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the attack speed runes are not to deal more damage in team fights or for clearing jungles quicker, but for more cc in ganks and team fights.
While I am nowhere near Challenger I, I would like to recommend using Hybrid Penetration marks instead of Attack Speed ones. I did some calculations at level 2 (fighting either Ancient Golem or Elder Lizard). Clear time is faster and you are left with more health points. With ASPD Marks you get one extra Shield hit, but the additional damage from Penetration makes up for it once the shield is down.
I also feel Hybrid Penetration is better late-game, as I don't find myself doing consecutive blows once team-fighting starts.
You can see the numbers and additional comments here - . I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. I used your masteries, when calculating. . I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. I used your Masteries, when calculating.