Hi! I'm in if you are still looking for a partner. Write in PM please.
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At the moment I am silver 1, was gold 2 S6. S5 was Platinum 3.
Mainly I play mid laners, mains would be : Kennen and TF, but sometimes i play Syndra, Oriana, Kayle, Ziggs and many more, but not assasins such as Yasuo , Zed , Akali ect.
I can also perform on TOP and as ADC, but those 2 lanes are not main lanes for me. Jungle is my weakest link, since I can play only 1 champ there - Hecarim.
LOOKING FOR : Balanced player, who is chearful in victory, graceful in defeat. You must be calm and not act out all the time[like my previous duo member, im sick of raging people]. IMPORTANTLY! - Do not rage on our random teammates. This will only bring them down and will do NO good for us when you push them too much! Motivational pushing is okay, thought. You must communicate !
FLEX : I'm not sure if I am really interested in playing that, but in case some sort of group of people contact me to play flex, i might be down for that. Still, my main concern this season is the Solo/Duo.
Communication : Skype, Discord, Teamspeak[do not own a channel].
You can either reply here, or add me in game, PhreeKnova, lets discuss things :) Looking forward for your anwsers!