I have YET to find a counter for Shen. I've been told by about 40 different people that he's "Broken" simply because there's no real way to kill him once he has a certain build... I've had problems with Shen ever since he got re-buffed :/
The best way the "counter" Shen in solo top is to outfarm him with someone just as beefy but with better creep farming. MY suggestion would be Yorick or Nasus or even Olaf. You need to basically taunt the Shen into attacking you and the best way to initiate that is out farm him. There really is no specific champ that is a shen-killer. Out of your champs I would say Irelia cause she can out-sustain him, even after her nerf. Shyvana will definably outfarm him so she's an option too. As for building early MR, Shen, imo, does better now as an AD Bruiser which consists of things like atmogs/Frozen mallet and so on and so forth. So MR won't do you a whole lot of good tbh.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard and myself(:3) for the sigs!
+Rep me if I was awesome and said awesome things like i'm supposed to :D
Push lane.
Rush Wriggle's Lantern.
Basically, get enough sustain that his harass won't matter, then push your lane so hard he can't do anything about it.
Shyvana is pretty strong, but at earlier levels she has no sustain and will basically die to aggressive Shens :/
Irelia is pretty good, I think it's just a farm fest.
Wukong at 6, with the help of a jungler, can probably kill Shen. Also push with your AoE thingy and harass at the same time.
Oh, and try Wit's End. It works wonders early game.
Rush Wriggle's Lantern.
Basically, get enough sustain that his harass won't matter, then push your lane so hard he can't do anything about it.
Shyvana is pretty strong, but at earlier levels she has no sustain and will basically die to aggressive Shens :/
Irelia is pretty good, I think it's just a farm fest.
Wukong at 6, with the help of a jungler, can probably kill Shen. Also push with your AoE thingy and harass at the same time.
Oh, and try Wit's End. It works wonders early game.
MildlyMalicious wrote:
As for building early MR, Shen, imo, does better now as an AD Bruiser which consists of things like atmogs/Frozen mallet and so on and so forth. So MR won't do you a whole lot of good tbh.
We dont care about what the final build of a champ will be, we do care about what type of damage has Shen during the laning phase when atma and frozen mallet are not present.
And in this phase, the biggest harass tool of Shen is the Q, and E - Q - melee hit with passive.
But are those dmg counterbuild-able ? They will grow up a little during the laning phase, because of more points spent into the Q, but Shen's players usually dont build him AP. So staking MR is cool but you will lower dmg that are not meant to grow up later, as shen will build HP + resistance and some dmg.
Also think about the AA with passive that deal physical dmg : you cant effectivly counter build against shen's dmg, as his harass is Q and his little combo E Q 2AA's has a good part of physical dmg.
I guess you should just build sustain and HP, those "stats" can do well against mixed type of harass.
So you shoud pick a champ that naturally have or profit for building sustain and HP.
Here you chose :D
English is not my native langage, I'm sorry about how painful to read my text are :c
Garen is just a good counter before level 6, but then he got completely useless cause someway shen got more sustain than him.
I main Shen, Solo Top. I only have problems with Shyvanas when they got a good build and few health potions, don't build Magic Resistance build Armor, you'll need armor.
You have to kill him out of his turret cause he can taunt you inside of it and die, it is very risky.
I main Shen, Solo Top. I only have problems with Shyvanas when they got a good build and few health potions, don't build Magic Resistance build Armor, you'll need armor.
You have to kill him out of his turret cause he can taunt you inside of it and die, it is very risky.
Zeedr wrote:
Garen is just a good counter before level 6, but then he got completely useless cause someway shen got more sustain than him.
Unless it's a extremely aggressive Shen or you are doing poorly, you shouldn't have problems with sustain as Garen. Just play passively for a short while, recover HP, then start trades again. At level 6, unless he already have tons of HP and armor, you can kill it with with a couple of Q,E and then R. Demacian Justice it's an excellent counter for Shen early on.
id say shen can beat people who spin to win (eg. wukong, garen, etc.). though i must say all the shens i play run away with their ulti. i dont find much difficulty against shen with irelia. but yea i do agree with how you need some extra sustain and just AFK farm ftw.
Thank you jhoijhoi, Keondre, LaCorpse, The_Nameless_Bard, Arcana3, Apfeljack, Hogopogo, eddie199, Xiaowiriamu, and JEFFY40HANDS for the spectacular sigs!
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