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You outrange Akali pretty heavily, but that doesn't mean that she can't get to you. Level 1 she will almost always take Q. If you space her correctly you should be able to land poke in the form of Autos and Q while being safe from her Q. Should she land her Q on you though, the slow combined with her speed will likely allow her to land her passive auto and win the trade. Don't be afraid to chase her a bit and keep autoing her after she combos as she will be stuck on cooldowns. Pushing into an Akali is acceptable early as long as you are in a position to push hard enough to reset the wave before her jungler comes. Levels 3+ you will lose any even all-in trade. That's not to say that you will lose all trades, but you have to be strategic in safely poking her when possible without going oom. 3+ she wins, but especially at level 6 she has a devastating all-in that must be respected. As with most assassins, she falls off in the mid to late game. Zhonya's is super high value into her in lategame fights as she is super vulernable when diving in and can rarely afford to stick around for 2.5 seconds to finish you off. You can even win a lot of lategame 1v1s against her if you play it well, but regardless the damage and utility you can safely put out will not be matched. The real goal of this matchup is to not fall so far behind that you never get there. Phase rush and Stopwatch are ideal runes into Akali. If they have another AP threat you can consider MR runes, but I wouldn't do it just for her. Zhonyas is very high value as always into an assassin and can even be considered a second item. Merc treads are also viable if you are really struggling with this lane. Other than that building standard items and out-scaling her is completely fine.
The Ahri matchup is pretty even pre-6 but it can get out of hand very quickly. In early levels you need to find a good balance between standing behind the minions and standing beside your wave. If you stand behind your wave too much she will be able to poke you and push the wave at the same time which is not ideal. Similarly, if you stand without the protection of your minions you will be vulnerable to charm trades which are almost entirely losing in every case. A missed charm on her end is a great signal to attempt a trade or pressure her backwards off the wave. She can push very well early levels so ensure you are matching it. Should the jungle come to your lane, I would highly recommend flashing early as charm-flash is nearly impossible to dodge. At level 6 you will lose most even trade. Do your best to poke her down with QW safely so she never gets the chance at a fair all-in. If she does go in on you, try your best to either hold your ult until her 3 charges are gone, or ult IMMEDIATELY after she uses one of the charges to ensure she can't dodge it. Midgame and lategame you are more useful in team fights, but at a constant threat to die to her. It is very difficult to follow her roams midgame as she can just turn on you and win the one on one. Do you best to pressure mid and make plays with your jungler as the 2v2 is still winnable. You will outscale her should the lategame be relatively even. You can take cleanse into this matchup to really reduce her kill pressure, especially if she has a cc heavy jungler. But barrier works as well against her ignite. IMO she has enough pressure that TP is a tough take unless you are sure she is going TP as well. Phase rush is very useful in this matchup to escape bad situations and highly recommended. Normal items should be fine in this matchup. I would avoid MR in your runes unless they have another major AP threat.
Anivia is a very unique matchup. Her skill shots are slow and quite dodgable, but her wall can be really tough to deal with as an immobile mage. This compounds with the fact that most Anivia players understand he quite well and will punish you if you don't respect her wall range. you can bully her early and push her in but you have to respect how strong her jungler setup in. If your jungler does gank mid, you should be able to kill her even through egg as she is also quite immobile. At level 6 is really the first time she is a threat to you. If you get too close to her out of turret range she can land a wall-storm on you which will melt you very easily. In a worst case scenario you can ult her to cancel her ult and combined with your stun hopefully give you enough time to escape. Anivia is very good at holding positions but quite weak at attacking them. You can match her wave clear without spending too much mana and zone anivia quite well from objectives, just make sure you have position on her. Lategame anivia is also a powerhouse but you can usually zone a lot of your damage with your ball while your team focuses her frontline. Just really respect if you are within range of being wall trapped as it is a death sentence. Barrier, Ghost and Cleanse are quite useless in this matchup since you will die through them if she gets a good trap off on you. I don't find her to be too much of a threat so I personally like to go TP or possibly ignite if I have an aggressive jungler. Phase rush is very useful in this matchup to escape bad situations and highly recommended. Normal items are strong in this situation. A lot of Anivias go a quite healthy build which gives extra value to the passives of Liandry's Torment.
Annie is typically weak against Orianna, but with just her overall strength she still manages to come up even with Orianna. Her auto range is absolutely massive and should always be considered in trades. She does quite well farming even under turret so pushing her in is not much of an advantage and really more of a risk if it is not for a reason. Early levels if you note her passive stacks and avoid stuns most trades are beneficial. She will really struggle to maintain mana if she wastes a lot of Qs on you so that is also a possible way to gain an advantage. Her level 6 is much MUCH stronger than yours. Pay attention to her experience and stun stacks to avoid being bursted out. Mid and late game she is barely a champion without her flash. By warding flanks and properly timing her flash specifically you can help your team out a lot! Without flash it is very unlikely that she combos your team. In the same way, forcing her flash is a very great trade even if it costs yours. You will outscale her but she can still win any team fight with a good flash R. In theory cleanse could work quite well into her stuns but I have found in practice that all of her burst will hit you even if you instant cleanse her stun. For that reason I think Barrier is the superior summoner in this matchup. Phase rush or Summon Aery are both acceptable keystones in this matchup. If she is really running the map, a Banshee's Veil can completely shut her down, but I would only do this in extreme cases. Otherwise build normally.
