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Runes: Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Abilities
Soul Siphon (PASSIVE)
Morgana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Graves is a hard matchup because he has a lot of mobility, can clear fast and he can easily break your tempo by invading, if he scales he just 1 shots you.
Champion Build Guide
Table of Contents
1. introduction
2. pros and cons
3. masteries
About me
Hello everyone, I am Insightful a multi season Challenger player in the EUW server and recently morgana jungle has come out as a strong pick in both proplay and soloq so I've decided to write a guide about it to help those who are interested in giving it a try! I've reached challenger twice this season on 2 different accounts and hopefully I'm able to pass some knowledge to you guys aswell.

Champion Introduction: Morgana
Morgana Despite being mostly a support champion, recently riot has given her a few changes to make her a viable jungle, as a result she became a very dominant champion in both proplay and soloq as a jungler, despite recieving a few nerfs, the overall result was still a buff from what she used to be, she has a very fast and healthy clear due to her passive, she never loses HP while clearing camps and she has very strong ganks and teamfighting too, she has a decent amount of damage and can peel for her carries aswell. |
Pros & Cons

Her passive is what makes her able to clear the jungle,she has lifesteal from her abilities and it works on large monsters, it's a great passive to always keep you at full hp while doing camps.

Her Q is basically a projective who roots enemies in place for a VERY long time, it's arguably her most important skill since you need to hit it to make your ganks successful and to make sure they take the damage from your W. This is the 2nd skill you will max.

Her W is an AoE ability who does damage every second an enemy stands on it and at the same time for each enemy on it, it reduces the cooldown of it by 1 second. It's the most important skill to clear jungle camps and it's the one you will max first to make sure you can clear fast and stay ahead in tempo.

This is one of the reasons why morgana is such a good teamfight champion, her blackshield gives a magic resistance shield who blocks every form of crowd control while the shield is active, time it perfectly on your carries and enable them. Or use on yourself to avoid getting caught in a bad situation.

Her ultimate ability is a 2 part skill who deals damage and stuns on your enemies on the 2nd part. It's her best ganking tool after level 6 since if you get close enough you can cast it and then you need to stay near your enemies for 2.5 seconds to deal damage again and stun them to enable the rest of your kit and make it easier to land your Q and W.
Liandry's Anguish![]() ![]() |
Zhonya's Hourglass This item is core because it has amazing synergy with her ultimate ability ![]() |
Demonic Embrace It works in a very similar way to liandry's but it also provides some defensive stats which are very helpful to make sure you don't get one shot by everything, while giving you extra damage over time that you already have. |
Mejai's soulstealer It's a snowball item, if you're feeling confident and you have 10 stacks on your ![]() |
Rabadon's Deathcap If you need to provide extra damage for your team, this is the perfect item to make the most damage out of your abilities, but it's very expensive so you don't really want to build it early because it also gives you extra AP based on how much AP you have. |
Morellonomicon If the enemy team has a lot of champions who heal such as ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Void Staff Once the enemy team starts stacking magic resistance, ![]() |

That's pretty much how to play it out, she has a very healthy and fast clear and you have plenty of time to see where you want to gank!
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