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Recommended Items
Runes: Gotta collect 'em all (Favourite)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Pew Pew
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
// Scales too much from your AD //
When he kills you with his R he steals part of your AD and you will reach about 1000 AD, not ideal at all, will oneshot your entire squad if he plays it right, you will die under tower with just R and E, just pray
// Grab so kill secure //
When he Grabs use W and put E under the enemy then Auto, 100% dead
// Grab so kill secure // When he Grabs use W and put E under the enemy then Auto, 100% dead
Champion Build Guide
You wanna play it semi-safe and let them come to you, worst idea is jumping on them when they have the potential to kill you!
They'll lose patience thinking you're squishy and jump on you, that's when you'll strike.
You'll want to keep heading away from them while you attack if they chase you.
Don't be overly aggressive, the point of all of this is that you always need to be wary of the enemy and your surroundings, you'll scale hard and then it's when you'll punish them.
Always try to scare them away by setting up minions for Q, they'll never stay close and if they do you'll hurt.
Place E in bushes for visual, stop a gank or if you are pushed or around mid lane, ALWAYS one behind you towards the tower, if they jump on you or the jungler shows up, that E is your safety and only hope if you're not fed, if they are close to you, lead them to the E and W instantly to stop them on their tracks, just run away.
E can be used for a little burst on a big wave with a grenade followup and a W if needed to clear up some more.
Use R when they are about 1/4 health, you'll most likely kill them easy.
No need to say to always hit the enemy when you can with autos, especially with the fourth auto, but DON'T search for it unless fed!
Always remember, practice makes perfect and you'll have bad games too!

^ Sample of me not sucking in normal games for demonstration purposes (I'm a pro silver!! [not])
idk how to format this in a pretty way, should have studied web development when I had the chance to
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