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Skarner Build Guide by Hazardist

Jungle [14.10] The NEW Skarner Bible by LAN's Rank 1 Skarner

Jungle [14.10] The NEW Skarner Bible by LAN's Rank 1 Skarner

Updated on September 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hazardist Build Guide By Hazardist 206 25 528,076 Views 55 Comments
206 25 528,076 Views 55 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hazardist Skarner Build Guide By Hazardist Updated on September 28, 2024
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Lusimus22 (2) | August 1, 2024 3:08pm
Heya- a Former Skarner main here.

Lookin through this guide was quite fun! Glad to see that there's variety offered too! Enough to the point of givin me motivation to peer deeper to see what could work with this champion.

I ran the old Skarner from AP to Lethality- I loved how versatile is, and do not enjoy how one dimensional the new one is. But fair to say this has sparked me to see how the more 'odd ball' items work on him!

Well written guide!
Hazardist (8) | August 13, 2024 5:20am
I'm glad you enjoyed the guide. I was planning to polish the guide a little to make it seem even better, but my motivation to bother with anything League related has vanished for the last few months now. Thus I've simply archived the guide until the day I return to the game again, if it ever happens. In the meantime, let's just hope Skarner stops being the biggest victim of the balance team 😅
GambynoBambyno | May 14, 2024 11:08am
Am I the only one who hates matching viego, especially in 14.9 patch? Early it is nothing to worry and if I get to build a significant lead, even then he catching up really fast. However if he gets the advantage he shreds me in no time if I get to fight him. Is it worth in any situation getting frozen heart(I know I don't get any significant stats and I lose hp/dmg scale)? if they are heavy on meele champs, combining randuins and frozen heart did seem to pay off in late game team fights
Hazardist (8) | May 14, 2024 4:57pm
You're right that the Viego matchup got considerably harder compared to old Skarner. I'd rather recommend building Randuin's instead of Frozen Heart for that matchup because the latter has gotten heavily nerfed throughout the year, and most Viegos build Krakenslayer so it has a decent value against it. The key point against Viego is to only fight him alone early in the game (before either of you has a finished item), then progressively become more cautious as his burst damage can get surprisingly high. Prioritize building armor, although Sterak's is a good idea as well because the late shield might make all the difference between surviving, or dying and having him turn everything Skarner provides against your team.
Waturdawn | May 11, 2024 11:07am
Hai, what are your thoughts on building Black Cleaver or Spear of Shojin second when you build Heartsteel first (as opposed to something like Sterak's Gage second)?
Hazardist (8) | May 12, 2024 3:38pm
I'm not too convinced on a build path like that because Shojin gets much less value than it could if you don't keep building AD items to increase the damage of your Q, and Cleaver isn't too bad but my problem with that is thati t has 0 synergy with Heartsteel since neither item's stats and passives interact well (you could argue that the Heartsteel proc hits harder on a target with less armor, but new Skarner can't fully stack Cleaver on someone before the 3 seconds have passed, so it's not consistent at all).

With this said, building either of those second after Sundered Sky instead sounds like a much better plan. I've hesitated to recommend Sundered thus far because it got nerfed hard this patch, but if the item doesn't stop being as strong then it might be inevitable that I will suggest a build path centered around it.
doublejor | April 20, 2024 3:34am
Hi, I've just registered to ask you some questions/doubts :D

I'm playing Skarner with heartsteel + titanic hydra, feels good with hail of blades. What do you think about it?

Also, did you consider sundered sky instead of shojin? Just for +dmg and heal instead of haste (just bc hail of blades in my case).

I appreciate your thoughts! great guide :)
Hazardist (8) | April 20, 2024 8:03am
Thanks! I haven't tested Hail of Blades yet as I prefer the tankiness from the resolve tree instead, but I know that it is indeed a good keystone on Skarner right now and especially if you're building titanic for the auto reset. I might start recommending that path when against team comps with no champions that will melee you.

As a matter of fact, I've been trying out sundered sky in a few games lately and can confirm that it is pretty decent for when you want consistent damage. The thing is, it is about to get nerfed heavily in patch 14.9 so I'm holding out on those going live because it will most likely not be as good anymore in a matter of days
doublejor | April 20, 2024 8:18am
Sounds legit, thanks a lot for your support!
DJohn Mustard | April 19, 2024 3:08pm
Voted +1
i would also add maokai to the hard counter cause of his w and r its almost impossible to approach him unless they dont notice you
Hazardist (8) | April 20, 2024 8:04am
It's been long since I encountered a Maokai jungle so that's why I didn't think of adding him, but you're right in that he makes for a strong counter to Skarner. I'm adding a tip now
jacekpawlak | April 18, 2024 1:54am
Voted +1
Hazardist (8) | April 18, 2024 6:50am

Squidability | April 6, 2024 10:30am
Grasp and heartsteel? My brother in Christ are you okay?
Hazardist (8) | April 6, 2024 12:46pm
I'm a Skarner OTP, I haven't been okay in years
Bobalie | April 4, 2024 9:55pm
Hello !

Thanks for your help with this guide ! Can I have your in name game to check games you played to improve myself ?

Have a good day <3
Hazardist (8) | April 6, 2024 2:05am
Hi, I haven't played many games on main since the rework released yet but I'm bound to do so eventually. You can find me as Skarner #002 in NA
Bobalie | April 8, 2024 1:08am
Thanks !
KameYuri | April 4, 2024 5:59am
gg never thought of grasp on him. I wouldn't take heartsteel in jungle tho. You get it later than a top laner for example and can't you stack it as often, iceborn gauntlet or sundered sky are better first items imo.
Hazardist (8) | April 4, 2024 6:03am
If you're jungling approriately then you should be finishing the Heartsteel purchase by 10-12 minutes which is early enough to begin skirmishing in the mid game comfortably, and neither it nor grasp are much tougher to stack early as a jungler compared to top lane. For reference, I consistently reach between 10 and 16 grasp stacks by 11 minutes.

With this said, worrying about early game with this set up is the wrong thing to do to begin with. Anyone who wants to stomp early game and disregard scaling should just avoid playing Skarner
Fruxo (334) | November 26, 2023 4:11am
Hey there Hazardist,
You asked for a guide review from my review service, so here it is. Apologies for the delay.

click for review
Hazardist (8) | November 26, 2023 11:37am
Thanks a lot for the impressively thorough review, it's actually amazing! I'm only just learning of the code for centering images within the sections which is a true lifesaver, I'll definitely be using that on my next update. But every note is great to keep in mind as it helps me understand how other people view and comprehend the information, so it's invaluable feedback
Lusimus22 (2) | October 6, 2023 2:33am
I'll say this to you as well. Thank you! Thank you for updating the guide actively!
I made my own guide before when nobody was updating theirs- so that Skarner players could have something to grasp onto when in need of help. Now far better players (such as you) have started updating their guides!
Now all new and old Skarner players can get the help they need!
Hazardist (8) | October 7, 2023 4:54am
Really glad you like it this much 😁 I'm happy to keep it updated even while I'm taking breaks from the game
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