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Nami Build Guide by buttercup

Support First Nami guide (Abandoned)

Support First Nami guide (Abandoned)

Updated on June 12, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author buttercup Build Guide By buttercup 21 4 119,260 Views 109 Comments
21 4 119,260 Views 109 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author buttercup Nami Build Guide By buttercup Updated on June 12, 2014
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NorthernRedStar (82) | June 13, 2014 1:40pm
You've finally updated this!
Zandesh (2) | February 28, 2014 10:38am
Nicely designed guide, however this smells awfully insipired by Mafa's build.
NorthernRedStar (82) | February 28, 2014 8:19am
buttercup wrote:

@nike: If you love flashy plays, we are obviously not going to even use Doran's Shield, let alone the tanky masteries lol xD

Also Morgana is feared not only the utility but also the insane kill potential once she hits 6..... :o

@Devdevil: Yes, I kind of plan to but I don't want to give false hopes if I never manage to :(
And thanks for the compliment :3

It's important to not get engaged upon at level 6, because that means sure death


But damn, so fun to kil Thresh in lane at level 2, every time. Leona on the other hand... Just nerf her already Riot, it's not fair for Thresh to be so one-sided.

That Doran's Shield -nerf was very noticeable, but I fear the Relic Shield changes made melee supports, particularly Leona, stronger than ever. That's really unfavorable against squishy ranged supports, since now poke won't have much effect on her, or her ADC, anymore...

Riot's balance team is drunk. If they end up nerfing Morgana and Thresh (even more) before Leona and Annie, I quit supporting all together.
buttercup (19) | February 27, 2014 2:59pm
@nike: If you love flashy plays, we are obviously not going to even use Doran's Shield, let alone the tanky masteries lol xD

Also Morgana is feared not only the utility but also the insane kill potential once she hits 6..... :o

@Devdevil: Yes, I kind of plan to but I don't want to give false hopes if I never manage to :(
And thanks for the compliment :3
devdevil (74) | February 24, 2014 4:07pm

I find your amount of reputation distracting lol.

I know T_T
Please +rep me...
NorthernRedStar (82) | February 23, 2014 12:29pm
devdevil wrote:

This was a nice guide to read!

Do you intend to add a late-game warding section?

I find your amount of reputation distracting lol.
devdevil (74) | February 23, 2014 10:23am
This was a nice guide to read!

Do you intend to add a late-game warding section?
NorthernRedStar (82) | February 23, 2014 2:03am
buttercup wrote:

Morgana's snare has a range of 1300, meaning that either the ad or myself cannot get close to her if she is positioned far enough from our creeps. Also she can use her soil to zone us away from creeps, bringing a path for a free Dark Binding. It is also difficult if she only uses Black Shield specifically to only block Aqua Prison, due to the reason that I cannot hit both if they stand apart from each other. Also, her flash QR can cause you to burn flash, or if you lack flash she can secure a kill right as she hits 6 because her shield prevents cc from holding her down.

Holy **** how did I not mention these in my guide D: She can block the prison or the ult... welp time to revisit ><

I heard that Doran's Shield's getting nerfed soon. So I wouldn't be relying on the op-ness that's going to be gone soon xD I will test it out after the changes are made :)

Also i've been trying out 9/21/0. It's working well so far :3 what do you think?

Gives a nice early boost, but you lose mobility, mana regen and those small little advantages elsewhere. Snowbally setup? You don't have to pick Doran's Shield if you use these masteries, so I see your point. I personally prefer mobility and utility above tankiness because I like the "outplaying potential" (flashy plays). If it works for you, good :)

But yeaaaah, Morgana's pretty much on the border of becoming flavor of the month D:
She essentially doesn't have a bad lane match-up, has hard (AoE) CC, has shield, but lacks mobility. Basically "hard counters" Thresh and Leona.

I've faced a few Morganas and this is how it works: Take Tidecaller's Blessing at level 1 and start bullying her or her ADC, since she doesn't likely have her shield at lvl 1 and her auto-attack range is lower than yours. After level 2, the trick is being fast and outpredictable enough to either bait the shield out early, or too late. She is very vulnerable when her Q (10 seconds CD) and E (20 seconds CD) are down, and so is her ADC - most skills, like Zenith Blade and Aqua Prison, have lower cooldown. It's important to not get engaged upon at level 6, because that means sure death, and not to get too close to her to be able to either flash or walk out of her ultimate. She can't cast her Black Shield if chain-CC'd though.

I'd say it's a skill match-up. But one can argue that Morgana soft counters almost every support in bot lane right now. She's also an excellent peeler for teammates. But her damage isn't necessarily on par with anyone pre-6, and Dark Binding is not always exactly easy to hit. Morgana and Katarina in same team though...
buttercup (19) | February 22, 2014 7:23pm
Morgana's snare has a range of 1300, meaning that either the ad or myself cannot get close to her if she is positioned far enough from our creeps. Also she can use her soil to zone us away from creeps, bringing a path for a free Dark Binding. It is also difficult if she only uses Black Shield specifically to only block Aqua Prison, due to the reason that I cannot hit both if they stand apart from each other. Also, her flash QR can cause you to burn flash, or if you lack flash she can secure a kill right as she hits 6 because her shield prevents cc from holding her down.

Holy **** how did I not mention these in my guide D: She can block the prison or the ult... welp time to revisit ><

I heard that Doran's Shield's getting nerfed soon. So I wouldn't be relying on the op-ness that's going to be gone soon xD I will test it out after the changes are made :)

Also i've been trying out 9/21/0. It's working well so far :3 what do you think?

NorthernRedStar (82) | February 22, 2014 5:05am
Morgana's shield is very strong against Nami, but note that she can only shield one at a time. Immediately switch focus to her when morg shields the adc or poke with AAs

I'd throw Morgana out of the counters sweetie :) She has no escapes, so the trick is to bait her into using/wasting her Black Shield on her ADC with Tidecaller's Blessing, whilst switching focus on her. She does "soft counter" Leona and Thresh quite well though, as they're much more predictable.

I've been experimenting with Doran's Shield start and I must say, it feels lot stronger against Thresh or pesky harassers like Draven and Caitlyn. Since you won't be so mana hungry at levels 1-3 anyways, your trade potential is greater as long as you don't spam Ebb and Flow. Try it out.

The best case scen is if you're able to go aggressive at level 1. Basically a won lane then. I've had absolutely awesome success with Nami recently. She's such a great champion - if only Riot created her a new skin D:
buttercup (19) | February 21, 2014 3:27pm
@Winter: Sorry D: I'm re-designing the whole guide, so it's going to take a while since I'm busy ><
Winter1996 | February 19, 2014 9:53pm
been about twenty days man. where's the fix?
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