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Anyway, I wanted to try this out in 3v3: Boots + ring - rush sheen - catalyst the protector - sorcerer's shoes - rod of ages - lich bane ===> and then go for Nashor's Tooth or Wooglet's Witchcap if you need armor, though with this build I never can get one of these last items as I already won.
Good guide anyway, though I'm not a fan of the deathfire grasp, but as everybody knows you should choose items which are good for your personal and the circumstances of the game.
Very nice job on this guide! Keep it up!
P.S. Here's a picture of my match history from a few games after I bought him in 3v3 (last game I ran into the pool, trolling)
BTW good guide +1 from me
Thoughts? I love Fizz and although Im primarily jungle my team wants me to move to AP caster since our mid doesnt play much anymore, so Id like him to be my new main (I play a little Ahri and TF just for fun) but Im wondering if maybe I just suck as Fizz :(
On a side note - Smartcast, should I be using it? On most of my current champs it's redundant but what do you think?
Awesome guide, thank you!
Anyways thanks for this awesome guide and great builds. + from me
ust voted, already saw this guide months ago, just wante to help, this guide is my inspiration to why I made my own guide about
been following your guide for months already and here is my most favorite result: