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Nidalee Build Guide by Pyroen

Jungle ✔️12.19 Nidalee - Jungle 1v9 🐱‍👤🐱‍🏍

Jungle ✔️12.19 Nidalee - Jungle 1v9 🐱‍👤🐱‍🏍

Updated on October 15, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pyroen Build Guide By Pyroen 566 35 1,855,506 Views 39 Comments
566 35 1,855,506 Views 39 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pyroen Nidalee Build Guide By Pyroen Updated on October 15, 2022
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Bogdanov89 | September 18, 2021 9:06am
Thanks for this guide!
Any chance you could please make one for support Nidalee?
I know she is far from competitive as support but at least a basic guide for unranked matches for fun.
Chaios | May 25, 2021 3:20am
Thank you :)
pepegamav | March 29, 2021 12:58pm
Is Raptors start still viable?
Pyroen (6) | April 6, 2021 2:09pm
Viable? Yes.. you can still solo these. but without the healing from talisman it is not nearly as healthy. Take a leash from bot any chance you get and look to invade or full clear to topside. enjoy your level 4 and contest that scuttle!
Fruneh (3) | February 22, 2021 12:27am
Very in-depth guide. Especially the bit where you described the first camp is very helpful. Thank you :)
PrimeRex226 (1) | January 31, 2021 1:12pm
Hello, nice guide. Is Nidalee worth playing season11. If you do how should you clear, she doesnt seem like she has a great clear which kinda send me off her. Also what to do mid game / late game because that seems to be happening a lot for me. Thanks
Pyroen (6) | February 3, 2021 12:53pm
Nidalee is still very much viable in season 11. Following the LCS you'll see her played by players like Spica which is always exciting to see :)

Nidalee can still solo start, either beginning with rapts>red>krugs or wolves>blue>gromp. And in the guide we do talk about what to do mid/late game including some good macro tips for any team/champ.

GL HF - she's a blast! :)
Sadasar (1) | January 29, 2021 10:56pm
Does the raptors start solo clear still work the same way with the new jungle items. Recently picked up nidallee but I'm having trouble getting this start down without dying.
Pyroen (6) | February 3, 2021 12:55pm
Yessir! Raptor start is still very viable. its not as healthy as before but smiting red and minimizing how many hits you take from it is the way to go. The wolf start might be an easier clear as you also get the gromp healing once you finish your 3 camp.

No shame in taking a leash from your laners tho! Start Q and use your auto resets (cougar Q) to speed up the 1st camp.
SittsInAbyss | December 17, 2020 1:59pm
(pls don't be angry if there any mistakes in text - eng isn't my 1st lang :D)

Hey Pyroen!

I am very glad to you for your guide!
I am gold 1 jgler and some days ago i started trying Nidalee hard.

I have too many games on her but still don't have enough skill to carry or at least be less usless in late/mid game.

So there is some questions:

-What i have to do from behind/if i can't gank/counter jungle enemies?
-How can i get dragons without my botlane?
-What guys are really easy to be counter jungled by Nid?
-What safety and fast routes also exist (4 example i have to take my 2 buffs and be in enemy forest earlier, than enemy guy and have 3rd lvl w/50% hp?
-What should i do vs early/late game champs like Master Yi or Vi?
-What items i should take to be less killable in tfgts?

Waiting for your reply :))
Pyroen (6) | February 3, 2021 1:06pm
Nidalee is definitely one of the most difficult champs in the game. Since she has such a high skill cap she has a pretty high skill requirement to make her work in game.

1-What i have to do from behind/if i can't gank/counter jungle enemies?
2-How can i get dragons without my botlane?
3-What guys are really easy to be counter jungled by Nid?
4-What safety and fast routes also exist (4 example i have to take my 2 buffs and be in enemy forest earlier, than enemy guy and have 3rd lvl w/50% hp?
5-What should i do vs early/late game champs like Master Yi or Vi?
6-What items i should take to be less killable in tfgts?

1. Farming your jungle on CD is a high prio, if there isn't any lane that you can gankyou can at least full clear and pressure gank one of your lanes (usually mid)

Pressure ganking is when you show up, not necessarily with the intent to kill but in order to give your laner priority to enable you to walk more freely around the map. Showing mid and helping push (not taking cs) will allow your mid laner get off a pressure recall or roam with you across the map.