Aurelion Sol
It is rare to find an Aurelion Sol and I have yet to find one to convince me that Orianna does not hard win this matchup. Early levels you may lose a few minions to his hard shove, but overall you should be able to push at a close to similar rate. I would say avoid attempting poke early as it is just a waste if it is not being used to attempt to counter push the wave. You can outrange his stars and also use your spead/slow from your W to wave in and out of the range he wants you to be in. Your Ult also temporarily cancels his stars which reduces his damage by a fair amount. I like the level 6 in this matchup and will go for trades often. The only way you can really lose this matchup is if you ward poorly and don't sufficiently notify and/or match his roams onto your side lanes. Ignite and Barrier work well in the 1 v 1, but I really like TP into this matchup so you can shove mid and then instant-match his roams which is essentially his entire win condition. I really don't think this champion can do much in the late game either compared to Orianna. Normal items should be fine in this matchup and you can even consider Rylai's if you're feeling creative since slows mess with his combos so much.
Brand is a matchup very similar to Ahri in your early trading. He has good range and you want to make sure that when he is poking with his W that he is forced to make the decision between pushing the wave and damaging you. At the same time though, standing beside your wave leaves you at threat for a stun which is in almost all cases a lost trade. If you ever find yourself in a 1v1 without a wave nearby after level 6 it is possible to win, but in generally he out damages you. You will out-scale him with utility and a bunch of other advantages, but should your team clump poorly he can destroy a teamfight. Barrier can be good if you feel afraid in this matchup but I also think his kill pressure isn't so high that teleport isn't an option. Merc treads or Banshee's Veil work if you do fall behind and are struggling to hold your own against him.
Orianna is a common counter pick to Cassiopeia in pro play, but that is not to say that this match-up is easy. Levels 1-3 you can actually harass her quite well because any trading on her end is likely to make her run out of mana. Should she miss a Q on you, that is almost always a sign to go in for an advantageous trade. Levels 4-6 if you play it correctly you can slightly outrange her, but the most important thing is to not be falling behind in cs. She is immobile so in many fights in the mid game you will be able to zone her well, but if she gets a flash R off it will really hurt. When you have lost chapter and she is still on tear, you should win overall as long as you don't get hit by her Q. Once she gets her completed archangel, the matchup is Cass favored in my opinion. You will however be able to match her output in teamfights and it will come down to who is the better player. I like either taking teleport or barrier into this lane since it is pretty even and you can try to get your leads from other places of the map. Phase rush is essential due to her speed and needing a quick proc to escape a bad trade. She is usually quite healthy so both Morello or Liandry's work well as mid game items. Merc treads can also work quite well should you fall behind and they make sense against the enemy comp overall.
Corki is a quite safe lane for Orianna. He does not have much kill pressure on you and you scale relatively even into the game as long as he doesn't get ahead. Early levels you can trade evenly and are only really at a risk of getting poked out once he hits level 6. In my opinion you can out roam this champion and will be able to 1v1 him should you find him on the rotation. He will often save his package in order to try and win plays near objectives. If you see him with package, keep in mind that he can no longer use his short W ability to dash. In many cases it is even worth ulting him to force him to run defensively and waste his teamfight altering ability. I would build very aggressively into this lane with Sorc boots and really push to be putting out as much damage as possible. There aren't to many item considerations against corki, just remember that he does predominantly magic damage. He will almost certainly take teleport, so matching teleport is a great idea.
Diana is definitely one of the tougher match-ups for Orianna. It takes a lot of time to learn how to dodge her curved Q, but just try to remember that you have a better chance of dodging it if you walk sideways that if you walk directly away from her. She has tons of dashes and is very deceptively tanky. Early levels it is your goal to pressure her as much as possible while not getting poked out by her Q. From level 3 on, she will most likely win any fair trade where you have not poked her down beforehand. I would highly recommend not trying to 1v1 her without jungle pressure or a clear understanding of how her champion works. Merc treads are fine here if you are really struggling with the matchup, but even they wont help you much. Teleport would be fine if she took it, but given that most Dianas take ignite, Barrier or Exhaust are likely better her. She will often splitpush in the midgame which you can match so long as you have a Zhonyas. The most likely way you will lose to her is if she gets a flank or you get trapped in the jungle. Do your best to maintain vision and distance on Diana in and around any mid/lategame teamfights so you aren't caught in the burst and can peel you team. Standard runes should be fine against her but potentially a stopwatch since zhonya's will be crucial to avoid her predictable burst.
Ekko is a strong threat to Orianna that can make very aggresive plays on you with little room for punishment. He has a strong push in early levels with his Q so make sure you push the wave hard as well to not be under turret. Care his lvl 2 as he cant get an easy 3 hit proc with an E->Q combo and then run away with his passive before you can trade back. If he plays poorly you win trades before level 6, but after that its really hard to win an even trade again. It is also even harder since he will buy merc treads every game making your damage less. You can kill him in lane if his ult is somehow down but mostly you just want to farm. With team coordination you can burst him out and out-teamfight him but it is not easy. Morellonomicon is actually really strong against him since it will decrease the amount of health he comes back with after ulting. Other than that standard builds, TP or Barrier, and try to play around your team when you can.
Middlesticks is something I've actually encountered a decent amount so i thought i'd put it in. He will max E and try to shove wave while poking you. His kill threats can be completely neutralized by good vision around mid lane so just buy lots of pinks and keep everything well warded. Don't underestimate the power of his silence and fear with his ult. In many cases if he catches you offguard, you won't be able to flash or barrier.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build with Banshee late
Fizz has always given me a lot of trouble on immobile mages. You can bully him incredibly hard early as long as you play around his Q and E cooldowns, but even with a 20 cs lead, his lvl 6 is absolutely devastating. If you have flash and think there is a possibility you will die, just flash his ult before it hits rather than waiting to see if he will all in. In many cases i will get either a tear or a lost chapter and go straight into a banshee veil rush to negate the insane catch ability of his ultimate. You can also alter your runes to get stopwatch in your secondary tree if you don't want to go the banshee rush build and want more damage.
