
[2:39] iPulsefire: A team comp that can do well
[2:39] Skilz2Kill: nah i didnt mean that.. if their team combo is better, i better dodge cuz we have a higher chnce to lose..
[2:39] Keanu Reeves: and a team whose kit doesn't counter eachother
[2:39] Skilz2Kill: and what's synergy?
[2:39] Keanu Reeves: well for instance something that's a good synergy
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: is what we call
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: the good old
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: toilet bowl combo
[2:40] Skilz2Kill: Wombo combo?* lol
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: Jarvan, MF, Leona, Vlad, Orianna
[2:40] Keanu Reeves: heavy AoE, good initiate, strong mobility, and a good tanky line with room for peel
[2:40] iPulsefire: ^
[2:41] iPulsefire: That is great synergy
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: yup.. lol... that oriana game that's in my history,, i have a j4 and i went ori... i did full combo under our turret and we still lost...
[2:41] iPulsefire: An entire team that works together
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: ic i c
[2:41] iPulsefire: A wombo combo is like Yasuo and Vi
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: yas and malph * :P
[2:41] iPulsefire: They work great together
[2:41] Keanu Reeves: nami / zyra too ;)
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: ye hahaha
[2:41] Skilz2Kill: xDD
[2:41] iPulsefire: Those are wombo combos
[2:42] iPulsefire: They have synergy but not team synergy
[2:42] Skilz2Kill: k i never understood what peeling is..... how can u peel for an adc?
[2:42] Skilz2Kill: u try to def him right?
[2:42] iPulsefire: no
[2:42] Keanu Reeves: not necessarily
[2:42] Skilz2Kill: what is it lol
[2:42] iPulsefire: Peeling is lowering the enmy health so that your adc or carry is able to finsih of the enemy
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: often, damaging the person who's trying to jump your ADC
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: is more effective
[2:43] Skilz2Kill: lol why would i leave the enemy 50 health and live?
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: mmm
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: its not that
[2:43] Skilz2Kill: ohhhhhhhhhh i c
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: it's so that by the time your opponent jumps to your ADC
[2:43] iPulsefire: Yea i said it bad
[2:43] Skilz2Kill: i c i c
[2:43] Skilz2Kill: umm
[2:43] Keanu Reeves: your ADC has enough of a health differential to finish him off without dying
[2:44] Skilz2Kill: so one time they had a tryn, and he went straight on my adc... i just ulted and went for their adc? is that a good choice?
[2:44] Skilz2Kill: or?
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: i mean
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: if youre assassin rengar
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: probably
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: if you're tank/bruiser rengar
[2:44] Keanu Reeves: probably not
[2:44] iPulsefire: Yea
[2:44] Skilz2Kill: yup agreed
[2:44] Skilz2Kill: :)
[2:45] Skilz2Kill: so u think i am set? xDD
[2:45] iPulsefire: w
[2:45] iPulsefire: Well depends
[2:46] Skilz2Kill: on?
[2:46] iPulsefire: If your willing to learn and understand where you went wrong and improve from there then you will be
[2:46] iPulsefire: Soloq is a journey
[2:46] iPulsefire: There are definitly struggles
[2:46] Skilz2Kill: ic... some1 mind duoing with me and tell me my mistakes, tomorrow?
[2:47] iPulsefire: Hmm ill see what I can do
[2:47] Keanu Reeves: i'll do a norms with you
[2:48] Keanu Reeves: but my MMR tanked the last time i duoed wiht my silver friend on this acc
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: kk... great,,, i dont like normals cuz ppl dont try their best and i dont get to point out my mistakes.. but sure, since u r high elo u will teach me
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: YE DONT DUO WITH ME
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: ur mmr will get ruined
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: DONTTTTTTTTT
[2:48] Keanu Reeves: so i'm going to stay away from duo queueing for the moment until my MMR gets better
[2:48] Skilz2Kill: ye lol.. dont even think about it,... just duo with me when u get ur smurf... we iwll do norms together
[2:49] iPulsefire: Ill do that as well
[2:49] Skilz2Kill: puls, we wil lsee about ranked later..... UI guys mind giving me ur real names?
[2:49] Skilz2Kill: oh k :D
[2:50] Keanu Reeves: michael
[2:50] Skilz2Kill: Nice to meet u Micheal :D
[2:50] iPulsefire: Albert
[2:50] Skilz2Kill: Nice to meet u too Albert :D
[2:51] iPulsefire: anyway ima head to sleep
[2:51] iPulsefire: Cya guys
[2:51] Skilz2Kill: Cya tomorrow
[2:51] Skilz2Kill: <3 :)
In a later private message to me:

[2:53] Skilz2Kill: so umm
so could i join ur gold i ranked team, and then might try to inv alber ( i know he got challenger teams lol but) and try to check my mistakes?
we #baited him so hard xD
Comments (7)
Oh, man, how could you?
vapora and I have done worse things...
[2:21] iPulsefire: have yu try building things like hexdrinker?
[2:21] Skilz2Kill: nah i dont build ap rengar hahahhaa
Maybe this is the reason why he is in silver tho
vapora and I have done worse things...
[2:21] Skilz2Kill: nah i dont build ap rengar hahahhaa