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@nike: If you love flashy plays, we are obviously not going to even use
@Devdevil: Yes, I kind of plan to but I don't want to give false hopes if I never manage to :(
And thanks for the compliment :3
But damn, so fun to kil
Riot's balance team is drunk. If they end up nerfing
@Devdevil: Yes, I kind of plan to but I don't want to give false hopes if I never manage to :(
And thanks for the compliment :3
I find your amount of reputation distracting lol.
I know T_T
Please +rep me...
This was a nice guide to read!
Do you intend to add a late-game warding section?
I find your amount of reputation distracting lol.
Do you intend to add a late-game warding section?
Holy **** how did I not mention these in my guide D: She can block the prison or the ult... welp time to revisit ><
I heard that
Also i've been trying out 9/21/0. It's working well so far :3 what do you think?
Gives a nice early boost, but you lose mobility, mana regen and those small little advantages elsewhere. Snowbally setup? You don't have to pick
But yeaaaah,
She essentially doesn't have a bad lane match-up, has hard (AoE) CC, has shield, but lacks mobility. Basically "hard counters"
I've faced a few
I'd say it's a skill match-up. But one can argue that
Holy **** how did I not mention these in my guide D: She can block the prison or the ult... welp time to revisit ><
I heard that
Also i've been trying out 9/21/0. It's working well so far :3 what do you think?
I'd throw
I've been experimenting with
The best case scen is if you're able to go aggressive at level 1. Basically a won lane then. I've had absolutely awesome success with