Galio is quite strong against Orianna, but that doesn't mean you can't beat him. Early levels you want to do your best to match his push by landing your Q on as many minions as possible. Even your strongest push will be outmatched by his Q and passive, but at least then you are not completely shoved in. Do your best to track the enemy jungler at all times. If you do not know where they are, do not overextend at all. His gank engage is amazing and any backup will change his large chunk on you into an easy kill. You will be more useful than him if you can take it late but that is easier said than done.
Orianna is overall good against Gangplank mid. He cannot handle the consistency of Orianna's damage. Gangplank excels at very short Q trades. Ensure that if you are trading with him that is is more than a simple burst. No Q from gangplank should be landed without a Q from you and a couple auto attacks in return. He scales quite well, but in most situations a team is in a very difficult situation if they are lacking the overall utility that is lost from having a Gangplank mid. You are very weak when he uses his ultimate on you since you have no mobility so don't underestimate his ability to catch you out with that. Overall, do not be afraid to push your advantage and go for trades in lane.
Gragas mid, much like garages top, is a strong laning champion with heavy AP damage. Stacking early ability haste, he is a menace at quick trades where he drops his combo and quickly escapes to a safe range. Due to the type of builds he goes for, building magic resistance is effective against him. Building standard is completely acceptable, although I would recommend fitting in a banshee veil to negate his ability to pick you from long range while also stacking a ton of extra magic resistance. This is a lane where going even and not dying is more than enough to lead to a victory.
Heimer is usually very good at pushing people in and gaining large leads through cs alone. Orianna however does not struggle at all in dealing with him. You can use your range to safely remove his towers faster than he can replace them by simply using Q. I would not reccomend using Q->W to take them out though as this will make you run out of mana very quickly. Without towers up, this champion really struggle. Especially if you can push him under his own turret! If he has 3 turrets up, DO NOT try to kill him, even with your jungler. I commonly see people falling into the trap of trying to kill his turrets before you have enough of a mana pool to not destroy yourself by doing it. Buying an extra mana item early in lane is completely acceptable to remove his ability to hold a push on you.
Jayce is very strong early game and will most likely win any 1v1 fight you have with him unless you enter at a strong health or mana advantage. I usually just push him under turret since he has weak wave clear. Building a seeker's armguard is an absolute necessity and will provide incredible value for its price. Zhonyas and HP are really important against him. His midgame is quite strong with long range poke and a lethal all-in. So long as you complete your zhonya's and keep good vision of his shots, you will be stronger than him on equal footing in the late game.
Dont play against this very much, but it is very high damage and very high healing. Any trade where she lands a R->Q is completely lost, especially in early levels. You may be tempted to overplay your lane since you feel like you are against a support but there is absolutely nothing troll about this pick. She has damage, wave clear and movespeed to keep up with the best of mids. Building normal is acceptable but if you see the opportunity, buying early grievous wounds can give you kill pressure, but otherwise I would just farm up and outperform her in lategame. Karma should generally not have kill pressure on you and not keep up with you late game but it really depends on the carries that she is buffing up.
Although he does do lots of damage, his skillshots are easy to dodge and he has no cc. I find this matchup quite easy as long as you can outthink the Karthus and dodge his Q spam. If he is rushing for level two, back up and respect it because the only real way to lose this lane is to take a terrible early trade from the level 2 disadvantage.You should be able to bully him early, and burst him out nearly instantly mid and late game. Buying magic resists is theoretically useful, but in almost all situations it is much better to have a Zhonyas to survive his passive or ultimate while also stacking armour for his allies.
Kassadin is a surprisingly easy match-up for Orianna but the more I play it, the more convinced I become that this matchup comes down to jungle difference. If you receive equal or extra pressure from your jungler, you can bully this champion into oblivion from level 1 onwards and smash the entire game before he ever gets a chance. On the flip side, if he gets some gank assist and gets even a minimal lead, he will snowball the entire game and become a huge problem no matter what you do. It is absolutely essential that you track the location of the enemy jungler while simultaneously pressuring every cs he tries to get without a max range Q.
Katarina is a really high risk high reward champion that can easily get out of control. Trade carefully with her early and NEVER walk near a dagger on the ground if you want to trade with her. Also if she is chasing you and lands a Q, do not run directly away into the dagger about to be placed, but instead turn and walk towards her. This may seem weird, but it will serious drop off the damage she can do to you. Never underestimate her all in damage after level 6. You win this matchup by landing short QW trades on her when she is trying to cs with her E. You can also consider taking ignite in this matchup and playing for the advantage since she struggle to burst you from a safe range.
Kayle has a mediocre lane phase but and an range of lategame depending on the champions around her that she is buffing up. If done correctly, you do effectively outrange Kayle allowing for free trades where you take no damage. Most Kayle builds that I have seen involve substantial life steal so anti-healing is required if your team needs you to match the push in a side lane. Once she gets her attack speed going, you won't really be able to match her in a splitpush position, so you need to build as much damage as you can and hopefully crush teamfights harder than she can splitpush.
A good Leblanc will bully you very effectively from as early as level 1. She has higher burst, but weaker wave clear. Take advantage of this again by pushing her under turret whenever possible. Go a very defensive build with Mercury Treads right after your opening mana item and banshee veil ASAP. Breaking even is a complete victory in this situation and you will outscale for sure. For the most part, don't try to trade early, and do not Ult her unless both charges of her W have been used. Also keep in mind if you are going for an all in, that her passive can activate and dodge your Ultimate in a Q->W->R combo. Taking anything but barrier or cleanse into this matchup is disrespectful and will often be punished.