2.Dragons are kind of a trap when looking at lower elo games. A lot of times team will priorities the 1st dragon and give up so much just to secure it. Since you are playing nidalee - you can clear the jungle incredibly quick. Meaning you can farm all your camps and potentially the enemy junglers topside while they attempt to secure this first drake. Use the bonus gold/xp/levels you get from counter jungling to secure future objectives.

If you are committed to taking the dragon try to at least have your topside jungle fully cleared so that the enemy jungle cant exploit your camps in the same way.

Prio to taking any objective you should look to at the minimum have mid priority. Unless you are absolutely sure you can sneak an objective you shouldn't attempt it w/o prio/proper vision.

3. Junglers that dont have fast AOE clears are typically the easiest to counter jgl. Jarvan/Viego/xin/or any tank really.

4. Fast level 3 to invade? Buff>Buff>Gromp. Gets you level 3 and into their jungle. or you can do Red/Krugs/Raptors if you are set on invading their blue.

5. Late game junglers can be exploited in the early game. Use your red buff to kite them (typically only 1 gap closer on them) Early game junglers should be avoided while you farm faster than them. Look for countergank opportunities.

6. Zhonyas.


Your enlgish is probably better than mine! :)
ecl1p3e (8) | November 22, 2020 7:12pm
Amazing guide, gj. Is there any lane that she can flex into? I'm terrible at jungling and don't understand even the slightest bit of it. (I died to krugs 2 different times on 2 different junglers but we don't talk about that). Does Horizons Focus work on her? Her Q is very long ranged so I thought it'd be better just to have the damage. The ap doesn't hurt either.
Pyroen (6) | February 3, 2021 1:09pm
Top lane she can flex to and have a decent chunk of success. you can build her bruiser or AP in the top lane. AD is an option and kind of a meme but given her auto reset on Q/execute you can get away with going something like divine sunderer/bork into tank :)

Horizon focus does work on her - as long as you are 700 units away (11.3) and land your spear it will empower the damage of THAT spear as well as subsequent damage during the debuff duration. Makes for 1 shotting enemy squishies as they walk around the jungle unwittingly.

I consider this item a luxury as most of the time you won't be able to hop in and secure a kill in a teamfight situation given the lack of defensive stats on it. Rabadons typically will outshine this item if it is a one or the other kind of purchase.

Edit: Top lane nid can abuse Grasp rune. Auto attack in human form and switch quickly to cougar... Enjoy the 100% efficiency of your grasp rune. BOOM
| December 11, 2020 7:43am
I know this isn't my guide, but I clicked on the questions to see if I could assist in answering some of the questions people asked. The answer is yes, but it is situational.

Nidalee can build into numerous AP items, but every game calls for a different combination of them.

These items can vary based on the enemies team composition, items they are building, your matchups against their jungler, if you and/or your team is behind.
RusRamen (1) | October 28, 2020 9:51am
O'd like to see some nidalee combos in your guide with explaing why this is the first one ,then this is the second one , etc.
Thats a OOF (1) | July 26, 2020 2:31pm
Pyroen (6) | February 3, 2021 1:11pm
Reported. :P
GhostReaper87 | July 19, 2020 10:40am
Is Nidalee good to pickup in plat? Does she scale well into late game or is early to mid champ?
| December 11, 2020 7:45am
This isn't my guide, but I'm here to answer your question.

Nidalee is an aggressive early game jungler that scales somewhat into the mid game, but falls off pretty significantly in the late game unless you take gathering storm, and build items like Void Staff, which then again she still falls off somewhat.
FangorHelmsar | May 5, 2020 12:36am
Dear Pyroen,

thank you for your awesome guide. I choose Nidalee to be my only champion since I saw her for the first time. I played LoL in season 2014 and 2015 and then I left for a while :-D. But I am back and really looking forward to ride her again. I wish to learn how to rule the jungle as this role is quite new for me.

If you have some time can you please add some guide on Wall pounces and Flash + Trapping + Warding + Spear spots and tips for aiming? There was ome good tips in this now very old Nida guide from Lexosceles:

:-) have a good hunt!
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