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Lissandra Build Guide by Raen

Middle Raen's Lissandra Tips & Build *‿↼

Middle Raen's Lissandra Tips & Build *‿↼

Updated on July 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raen Build Guide By Raen 88 31 422,793 Views 15 Comments
88 31 422,793 Views 15 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Raen Lissandra Build Guide By Raen Updated on July 6, 2024
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Cheap Shot
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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


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Champion Build Guide

Raen's Lissandra Tips & Build *‿↼

By Raen
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About Lissandra

As the reclusive leader of the Freljord Frostguard Frostguard, many believe Lissandra OriginalSquare Lissandra is a living saint whose followers bring healing and wisdom to the tribes of the Freljord. The truth is perhaps more sinister, as she uses her elemental magic to twist the power of True Ice into something dark and terrible, entombing or impaling any who would reveal her deepest secrets. Indeed, the legacy of her past may yet be the beginning of the end for Runeterra.

Lissandra is some sort of combination of a burst and control mage with a lot of CC. Lissandra has excellent teamfights and roaming capabilities. In addition, all her abilities do decent damage. This amount of instant CC makes Lissandra an extremely good initiator with instant lockdown a single target and slow all enemies around it. Her primary weakness is that she falls off in late game.

Good and weak points

+ Good initation and teamfights
+ A lot of CC
+ Good into melee champions
+ Build-in escape in kit
+ All abilities are AoE
+ Great roaming potential

- Short range abilities
- Kinda low damage compared to other burst champions
- Falls of in late game
- Needs some Mana-management early
- Relying on team
- Small 1v9 carry potential
Tips & Important informations

Lissandra E cannot be reactivated if Lissandra is stunned, silenced or grounded.

★ Frozen Thralls from Lissandra passive are considered as champions for Turret Plating gold sharing so if enemy champion dies while Lissandra is near and you will hit plate from turret corpse will yoink half of turret plate gold.

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