I used to main this champion and find her quite easy to counter. Her only real threats come from roams, ganks. and teamfights. Orianna outrange her easily and as long as you take cleanse, she doesn't even have kill pressure on you. Don't waste your time with defensive items and go full damage to crush her all game.
Recommend: Cleanse and Dmg Build
This guy always seems to sneak his way into mid meta, usually around worlds time. He is a strong pick into Orianna as he can dash forward and evade your Ult and W damage in most trades. You should play this matchup very careful at long range and only trade if his E is down.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build
Lux is a tough matchup as one of the few mages that out-ranges you and out-damages you. If she lands a Q on you either in lane or by hiding in a bush, you are most likely dead. Against her i will usually take E level 1 and just match every long range E she throws at me with a shield to block it entirely for the first 3 levels. You can kill her if she ever gets overly aggressive and lets you land a combo. Banshee veil as a second item should be more than enough MR for late game. You want to roam and affect the map as best you can, because her ultimate does much more damage and is on a lower cooldown in lategame. The one thing you have on her is better DPS into tanks which can be important late game. Try to roam and get the map going as much as you can so the game has team fights early and mid game when you are stronger.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. Ap Assassin
The only reason this isn't a higher threat is that this champion has been pretty nerfed recently. Malzahar will shove out lane and avoid interaction with you and then just Ult you when his jungler or team is nearby. I usually get a QSS after my first item just because of how important it is to escape the cc of his ult. Orianna is pretty good at keep his passive shield down, but killing a Malzahar is really difficult in most cases.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build with a QSS
This is an interesting pick mid that i usually don't struggle too much with. She will max W to try to push you under turret early so just do your best to push back and keep even farm. If she lands a Q into her Ult with ignite, she will kill you, but simply taking cleanse means she should never kill you. Just endure farming under turret early and you are much more useful in mid and late game. Make sure you dont try to Ult her when her Black Shield E is up.
Recommend: Cleanse and Dmg Build with a Banshee Veil later in build (item 5 or 6)
Due to his low range, this is a matchup that Orianna excels in. You can bully him early as long as you don't let him spread his E from minion kills onto you. You should be able to zone him from minion wave or kill him and get substantial leads. Also at 6 he doesn't get a combat Ult so it is a great time to engage him. The only thing you really have to worry about is that you cannot match him in a side lane at 6 items if thats where the game ends up.
Recommend: Cleanse or Ignite depending on your confidence in the matchup and Dmg Build with Merc Treads.
Lots of people struggle with this matchup but it isn't too bad. You should take E level 1 if you are unsure of your ability to dodge her Qs. You can win trades with her early since overall your abilities are easier to land than hers. The only way to really lose a trade is to allow her to land a stun on you. Late game is much easier for you than it is for her as well. You can Ult her whole team and she can only Ult one of you. Respect her level 6 greatly and wait for jungler pressure. Even at full health a combo from a level 6 Syndra can just kill you.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. AP Assassin Build
Taliyah is pretty good against Orianna as you can't really obstruct her play style of shove in and roam. Its unlikely you will win a trade with her before level 6 since she has such high base damage in her combo with good range as well. Play safe and go for an all in after level 6. Since she doesn't really have a combat Ult, you should be able to win in the 1v1 eventually. Make sure to ward well and call out her roams to your allies to avoid her snowballing the map.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build
Talon has the highest first blood rate in the game and it's for a reason. You need to respect his passive stacks on you since the bleed of the 3rd stack is so heavy in early game. If he lands 2 stacks of his W on you, completely back of from the minion wave until they decay. If he flash Q Ignites you, you will bleed for nearly 400 damage at level 2 which can go straight through your barrier. Don't get to worried about the first part of his W hitting you, just never let the return part hit as well. Do your best to poke him out in lane without taking too much damage so that he cant all-in you. He is useless from anywhere but ahead lategame, so just farm up and outscale him hard.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. AD Assassin Build. Take Tabis as well if their team lacks sufficient magic damage. Also consider swapping runes so you can get a stopwatch and have an even safer early game.
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate is a relatively even matchup with Orianna. You can win trades early if you dodge his abilities and hit yours so just see where your comfort is with fighting him. If he ever walks up while shuffling cards, back up and respect the possibility of a gold card and a gank about to come in. At level 6 he makes the game a nightmare for your sidelines. Its very important if he is mid that you do everything you can to get him low. Often i will even take bad trades just to make sure that he doesn't have the effective hp he needs to roam and Ult my side lanes. Take cleanse so that gold cards early, mid and late won't mean instant death and the matchup should go well.
Recommend: Cleanse and Dmg Build
Veigar has a really strong late game due to his stacking AP, but it usually never gets to the point where he actually outscales an Orianna. You can harass him early since his W and Q are not that hard to dodge. Lots of people take barrier, but i find cleanse really counter Veigar, since 9 times out of 10, if i die to him it was because i got stunned in his cage and he landed a full combo on me. If you do get caught to close, just walk into the cage and cleanse out instantly to escape whatever damage he was going to land on you.
Recommend Cleanse and Dmg Build with a Banshee Veil as item 4-6 so that if he does get that the insane level, you have a shield to block high damage spells.
Recommend Cleanse and Dmg Build
Note: If he goes tank, opt into Liandry's Torment and Void Staff.
