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Fizz Build Guide by Rys Aberdeen

Fizzy Pop: A Rys Aberdeen Guide

Fizzy Pop: A Rys Aberdeen Guide

Updated on September 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rys Aberdeen Build Guide By Rys Aberdeen 797 102 3,769,956 Views 291 Comments
797 102 3,769,956 Views 291 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rys Aberdeen Fizz Build Guide By Rys Aberdeen Updated on September 27, 2012
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Shooter TheDemon | January 7, 2013 2:56pm
Excellent guide fizz. Complete with respect to the skills and items. I for one have been using the additional item morellonomicom as your guide. The mana regen and cooldown reduction are essential to being a champion fizz that depends on your skills to get the advantage in battles. Try it and then tell me what you think. Regards
Eaontil | December 21, 2012 9:29am
A very useful, thank you for your help!
redlmightzer | November 30, 2012 10:28am
would be awesome if you added a twisted tree line build with the new items out for it now and change of gameplay
xype | November 20, 2012 2:07pm
I've checked out your channel, I can see you're playing 3v3 pretty much only? Anyway, this guide works perfectly on 3v3. In 5v5 it works as well, but I did not play enough 5v5 games yet to say it's the best guide there is.
Anyway, I wanted to try this out in 3v3: Boots + ring - rush sheen - catalyst the protector - sorcerer's shoes - rod of ages - lich bane ===> and then go for Nashor's Tooth or Wooglet's Witchcap if you need armor, though with this build I never can get one of these last items as I already won.
Good guide anyway, though I'm not a fan of the deathfire grasp, but as everybody knows you should choose items which are good for your personal and the circumstances of the game.
Very nice job on this guide! Keep it up!

P.S. Here's a picture of my match history from a few games after I bought him in 3v3 (last game I ran into the pool, trolling)
KOP98 | November 20, 2012 12:56pm
PLEASE KEEP IT UP AND UPDATE IT, the build really helped me out :)
Nikushaa | November 9, 2012 3:35am
I just wanna ask you who can counter fizz? just he seems so ******* op right now he can beat almost any other champion in mid/top only counter i found out is Swain
BTW good guide +1 from me
SilentNinja (1) | October 30, 2012 3:57am
I love Fizz but there are a number of lane match-ups I really struggle with. Swain and Ryze primarily. Ive been told building a more glass-cannon type build (rushing lich and eliminating RoA) might be the way to do it but Im uncomfortable going glass cannon on a champ that has to be in the thick of a fight to utilise his burst.

Thoughts? I love Fizz and although Im primarily jungle my team wants me to move to AP caster since our mid doesnt play much anymore, so Id like him to be my new main (I play a little Ahri and TF just for fun) but Im wondering if maybe I just suck as Fizz :(

On a side note - Smartcast, should I be using it? On most of my current champs it's redundant but what do you think?
OtavioWeber | October 24, 2012 4:44am
AD Fizz weak early game ?! WRONG!
Sukero (1) | October 18, 2012 2:06pm
Awesome guide, thank you!
PredatorGenesis (2) | October 18, 2012 1:11am
Great guide it was really well put together. I love this guy for a few reasons one more than others when you ulti all you hear is SHARK!!!! This of course startles the enemy allowing them to know they're about to be screwed. Also a passive on hit ignite is epic too, I'll normally throw shark then q to them then e if they start to focus me and that normally picks up a kill, if not I just chase with ignite and w passive till I know they're dead.

Anyways thanks for this awesome guide and great builds. + from me
Nytrite (17) | October 6, 2012 7:50pm
ust voted, already saw this guide months ago, just wante to help, this guide is my inspiration to why I made my own guide about Fizz, which I archived XD
been following your guide for months already and here is my most favorite result:
Shaan27 | October 6, 2012 10:22am
Got my first pentakill kill with this guide thanks!!! :)
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