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Udyr Ability (LoL): Bridge Between

Bridge Between Udyr

Udyr Ability: Bridge Between
Cooldown: 50 / 40 / 30 / 20
Awakened Spirit: Udyr has four basic abilities that swap between stances. Udyr can recast an ability that is on cooldown to gain its bonuses again with additional benefits.

Monk Training: After using an ability, Udyr's next two attacks within 4 seconds gain 30% attack speed and refund 5% of Awaken's cooldown.

Udyr's Abilities

Udyr Ability: Bridge Between Udyr Ability: Bridge Between Udyr Ability: Bridge Between Udyr Ability: Bridge Between
Bridge Between is used by Udyr

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Duck (2) | November 3, 2010 10:23pm
So changing between turtle and bear a lot is good. Also I noticed that the previous forms buff will last a little after you change, like Sona. So spamming is good sometimes!
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