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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ezreal is high mobile champion. Sometimes it can be hard to play against.
Champion Build Guide
🌊 CAIT 🌸
“To be the best hunter, you have to be able to think like your prey.”
~ Caitlyn
~ Caitlyn
🌊 CAIT 🌸
Caitlyn is a moderately tricky character to master and has a reasonable win rate. She’s one of the most popular in League of Legends, thanks to her versatility and strength. When you use Precision Runes and full damage item build while combined with the marksman playstyle, you’ll be sweeping off enemies in no time. Here are a few tips and tricks to do when using Caitlyn:
Caitlyn has a powerful auto-attack range. So, whenever you can, auto-attack the enemy.
When sieging towers, it’s wise to place your traps W behind them, zoning the opponents. Once they step in one, then go for a favorable trade.
Save the 90 Caliber Net E to use as an escape tool if the enemy tries to trade or attacks your lane. Plus, ensure you save enough mana to use the skill during emergencies.
It’s best to take advantage of Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Traps by placing them preemptively, ensuring you’ll have a one-off cooldown while in battle.
Never use Ace in the Hole in big team melees since it can be easily blocked.
When firing 90 Caliber Net, make sure to do it away from the enemy to help you close the gap or hop over walls, dealing more damage while keeping Caitlyn from a safe distance.
If you encounter an enemy champion teleporting nearby, it’s best to place a Yordle Snap Trap on the unit they’re teleporting to stun them and attack. Remember that if they’re teleporting to their turrets, they’ll always arrive behind them, specifically the part facing the nexus—ensuring you’ll trap the enemy upon arrival.
Purchasing an Essence Reaver and Attack Speed or Critical Chance item like the Runaan’s Hurricane can give your DPS a massive boost, enabling you to proc Caitlyn’s passive fast with appropriately timed auto attacks and combos.
Remember that Caitlyn’s Headshot skill gets two stacks if you use her auto from a bush. It’s best to take advantage of this whenever it’s safe to do so, dealing the most damage. This tip means that Caitlyn is excellent at fighting in the jungle because of her long range, allowing her to shoot over terrains and bushes.
Caitlyn has a powerful auto-attack range. So, whenever you can, auto-attack the enemy.
When sieging towers, it’s wise to place your traps W behind them, zoning the opponents. Once they step in one, then go for a favorable trade.
Save the 90 Caliber Net E to use as an escape tool if the enemy tries to trade or attacks your lane. Plus, ensure you save enough mana to use the skill during emergencies.
It’s best to take advantage of Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Traps by placing them preemptively, ensuring you’ll have a one-off cooldown while in battle.
Never use Ace in the Hole in big team melees since it can be easily blocked.
When firing 90 Caliber Net, make sure to do it away from the enemy to help you close the gap or hop over walls, dealing more damage while keeping Caitlyn from a safe distance.
If you encounter an enemy champion teleporting nearby, it’s best to place a Yordle Snap Trap on the unit they’re teleporting to stun them and attack. Remember that if they’re teleporting to their turrets, they’ll always arrive behind them, specifically the part facing the nexus—ensuring you’ll trap the enemy upon arrival.
Purchasing an Essence Reaver and Attack Speed or Critical Chance item like the Runaan’s Hurricane can give your DPS a massive boost, enabling you to proc Caitlyn’s passive fast with appropriately timed auto attacks and combos.
Remember that Caitlyn’s Headshot skill gets two stacks if you use her auto from a bush. It’s best to take advantage of this whenever it’s safe to do so, dealing the most damage. This tip means that Caitlyn is excellent at fighting in the jungle because of her long range, allowing her to shoot over terrains and bushes.
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