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Q is a better start so that you can repel jungle invades or early ganks.
Yeah, realized that after more games, thanks :)
Only thing that bothers me is that in Team Builder a lot of ******s be like "Cho mid, no" and leave, is so underwhelming :c
Btw is so much better imo picking E in lvl 1 in order to start last hitting right away and then buff W and Q normally like in your guide.
In the meantime, thanks for waiting and sorry.
First, on a housekeeping note, it seems like the pictures for the first 5 items under item sequence are broken (the pictures don't show for some reason). Not sure if this is just me or if something changed and messed them up.
Second, at one point later in the guide, you mention recommending Ionian boots of lucidity (Under mid to late gate 13-18), but in the main page of the guide it shows Sorcerer's shoes, I don't really see a section that compares the merits, so I'd like to see some sort of explanation as to which you feel works out better.
Relating to the last question, how important do you feel it is to max out CDR on Cho? Do you usually rely on blue + blue potion + DFG and settle for 30% at best, or do you often build a Frozen Heart? I've been using Athene's a lot as it helps with mana problems and enables more safe harass/farming, but it certainly doesn't pack the offensive punch you get with DFG. I noticed in your cheat sheet that you list frozen heart under late game, but Randuin's under example end-game. (Personally my tendency would be to lean toward CDR over the extra health, as that would give me 30% with DFG which would be easy enough to top up to 40%).
Thanks for the guide, I've decided to take advantage of the rune sale and buy those scaling AP runes to give it a try!
PS What about working in a Lich Bane at some point to increase the burst potential? (Later I was thinking, if you're doing well).
Nice guide and I'm really enjoying this build! I'm pretty new so if I'm going to repalce my armour seals with anything I'll do Mana regen 18 since I really can't jsutify 9 end game AP, The Glpyhs def, but not the seals.
Just wondering, Have you tried zhonyas with this build? Just the thing when u need that extra second for you CD's to come back adn the armour is nice too.
Yes, you can itemize however you want in mid/late game. Usually, you don't draw enough damage to need zhonya's. However, I feel like it could be a great item if you want to dive the opponent.
Also, the runes/masteries are kind of janky. As in, they're very one-dimensional. The point is to catch people by surprise with your damage. You can run regular runes/masteries if you want! Just rush DFG and you'll see similar effects. Try the DFG rush and see if you like the playstyle, then you can commit to buying runes.
i really enjoyed reading this guide. i play cho mid, top, jung, supp, i love cho its my favorite chmp and my main. i`am in the office now and reading guides in Moba XD but i founded this one great, my runes are a bit different but after reading this i think i`ll change some things, and buy some other items, i´m actually playing in LAS becouse i`m uruguayan and there in LAS people dont use to play cho mid at all, thanks again for this guide and as we say here Abrazo grande!
Thanks! Cho'G mid is pretty rare, and the ones I see are usually tanky (which is super boring). He really catches people by surprise.
Why do not you maximize Rupture First? Rupture has damage, range, slow and 100% PA. And would not the best Rod of Ages Cho'Gath since it is so dependent on mana?
Rupture does a lot of damage, but since I'm playing mid, I find that Feral Scream's Silence is a better mechanic (over Rupture's knockup/slow). This is because Feral Scream is almost impossible to miss/dodge, whereas Rupture can easily be juked. Since I'm versus ap/ad casters mostly (in midlane), I find the silence can be devastatingly good. You can max Rupture if you really want to,