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Love the details.
Great work man!
but woudlnt galefroce be better with all the ms u get and the passsive and everything?maybe if there are 0 tanks ,u can maybe gen galeforce without a worry
Galeforce is really good if you need the dash to dodge important stuff and if against higher range champions. Basically if you really need more mobility and survivability. Id still go LdDR 4th. Galeforce also feels good if enemy is squishy, your team is mostly ap or you have a bursty team.
Ultimately personal preference also comes to play, you can experiment to see what feels best.
I like kraken for a lot of champions cuz i play safe and my usual ADCs have good self peel/mobility, basically removing the need for safety/mobility from items. Im not a galeforce playmaker either XD my partner on the other hand likes making plays and going in so he prefers galeforce even when not ideal. It works for him!
Edit: your elo matters too! Higher elo you get more value from Galeforce mobility and because you get more gold from farm its essier to get LdR after IE.