Vel'koz is a strong champion into Orianna with high damage and long range skillshots. Keep in mind when he throws out his Q, that he can cancel it early if you dodge towards him. You can win trades only if you dodge his abilities while landing yours. Any time he lands an E, you will more than likely lose the trade pre-6 or die post 6 so stay out of range. Your ult can be used to cancel his if you are quick which may save your team in a lategame fight. Other than that, do your best to shield your allies and peel in team fights while damaging to be more useful than he is.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. AP Assassin Build
Strong pick in competitive, but most games end too early and depend too much on the early game for him to be useful. You can trade pretty well evenly with him early and neither of you really has kill pressure unless the other makes a mistake. I usually like to trade quite heavily before level 4 because if we both back to buy anywhere below 1250 gold, i will get a useful item, and he will not be able to get his hex upgrade. This will delay his wave clear and make him quite weak. Other than that just respect his E range and it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with him.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build
Even though Orianna is a great pick into Vlad imo, things can still fall apart very easily. He has low range, but high damage. If he gets on and has all of his abilities up, he definitely has the ability to kill you. In landing phase you should be able to bully him, but make sure you commit to what you decide. If you only bully him a little, he will just heal your damage and you will lose mana. Either bully a lot and look to zone, or don't bully at all until you get more items. Once you have a mana item, you can rush a Morellonomicon to destroy his healing. You can also just finish your mana item and play safe.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build
Note: if nobody on your team has ignite, it is important for you to take it so in late game teamfights he can be ignited.
My least favourite orianna matchup in the game. He outranges and outdamages you with a low cooldown Ult and skillshots that are nearly undodgable if placed properly. The best you can do if counter picked this hard is try to break even and land some nasty late game Ults. Build Mercs and Banshees after a mana item so that you can survive his rotation. Do you best to hide in minions to he cant land an E in laning phase. If you somehow do get in range to combo him, he actually is quite squishy and you have kill pressure. But that is unlikely if he is spacing well.
Recommend: Barrier or Heal and Vs. AP Assassin build with merc treads.
Yasuo is a matchup that you will improve at over time. I used to think it was a lot worse than it is. Early game when he is a low threat, make sure to auto attack him to get his passive shield down before going for a trade. Take not of whether or not he takes Q or E level 1 as he can surprise you with mobility and damage by taking E level 1. You outrange him but if he ever gets close to you or lands an ult, you are in for a lot of pain. I would recommend building some armor so you can take a bit of damage, but mostly you just want to get lots of damage to poke him out before the trade starts. Always respect his ability to get close to you through a minion wave and he should be fine.
Recommend: Exhaust and Vs. AD Assassin. This is the one time i take exhaust against a champion since there is always enough time to exhaust him while he is Ulting you and you can block tons of his all in.
Zed has kill pressure on you at every point of the game after level 3. Always respect his shadows and do you best to not let him get a combo that procs his electrocute. Poke him out hard when his W is on cooldown. A stopwatch can be life or death in this matchup, but it won't be up until long after he has Ult. HP and Armor are your best friends in this matchup, but dont build too defensively. Late game you still need to be a damage threat and your team will be able to chain cc and shields to peel whoever he is trying to dive.
Recommend: Barrier and Vs. AD Assassin Build
The way this lane plays out really depends on how good the Ziggs is at landing his abilities. He can outrange you and outdamage your E shield so you need to dodge skill and stay away from the splash damage he will be doing while he pushes the minion wave. Late game you will need a banshee veil to survive just a few spell from him, but he is an easy target if you can get close to him. One R->Q->W should be enough to 1 shot him on only 4-5 items. Most of my losses to Ziggs are from my team trying to rush objectives and him just Ulting them away from us. If you are confident in dodging, i would say trade with him in lane, but be cautious.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build
Zilean is actually quite a strong mid pick imo. He excels at peeling for allies and stopping pick comps from working. Unlucky for him, Orianna ult can pick multiple targets at once. In laning, always try to trade with him, especially after he throws a double bomb since he has a decent cooldown on his W. Don't push into him too much because his stun coupled with his E slow makes for a free kill for any jungler nearby.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build. If he is hitting a lot of Qs on you, banshee veil works. But i personally find high damage and one-shooting multiple targets is much more effective against his playstyle.
Zoe is a strong champion, but with the right understanding of her kit, she isn't that hard to win trades against. Make sure you are never close enough to your minion wave to take splash damage. You can trade with her, but try to do it in the minion wave so she cant land her bubble on you and get a free long range Q. Keep in mind that if you barrier or flash, she will also get to use them. You kind of have to treat it like your flash is always down in the 1v1 and never depend on it to win a trade or survive. Take cleanse for the off chance she lands a bubble and build banshee veil second item so she doesn't one shot you late game. Teamfights really dont go well for her so just make it to that stage of the game even.
Recommend: Cleanse and Vs. AP Assassin Build
I haven't had too many games against swain, but he is quite strong right now. You can afford to trade early, but if he ever lands his E onto you, you will always lose the trade. Dont forget that it can travel through minion waves as its deceptive in how far it can catch you and pull you in from. Building morellonomicon second really hurts his healing and he isn't very good at tanking consistent damage from mages like Orianna. Outplay his E and the lane is won for sure. His Ult is quite strong if you get stuck in it so avoid close encounters at all costs.
Recommend Barrier and Dmg Build
Irelia is an absolute menace in the mid lane for immobile scaling carries like Orianna. She can kill you from level 2 onwards and throughout you will have very little kill pressure on her without substantial jungle support. Zhonyas is a great early buy into this matchup so that you can avoid her all in if her Ult lands on you. Dont underestimate her ability to jump on you and burst you with just a Q and E once she has Tiamat. Do your best to avoid solo deaths and match her roams in order to minimize her impact. The usual on good thing about this is that their team is likely to lack the magic damage of a control mage in the mid lane. Cleanse can work decently for her stun, but she will likely still kill you. I would recommend either Exhaust or Barrier depending on whether or not you expect her to take Teleport or Ignite.
Recommend: Exhaust and Vs. AD Assassin.
Sylas is a very strong melee midlaner that does quite well into mages. Orianna does not win this lane 1v1, but can build quite efficiently into him to be more useful lategame. Sylas also struggles to effectively use Orianna ult. I strongly recommend building lost chapter and following that up by immediately rushing Morellonomicon to counter his healing super early on.
