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Runes: Fiora Basic Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Safe for late
Ability Order
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Fiora Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Synergy: Great in any team. Jungler ganking potential: Strong Speciality: Never die information: In 2014 I used to be a Fiora challenger main (briefly before her re-work) and after the changes that were made to her Grand Challenge she just didn't fit my play style anymore. But it has been some time now and I've grown to love her again. Mostly by playing her with my buddy Timmy (who mains Yuumi check out his guide Yuumi & book for more about how to play Yuumi. So in this guide you can expect a detailed in depth guide with everything you have to know about how to play Fiora. |
My name is Freddy!
As you may have seen (and if you haven't, now you know!) I stream League of Legends on twitch with my buddy Timmy! I have recently come to love Fiora again, that being said I highly encourage you to play her with a duo partner that plays Yuumi because in the late game having a Yuumi on top of you will make you almost immortal!I was Diamond 2 in 2014 and am currently trying to get silver bronze to Diamond on EUW in top lane. I invite you all to come hang out as we struggle our way back into high elo! Timnfreddy
We stream daily from 19:00 - 23:30 +1GMT (Brussels Time)(Times may vary but this is what we generally aim for). We have a Discord Server where you're more than welcome to come hang out or ask any questions you might have.
What can you expect from our channel? A fun duostream where Timmy and me try to tackle league together while being as interactive with the chat as we can! We also do RP giveaways to celebrate our milestones so try your luck on those!
Why did I start streaming?I studied multimedia & 3D animation and I thought this would be a good place to apply my knowledge and techniques. I got my friend Timmy to join me and we're making a go at it together! So our goal is to be partnered with twitch the end of 2020. I also feel there is not enough positive content out there for league of legends. We may not be the best (yet!) but we try to add some warmth to the cold with the Fiora and Yuumi plays.
Why Fiora??So the big question! Why Fiora? Let's find out! So first off my personal reason for loving Fiora is that she's been an amazing champion since her release and quite hard to balance. Which means she's either in the meta and carrying.. or not in the meta and feeding. As I've said above I've been playing her for 6 + Years now and have seen all her good and bad times. The Main reason for me picking Fiora is her ability to destroy tanks with her Duelist's Dance on top of a great amount of utility. She has life steal, true Damage, she is a split push god, ... The biggest way she can be countered is by grievous wounds ( Executioner's Calling for example)) and of course ganks. But by far my favorite ability is that she can snowball and solo carry. You can easily shift the tide of games by split pushing and forcing the enemy team to either - send 3 people your way allowing the rest of your team to secure objectives - or defend against your team, allowing you to take 3 towers + Inhibitor within 1 minute because of the sheer force of her E Bladework and her Q Lunge. With all that said, it's about time to get into the meat of this guide! Remember for any and all questions you can message me here or on the stream over at Timnfreddy on twitch I love to talk about this champion. |
⚔️ ] Early Game Domination⚔️ Split Push God ⚔️ Snowball Potential ⚔️ Unstoppable with Yuumi ⚔️ Great Champion All Elo's ⚔️ Solo Carry Potential |
🗡 Countered by Executioner's Calling🗡 long CD on Riposte 🗡 Can be kited easily 🗡 Vitals are hard to hit 🗡 No Hard CC 🗡 Often Focused by Enemies |
First off: Ravenous Hydra because of its ability to lifesteal heavily. Sometimes Blade of the Ruined King can be a better choise if you are going against a heavy tank comp or find yourself being kited too heavily. |
is and always will be one of your biggest damage dealers due to its ability to combine movement speed together with your sheen proc and attack speed. Overall a must have |
deaths dance Death's Dance is your bread and butter, at this point with Trinity Force and Ravenous Hydra your lifesteal will be exceptional, of course this leaves you vulnerable but that can be stopped with Death's Dance allowing you to heal back up in nearly any situation, even if the enemy team focuses you hard. |
should be built somewhere along the way. You do have quite a bit of movement with your Lunge and Teleportbut you will become susceptible to kiting real quick, once you feel this is happening its usually too late to do something about it so grab your boots early, usually while building Ravenous Hydra & Trinity Force These can always be swapped out for ninja tabis vs a full ad team if need be. |
is usually my final item due to its ability to grant movement speed, extra lifesteal and of course attack speed. It can however be swapped out for a Bloodthirster or Mercurial Scimitar if the enemy team is CC-heavy or you just need that extra damage boost. |
Flash Get away / Engage: Flash is a must have on nearly all champs, but it really does help a lot on Fiora. It will help you get that final vital to secure the kill, or help you get away if the enemy jungler decides you look too dangerous. |
Teleport (Lane Presence) : Teleport can be debated and changed out for Ignite as you see fit. I personally balance between the 2. The benefit for Teleport is that when you split push you can help out your allies in case of teamfight or backdoor an inhibitor if you play your cards right. |
Ignite (Lane Presence) : Ignite is your other option, you want to run this if you feel you want to snowball hard and early or if you're up against a champion with a lot of healing. (If you're up against one of these but you don't want to run ignite, invest in an Executioner's Calling early and just run teleport) |
| | Cooldown: 15 | Cost: 0 | Now although this is not an active ability your rotation will always start by proccing the first vital on your enemy. |
| Range: 400 | Cooldown: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 | Cost: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 | what you want to do is proc the first vital with your Lunge then follow it up with a Bladework to slow and depending on your vital location either hit the vital with your second hit off Bladework or use Grand Challenge |
| Range: 500 | Cooldown: 110 / 90 / 70 | Cost: 100 | Grand Challenge is procced because your target has now taken a sufficient amount of damage off the 2 vitals you have hit and now its time to hit the left overs. Use Lunge to reach your difficult vitals and focus your auto attacks on the ones you can normally hit. |
| Range: 750 | Cooldown: 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 | Cost: 50 | I can't really tell you where to use Riposte as it will differ on every fight. of course you want to utilize its ability to cancel out enemies Crowd Control and reflect it back at them. Just be aware of the enemy you are playing against and their play style. Normally an enemy will use his Crowd control around the same time every time. |
First things first there are 2 ways to play. Long Game or Snowball.
