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Ashe Build Guide by MrMad2000

ADC (10.21: Livestream) ASHE ADC, by D3 Sejwoonapiggle | 100K Ma

ADC (10.21: Livestream) ASHE ADC, by D3 Sejwoonapiggle | 100K Ma

Updated on October 16, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrMad2000 Build Guide By MrMad2000 15 4 52,657 Views 1 Comments
15 4 52,657 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MrMad2000 Ashe Build Guide By MrMad2000 Updated on October 16, 2020
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Champion Build Guide

(10.21: Livestream) ASHE ADC, by D3 Sejwoonapiggle | 100K Ma

By MrMad2000
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Hello & welcome to my Ashe guide! I have been playing League of Legends since 2013, been above a diamond elo since season 5!

I am an ADC and support main who has more than 100,000 mastery points on Ashe. If you’d like to see me play Ashe ADC, feel free to come to my stream where I will teach you how to play Ashe! I will happily answer any questions you have about League of Legends! I would appreciate a follow on Twitch and an upvote on this guide - it really helps me out and makes it worthwhile for me to continue updating this guide. As a content creator it can be difficult for me to reach out to my audience and educate those who really want to improve at League of Legends.


Pros and Cons
  • Great auto attack range (600)
  • Strong early game poke with Volley
  • Global ultimate
  • Very strong slow, easy to kite with
  • Grants vision with Hawkshot
  • Very good Blade of the Ruined King user

  • Q requires 4 auto attacks before activation
  • Lack of a steroid aside from Q
  • High mana cost on W (70)
  • Low mobility
  • Low burst damage
  • Not a true hypercarry
Ability Order

This is the best skilling order for Ashe. R>W>Q>E

Frost Shot (Passive) Ashe's basic attacks and damaging abilities apply Frost, slowing targets by 20-30% (at levels 1-18, increasing every 3 levels) for 2 seconds and causing subsequent basic attacks against them to deal 10 (+ critical strike chance Ă— (1 + bonus critical damage))% bonus physical damage while they remain slowed.

Ashe's Critical Strikes deal 100% of her total attack damage (instead of 200%), but double the effectiveness of Frost Shot, decaying down to the normal slow over 1 second.

Ranger's Focus (Q) Ashe's basic attacks grant Focus, stacking up to 4 times. Stacks last for 4 seconds, after which they fall off one at a time every second.

Once Ashe reaches 4 stacks, she can activate Ranger's Focus to consume all Focus stacks, granting 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% Attack Speed and replacing Ashe's basic attacks with a flurry of arrows resulting in 1.05 / 1.10 / 1.15 / 1.20 / 1.25 of her Total Attack Damage per attack for 4 seconds.

Volley (W) Ashe fires 9 arrows in a cone, dealing 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+1.0 per attack damage) physical damage to each target hit. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows, but will only take damage from the first one. Volley automatically critically strikes against enemy champions, applying a slow equal to double the current value of Frost Shot.

Hawkshot (E) Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission to a target area in the map, revealing terrain as it travels in a straight line and granting vision of the target area for 5 seconds. The Hawk Spirit will reveal units in the brush but will not reveal stealthed units or objects.

Ashe store up to 2 charges of Hawkshot at a time (recharge time: 90 / 80 / 70 / 60 / 50 seconds).

Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) Ashe fires a missile of ice in a straight line that will pass over all other units until it collides with an enemy Champion or leaves the map. If the arrow collides with an enemy Champion, it will deal 200 / 400 / 600 (+100% of ability power) magic damage, stun and add a slow to the champion hit. It will also explode after the hit to slow and deal half damage to all other enemies in a small area around the champion hit. The duration of the stun increases the farther the arrow travels before impact and caps at 3.5 seconds. Both slows are equal to Frost Shot's current value and last for 3 seconds.


Lethal Tempo
This Keystone rune is REALLY STRONG with Ashe. Ashe usually builds Blade of the Ruined King and Lethal Tempo lets you do insane amounts of damage due to the synergy of the on hit nature of BOTRK.

Other runes compliment the rune page to let you deal more damage and have utility for yourself in the form of extra movespeed + free boots.
Closing and Support Me
Thank you for reading my guide. It is really appreciated. If this guide was helpful, please upvote the guide and leave a comment. If you have any questions, come join me over on where I livestream 5 days a week and ask me some questions you have! I read chat and always enjoy interacting with other players. See you there. :)

If you’d like to support me and help me grow, consider following me on Twitch and Twitter! Click on the images or links to be taken to my social media.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrMad2000
MrMad2000 Ashe Guide
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(10.21: Livestream) ASHE ADC, by D3 Sejwoonapiggle | 100K Ma

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