IGN: qEbow
Age: 19
Top 3 Champs: Leona, Nami, Thresh/blitz
Server: EUNE
Time Zone: (UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
Can you attend practices?: Yes i play on daly basis
How long do you play daily?: Depends sometimes even up to 8hours
Role: Support
Link to lolking score: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/eune/36598264
Rank: Just got into Bronce 3
Age: 19
Top 3 Champs: Leona, Nami, Thresh/blitz
Server: EUNE
Time Zone: (UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
Can you attend practices?: Yes i play on daly basis
How long do you play daily?: Depends sometimes even up to 8hours
Role: Support
Link to lolking score: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/eune/36598264
Rank: Just got into Bronce 3
Quote :
"You dont get PAID in fact take one minion from a ADC and wach him go afk EMEDIATELY!
you get yelled at more than nigga missing smite."
"You dont get PAID in fact take one minion from a ADC and wach him go afk EMEDIATELY!
you get yelled at more than nigga missing smite."
IGN: BIGcitySancuary
Age: 16
Top 3 Champs: lux,cho,elise; cait,ez,sivir
Time Zone: Central
Can you attend practices?: Yes i play league daily.
How long do you play daily?: around 4-6 hours
Role: mid,adc (elise cause she can go anywhere)
Link to lolking score:http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/21471113
Rank: Silver IV
Age: 16
Top 3 Champs: lux,cho,elise; cait,ez,sivir
Time Zone: Central
Can you attend practices?: Yes i play league daily.
How long do you play daily?: around 4-6 hours
Role: mid,adc (elise cause she can go anywhere)
Link to lolking score:http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/21471113
Rank: Silver IV
Top 3 Champs:Darius, Nautilus, Fizz
Time Zone:GMT 6:00 central
Can you attend practices?: sure just lemme know when.
How long do you play daily?: depends really. it has many ranges.
Role: can play all. adc not preferred.
Link to lolking score:http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/38382065#profile
Rank:Bronze 4 atm. bout to rank up in this series:P if team works together. lol
Top 3 Champs:Darius, Nautilus, Fizz
Time Zone:GMT 6:00 central
Can you attend practices?: sure just lemme know when.
How long do you play daily?: depends really. it has many ranges.
Role: can play all. adc not preferred.
Link to lolking score:http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/38382065#profile
Rank:Bronze 4 atm. bout to rank up in this series:P if team works together. lol
You need to log in before commenting.
You need to have a good sense of humor to join and you have to be able to take a joke.
You have to be Over Bronze 3. No acceptions.
Coaches contact me
My IGN is TylerMango
Mid's and Fill's fill this application out .
Top 3 Champs:
Time Zone:
Can you attend practices?:
How long do you play daily?:
Link to lolking score: