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Ashe Ability (LoL): Focus

Focus Ashe

Ashe Ability: Focus
Ashe gains 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Focus stacks each second while not attacking. These values increase every 4 levels. Upon reaching 100 stacks, Ashe's next basic attack will automatically critically strike. Ashe starts out with a number of Focus stacks equal to her critical strike chance value.

Ashe's Abilities

Ashe Ability: Focus Ashe Ability: Focus Ashe Ability: Focus Ashe Ability: Focus
Focus is used by Ashe

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Arphxad | July 24, 2011 1:34am
Good if you can always time your next attack... Better yet don't think about timing your attack with this passive coz when a clash breaks out you won't have the leisure to do so...
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