Neeko is a strong burst mage with good lockdown and lots of damage. Her range is similar to that of Orianna if not a bit smaller. You really want to avoid being hit by her E after it travels through minions as you will lose any trade where this happens. You should be able to trade evenly pre-6 outscale her into the lategame. Just don't fall for any tricky plays that let her land her ult on you. Keep in mind in laning phase that her Q will re-pop for extra damage if it kills a minion or hits a champion. Don't make the mistake of taking extra damage from it.
Recommend Barrier and Dmg Build or VS Ap Assasin if behind.
I find this match-up quite even, but i would favor it slightly towards the Azir. In lane the idea is really to make trades as short as possible. After level 2 he has strong consistent damage that he can move to wherever you are. The best way to counter this is with long range Q poke and QW poke . This should beat out his base Q-auto trade and slowly pressure him out of lane. Anytime post 6, he is a major threat with his all in. Azir also has very similar scaling to Orianna, but the difference is to land his game-changing ult, he has to dash into battle. This is where you excel in changing teamfights from a safe distance. If your jungler comes to gank, try to make him use his dash aggresively to ensure the kill.
Recommend: Dmg Build or Vs AP Assasin if you fall behind.
Pantheon is a strong laner, but he really has no place in mid lane. He does a very good job of going in, but really struggles to escape. He will win any trade with you where he lands his W, but short long distance trades should be relatively even against him. As long as you break even in this lane, you will be much more useful than him. Consider taxis if their jungler is also AD, otherwise a Seekers Armguard should suffice.
Qiyana is a really hard match-up to understand if you haven't tried her yourself. I would highly recommend actually playing a few games of Qiyana if you are struggling with this matchup. Lane phase should be relatively easy since you have the range advantage, but as soon as she hits 6, this lane gets really rough. Zhonya is a must have for her damage. If you zhonya her combo, she won't have anything left over and you should be safe. Recommend vs. AD Assassin and barrier.
I've always leaned towards mages as my preferred play style, and my main champion is Orianna. I have just over 400 000 mastery points on Orianna and I am currently Diamond in season 10. Throughout my climb, I used many of the guides on this website and I feel like it's time to give back with the most in depth guide to Orianna I can create. Feel free to come to the stream if you want to watch any Orianna games or ask questions! I stream random evenings and weekends.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
-Always Meta (especially at worlds)
-High Damage
-Lane Dominant
-Ability to Solo Carry
-Can Peel/Shield Fed Allies
-Ult Can Win Any Teamfight
-Lots of Outplay Potential
-Very Susceptible to Ganks (No Escapes and Low CC)
-Quite Squishy
-Very Mana Dependent
-Long CD on only CC
-Tough Learning Curve to Manage Character and Ball Mechanics
For the time being, phase rush still appears to be the strongest keystone choice for Orianna. The mobility this gives you can be vital in teamfights and is very useful when combined with teleport for affecting other lanes. I will still take Summon Aery into specific match-ups that I want to try to bully, but it is really situational. I would say either keystone is fine so play what you are comfortable with.
Mana Flow Band is definitely core on Orianna. This item increases max mana when you trade and then eventually just returns mana when it's off CD. You can feel the increases from this in the mid-game, but it really shines in late game fights when your blue buff wears off!
Although you never really need to use the overcapping cdr bonus that this rune offers, the increase 10% at level 10 is really strong. Not only does it increase the amount of abilities and damage you can output, but it allows you to build greedier damage items that lack the cdr you would need normally.
Since Orianna is quite a lane bully, I like this rune a lot in gaining early leads. Gathering Storm is strong in certain situations where you fear losing early and being outscaled, but I always like to stick to Scorch for that little bit of extra damage every time I poke my opponent.
For Inspiration Secondary:
Along with Scorch for a strong lane phase, I like to take biscuit delivery to allow me to trade aggressively and expand advantages from early lane bullying.
This rune works well on Orianna of course because she scales very well with CDR. This isn't a whole lot better than the Zhonya rune or free boots so it is really up to you for which one of these will make the most sense depending on team comps and matchup.
Summoner Spells
Summoner Spells
I feel like this goes without saying, but flash is very core on Orianna. As an immobile mage, this will likely be your only escape from bad situations. If you have an option to flash for a kill, really consider just saving it, because in many cases it is much more useful defensively than offensively on Orianna.
Teleport is in a very strong state for midlane right now and as such Orianna is quite strong with it. Combined with phase rush, this will give you much better map pressure, lane pressure and side wave control depending on how well you can use it. I will take this into any matchup that I feel like I can survive without a combat or defense summoner.
Barrier gives a strong chunk of effective hp to save you from early ganks as well as late game death. It is very strong into situations where you think they will take ignite because it is not affected like heal is. Since Orianna does sufficient damage with just items, a defensive summoner is the perfect thing to close out your build.
This is the main secondary I take instead of barrier. It is perfect to shutdown matchups where a crucial stun is going to cost your life. Take this into champions like Veigar, Lissandra, Annie and Twisted Fate that can only effectively land their damage if you are stunned. I also consider this is situations where their jungler and mid have good synergy and a potential to layer CC. This would be relevant into something like Ryze/Elise or Ahri/Sejuani. This case is much more situational, but still an option.
Heal is also an option if you are uncomfortable with barrier. It can be effective if you need speed to escape situations or need to heal your jungler in order to turn a 2v2 fight mid. This has slightly better team play that barrier, but overall I find it weaker. It is also especially weak after the recent buffs to ignite and nerfs to its cooldown.
