A Dark Room can become a bit more active later on I believe, I've never played it a lot though so I can't confirm.
Ahh, Runescape, I was going to give that another shot when the HTML5 client came out but it took ages and I lost interest.
A bit more engaging is Tribal Wars, but if you get too enthusiastic it can also take up a lot of your time.
A Dark Room can become a bit more active later on I believe, I've never played it a lot though so I can't confirm.
Ahh, Runescape, I was going to give that another shot when the HTML5 client came out but it took ages and I lost interest.
A bit more engaging is Tribal Wars, but if you get too enthusiastic it can also take up a lot of your time.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
I'm enjoying 07scape, Pokemon Showdown and Hearthstone between games at the moment. I've played a lot of Tribal Wars and Tribal Wars 2 and honestly I wouldn't recommend it if you're a competitive person because after a few days you're going to need to spend a LOT of time on it to keep up and it's extremely pay to win.

Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
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