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Kai'Sa Build Guide by Amberdragon

ADC [14.9] Complete Kai'sa Guide to Dominate Your Games

ADC [14.9] Complete Kai'sa Guide to Dominate Your Games

Updated on May 1, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Amberdragon Build Guide By Amberdragon 654 50 1,976,646 Views 12 Comments
654 50 1,976,646 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Amberdragon Kai'Sa Build Guide By Amberdragon Updated on May 1, 2024
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adcenjoyer | February 27, 2024 4:18am
Near the bottom where you explain synergies, under Senna you wrote "Senna wants to poke and have short trades while Xayah wants to trade and go all-in". I think you meant to type Kai'sa instead of Xayah, as it's her synergies you're talking about, right?
Amberdragon (14) | February 27, 2024 9:38am
Yes, that's correct, I just got my babes' names switched up. I have fixed it :) thanks for bringing this to my attention
Vapora Dark (625) | February 27, 2024 10:11am
The way I can relate because I'm always calling Kai'Sa Xayah when I play her ๐Ÿ’€
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emdm0001 | October 31, 2023 3:12pm
Guys, I just played a game with a really strong ekko in platinum and he killed me with one shot. I am not sure how ekko works but I have played against him so many times so I have learnt to wait until he does his teleport hit and then go in to kill him. But this time he was tp-hitting me more often than I have been used to. I built banshee's veil, but I am not sure if it worked. In the end, we won the game but I still need to know what would you do against a fed ekko because I am not sure if this is the optimal item against him. What do u say?
Amberdragon (14) | October 31, 2023 5:52pm
Hmm so Ekko is a difficult one because a fed Ekko who plays well can one shot pretty much anyone ๐Ÿ˜… but there can be hope

So here's a quick rundown on how Ekko can kill you:

He has a passive that when he hits 3 times (abilities and autos) he deals a burst of damage. His Q can proc the passive twice (when going out and back) so you should always try to avoid getting hit by at least Q2. His W gives him shield and stuns you if you're inside with him so that's something else you'll wanna avoid with E or R. His first E cast is a dash and second cast is point and click, you can only avoid it if you use Zhonya's before the damage hits or if you go invis on E and manage to keep enough distance. His R revives him but also deals a lot of damage. When he procs passive he also gains MS.

So imo with Ekko you basically can't get baited into going all-in and chasing him down. If he can get his damage off or bait you into his W or R you lose. When his R is up and he's almost dead if you stay in range of his R damage you'll explode. You'll want to always be very careful when facing him head on and never underestimate him. Chasing him blindly is usually a bad idea, and if he's after you you'll need to keep as much distance as you can (sidenote: he can use E on minions/monsters to get closer to you too so if you're fleeing stay away from them too)

Even if you play perfectly a fed Ekko will still likely kill you if he lands anything on you or gets close enough. You'll need your team to keep an eye on you and CC him.

What can help you survive in terms of itemization:

For AD, that's going to be Wit's End and Shieldbow/Maw of Malmortius. They can buy you some time.

As for AP... I don't think Banshee's is that great of an item. Even though Ekko is AP I believe you have better chances of outplaying him with Zhonya's. You can use the item for his R, E, W stun or a deadly Q. Banshee only saves you if you're lucky.
Wesley Aguiar | September 16, 2023 11:45am
Muito bom, bom! Tรก bem completinho!
Amberdragon (14) | September 28, 2023 1:50pm
Obrigado <3 Fico feliz que curtiu!
m149307 (1) | June 10, 2023 2:28pm
Good guide, could you maybe add in sections for fast Q upgrades?
Amberdragon (14) | June 16, 2023 3:43pm
I'll be adding that to the evolves section when I'm able to!
RedNBlue (1) | November 4, 2022 4:45pm
Good guide thank you.
Bonum | June 22, 2022 11:48am
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