Exhaust can be good into specific assassin matchups, but i usually find it quite underwhelming. I take this into champions like Yasuo and Talon that have clear times they can be exhausted. Zed is also a good pick, but in lots of cases he can get most of his damage off before you are in range to exhaust him. I would NOT recommend taking this into Fizz. If he lands his Ultimate on your and uses his invincible E "hop" towards you, you will be unable to exhaust him until after all of his burst has landed.
Ignite is not a great summoner on Orianna because apart from landing phase you don't really want to be in ignite range. However I do take this into very specific matchups. You can take this into Swain and Vlad if your team has no other ignite in order to hinder their healing. But since Morellonomicon is core, even hear i will often take a defensive summoner instead. I also take this into Kassadin since Orianna has such an oppressive lining phase over him and can usually secure a substantial lead and/or kill with it.
This item used to be amazing on Orianna by allowing you to maneuver effectively in teamfights, avoid ganks, and roam more effectively. However, with the nerfs to this in regards to the acceleration, it is no longer strong. Most of the effectiveness of ghost is in the first few seconds which is now much weaker. I would not recommend taking this on Orianna at all anymore.
Beginning Information/Tricks
Beginning Information/Tricks
Your passive gives your auto attacks increase damage based on your AP. It also does increased bonus damage for each consecutive auto attack on the same target. This makes getting CS much easier than for most mages. It also means that you still do decent damage when your spells are on CD. You can even abuse this by starting with E in certain matchups and just auto attacking them.
Your Q commands the ball from its current position to a target position doing damage to anything it hits as it travels and anything it hits at its final location. It does less damage for each target it has gone through so ideally you want to poke champions without hitting minions first for the most damage. This is the primary way you zone champions and set up for your Ult. It is on a very low cooldown and it has cheap mana cost so don't worry about using it for CS or poke constantly.
Your W is a unique ability that creates a small zone around your ball. It does high damage (higher than your Q) and creates a zone that slow enemies and speed up allies. If you are chasing someone, this will slow them down and speed you up allowing you to get at least a bit more damage in. In most cases, you will poke in lane by using a Q->W combo where your press W as your ball is moving to the target Q location. On arriving the W will automatically go off doing both the Q and W damage to the target. Late game, this can be enough to do 70% of a adc's hp alone.
Your E sends your ball to an allied champion (yourself included) and shields for a moderate amount of damage. The ball moves very quickly (faster than Q) and does a small amount of damage, Combined with the Aery rune, this will actually become a large shield. If you have a strong adcs, you can E->W them to give them a shield and speed them up. You can also E->W a tank to speed them up and help them catch up to someone in the cleanup of a lategame teamfight.
Your R is the most important part of your kit. A moderately sized shockwave charges around your ball and then detonates pulling in all targets in the zone and damaging them all highly. It stun them as well. If you land an Ult on all 5 members of the enemy team, the fight is usually over. But in most cases, your ultimate is best used to kill or stun the highest priority target on their team. R followed by a Q->W on the spot is usually enough to 1 shot any non tank champion. In dire situations, you can also use your R to stun a jungler that is trying to gank you or peel your fed adc.
Skill Sequence
Skill Sequence
Ability Sequence
There really isn't much to this. The only time I would ever deviate from this is in matchups where I start E level 1. But after that I still go back to maxing them in the same order as shown below.
Based on my experience, I believe the superior mythic item on Orianna is Luden's Tempest. The close second would be Liandry's Anguish, but the fact that they have identical ability haste means that luden's is better for burst damage, movement speed and just all around damage output.
The current state of Seraph's embrace allowing for the early grab of a tear and late game power is a must for Orianna builds. Finishing this item as your second main is not mandatory but if you can afford it for mid-game, it adds great strength and a heavy mana advantage for mid-game skirmishing.
I find it rare in recent games that there is not extreme sustain or healing in most enemy team comps. For this reason I will usually grab Morellonomicon if I am behind, even or slightly ahead. This item offers great power in a multitude of situations. However, if incredibly ahead, I would usually suggest skipping this item for a faster Deathcap.
Deathcap is incredibly strong with lots ap and scaling on your ap. With the current build path and price, it is difficult to justify as a second item purchase, but it still comes in at a strong 4th item after the first two and boots.
If you ever notice that your team is relying too heavily on AP damage or their team is itemizing towards it, Void Staff is a very cheap buy to negate their defenses.
This item is core against all AD champions with nice armor, survivability and cdr. It also works well against champions like Fizz and Syndra that depend on their ult damage. It is a good second or third item, but it really doesn't offer enough mana or mana regeneration to ever work well as a first item.
This item has saved my life more than any. Strong in any situation where you are likely to get dove or picked by some sort of cc. Can block damage Ults like Fizz R as well as Blitzcrank and Thresh hooks. In almost any case where the enemy team has a dive Champion like Kled or Malphite that can inhibit your ability to output damage, you need this item.
Sorcerer's Shoes are by far the strongest boots on Orianna with flat magic penetration at an early level. Pick these in any case where you dont need the other two desperately.
Mercury's Treads are an option for if you are against a burst mage that also has some sort of CC against you. Weaken damage a lot but keep you alive.
Ninja Tabi are an option I only resort to in the case of full ad team comps or when they have more than 3 auto attack based champions.
Liandry's anguish is by no means a bad item for Orianna. If their team has champions with a lot of health that you will struggle to burst (Mundo, Galio, ...) this item is super high value. At the end of the day, taking this as your mythic is not bad and it just comes down to preference and playstyle.
It is difficult to even begin with Everfrost since it is so inferior to the other two mythics. This item is super situational at best and I would not recommend trying it unless the teamcomps are perfect.