Slow Burn |
first lets go over "Slow Burn" as it is the safest. Doran's Blade tank or no tank you will poke through them with vitals either way. What you want to watch out for is it is really easy in the early game to get caught up going for vitals and leaving yourself exposed. So unless you are super confident you can take on the enemy and a potential jungler I would play defensive warding up and playing lane phase perfectly. Fiora is a great farmer and with a few Long Sword you are going to be last hitting easily. Make sure to provide some wards a sneaky enemy jungle ward never hurts 😭. Either way farm up and only go for the kill if you have a backup jungler or you are 100% Confident. |
Then of course we got our snowball Fiora. In this case I take Ignite and focus on killing as much as farming. That sneaky deep ward is a must and the second your Laner plays defensive you go jungle/ mid hunting... until you can dive him haha. This is crucial! IF your enemy builds anti-lifesteal you will want to go Sheen for more damage output to continue snowballing. If they do not I suggest Ravenous Hydra and watch at the sheer life steal this monster of a champion will bring to the table. |
Either one of these will lead you into 2 ways to play late game.
Now for the mid game things get a little tricky and again its going to be up to you to make the decisions as to whether or not to make the following choices: 1. You are fed but your team has been feeding: Then you will want to split push you and 1v1 or 2v1 whoever they send your way and hope for your team to secure objectives until late. 2. You are fed and your team is fed: In this case I would suggest team fighting and securing objectives as a unit. 3. You Fed and Your team fed: Probably the worst case scenario you could have. In this case I would suggest farming safely and securing as much vision & jungle objectives as you possibly can. |
Which brings us to the much anticipated late game. Now at this point you should be more then capable of destroying pretty much any enemy champion. Again we are faced with a few scenarios. Either way baron and dragon now are the biggest priority. 1. You are fed /team is not & baron & Teleport is up. You will want to split the lane furthest away from baron making sure your team knows to secure the baron play when they send 1 - 2 your way you will either kill and push or if you see enemy team making a play for baron you will Teleport in and join the teamfight.💎(unless nexus is exposed in which case you will just end)💎 2. You are fed & your team is fed: Ideal scenario of course, Now although you can still apply the safe strategy mentioned above I would personally camp a bush around an objective with my team and go in for a teamfight, either damaging the enemy team and picking a few off allowing us to go for baron or elder dragon or just ending the game all toghether. |
So first off Prowling Projectile It workes wonders with Lunge as it will not only slow the enemy but allow you to catch up but to speed run at them. Lunge will allow Yuumi to get close enough every time to hit her Prowling Projectile allowing her and you to poke out at range. |
Then we have You and Me! Which will just give Fiora that much more damage to hit her Duelist's Dance vitals. You will be amazed at the amount of damage you can do with Yuumi in the mid and late game. |
So ofcourse the Zoomies work excellent with Fiora's lane sustain and her Duelist's Dance's lifesteal capability, BUT with Death's Dance burning you slowly her heal will be just too good. Ontop of that with Ravenous Hydra you got another amazing lifesteal making you unkillable |
That much needed crowd control that Fiora misses Yuumi supplies with Final Chapter allowing you easily reach all vitals on Grand Challenge |
Thank you
I have been a long time league player but I just got back into the mobafire community! If you guys have any questions feel free to throw them into the comment section below. I'd like to give a big thanks to @YAMIKAZE for getting me back interested in Fiora and writing amazing guides on here. Also a big thanks to JhoiJhoi & her guide helper. I really encourage everyone to have a look at their content!. [/center] |
Thank you
Remember, we stream daily on Twitch, so come hang out! If you have any questions feel free to ask them there as we usually follow the chat pretty closely! We also do giveaways pretty regularly so if you want to try your luck, give us a follow and who knows!Thanks for reading and see you on the rift! |
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