Early Game
Early Game
I believe in most cases the team that wins early just wins the game which is mainly why I play lane dominant champions such as Orianna. I usually do my best at level 1 to match whatever pushing style my opponent is using. I try to conserve mana by mainly using my passive empowered auto attacks to last hit. But when i see an opportunity I will send my Q through the wave and look for some basic poke damage.
The second I hit level 2, I will walk up and land a Q->W combo with refunded mana. After that I will still have nearly full mana and do my best through the next 4 levels to harass while maintaining a cs lead. If your jungler comes, you can use their body to land a E->Q->W quickly on their location and burst out the enemy. If you're still in lane at level 6, you may also attempt an ultimate kill before my first back to at least blow summoners. I always make sure to push my lane out quickly before basing or roaming.
I usually have my first back around levels 5 to 7 and either go with the Tear or Lost Chapter buy depending on how comfortable I am feeling in the matchup. I will go Tear if I'm confident I can live (avoid being solo killed), and I will go Lost Chapter if I feel I need the damage to deter their all-in or gain a lead.
Mid Game
Mid Game
In the mid game, I will usually look to at least match the roams of the enemy midlaners. Orianna isn't the best at 1v1s so she isn't very safe when roaming, but a well played roam bot with proper lane management can be game ending in the current meta. You want to be grouped with champions very often so any plays for mid turret or dragon are perfect places for you to start farming kills and assists and getting strong.
Late Game
Late Game
In the late game you are one of the most important champions on the map. Make sure you play far behind your frontline if possible. Getting caught in any way after 30 minutes in the game as Orianna can quickly end the game. You can engage if the enemy team allows you to land a good Ult, but in most cases you are best in following up on others engage. As they dive in to create the chaos, you can sneak your ball in and land a devastating Ult on distracted carries. I will often try to remove their ADC from the fight or peel my ADC if they are our team's win condition. Be careful not to waste Ult as the pressure it exerts by just being off cooldown should not be underestimated. In some unique cases, just burst an out go position support can be all your team needs to win a fight 4v5 or force a Baron play. If used effectively, you can always carry the late game as Orianna.
You should use your E to recall the ball if it is ever far away. Although you can technically Q from one side of your range to the other, it will move much slower and the target will likely move before it gets there. A much more efficient way to do this would be to E the ball to your location and then Q it forward to its destination. This seems small but it can be the difference in a lot of close plays that are time sensitive.
Self Ulting
It is often a waste of a flash since you were already in range to place the ball and Ult, but it can be effective as a guaranteed stun in certain situations. You press your Ult and wait for it to do the initial charge, then at the last second possible, flash towards an enemy and instantly stun the area. This can be effective if you have zhonyas and need to dive a twitch that just came out of stealth, but it's very very situational. Most of the time when I see it done, its a waste of a flash.
In tight areas around baron and dragon pit, you can zone the enemy team by placing your ball in a tight area and not allowing any of their team to walk over the ball without a threat of being Ulted. This is even more useful if you can place your ball between their front and back line to zone their back line from doing damage. This will in most cases allow your damage to melt the tanks and turn the fight.
Using Dive Champions
Some champions pair very well with Orianna because they can either get in deep or CC a bunch of nearby enemies. Sion, Akali, and Rengar are perfect examples of these kind of dive champions. Simply E your ball to them quickly and instantly Ult to CC the enemies again and chain your damage. This can also be good if you E an invisible champion as the enemy team will not be able to react fast enough when you Ult on them.
Hiding the Ball
Since your Ult is such a high impact ability, lots of the time the enemy team will avoid it and make it nearly impossible to land a good Ult. In fights in the jungle, it is possible to hide the ball completely in walls. Even more common of a situation is that you can hide the ball in the stubs left behind after a turret has been destroyed. You can then Ult enemies if they walk by the area for a free stun. You can also make a quick Q->R from its hidden position to land on more targets in a way that is still usually too fast to react to.
In tight situations where your team is rushing to break open the enemy base or make it to the next turret before the other team can rotate this can be crucial. Not only can your W speed up allied champions and slow enemy champions, but it can increase the speed of allied minions. Base races are won or lost in seconds so the sooner you can get your minions to their nexus turrets, the better your odds of winning!
Using Travel Time to Surprise the Enemy
In rare situations your ball will be max rangein the complete opposite direction of the enemy. For you to Q all the way across will take roughly 2 seconds. If you command attack the enemy and walk away from them, the command will continue even though it far exceeds your actual Q range. This acts as a fade-away of sorts that can be used to catch people off-guard for a late-game one shot or small poke.
Supporting a Carry over Damage
Orianna is a great champion for supporting and or peeling a fed carry. Although I would not recommend changing you build at all, in certain cases, it is more useful to shield and speed up your carry than use your spells on their tank. The more you play Orianna, the better you will get at understanding what your optimal actions should be in a teamfight. You should always consider things like how much gold you have, who their threats are and most importantly what the win condition of your team is. In many cases it will be a game changing 5 man ultimate, but there are situations where even landing those won't matter if you don't peel your hypercarry from their assassin.
Using W to Shield Allies
There always comes a situation where an ally is about to die or burnout from an ignite and your E is on cooldown. It is important to remember that the speed boost from your W can proc Aery on your ally and give them a reasonable shield. It seems super situational but I encounter situations where this is useful quite often!
I believe Orianna is a great champion to play regardless of what level you are at. She has the complexity to always feel like you can improve and the simplicity to make her easy to learn. There are few feelings that will get as much hype from your team as landing a perfect 5 man Ult. This champion always persists to be Meta and is a great choice into and alongside nearly every team composition. I also think she is good in every ELO which makes her a great champion to begin and climb with.
Special thanks to Chadosan for help in making and editing the guide!
Thank you for reading my guide! Let me know if i missed anything and leave a comment or a like!
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